To: Subject: Patch 8.1.2413 Fcc: outbox From: Bram Moolenaar Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------------ Patch 8.1.2413 Problem: Cannot update ex_cmdidxs.h on MS-Windows. Solution: Add build rules and dependencies. (Ken Takata, closes #5337) Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_vms.mms *** ../vim-8.1.2412/src/Make_cyg_ming.mak 2019-10-10 13:22:36.963636175 +0200 --- src/Make_cyg_ming.mak 2019-12-09 21:45:45.005841968 +0100 *************** *** 1082,1087 **** --- 1082,1094 ---- $(MAKE) -C xxd -f Make_ming.mak clean $(MAKE) -C tee clean + # Run vim script to generate the Ex command lookup table. + # This only needs to be run when a command name has been added or changed. + # If this fails because you don't have Vim yet, first build and install Vim + # without changes. + cmdidxs: ex_cmds.h + vim --clean -X -u create_cmdidxs.vim + ########################################################################### INCL = vim.h alloc.h ascii.h ex_cmds.h feature.h globals.h \ keymap.h macros.h option.h os_dos.h os_win32.h proto.h regexp.h \ *************** *** 1128,1133 **** --- 1135,1142 ---- $(OUTDIR): $(MKDIR) $(OUTDIR) + $(OUTDIR)/ex_docmd.o: ex_docmd.c $(INCL) ex_cmdidxs.h + $(OUTDIR)/gui_dwrite.o: gui_dwrite.cpp gui_dwrite.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) gui_dwrite.cpp -o $@ *** ../vim-8.1.2412/src/Make_mvc.mak 2019-12-07 21:01:37.210026818 +0100 --- src/Make_mvc.mak 2019-12-09 21:45:45.005841968 +0100 *************** *** 1411,1416 **** --- 1411,1423 ---- $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Makefile clean cd .. + # Run vim script to generate the Ex command lookup table. + # This only needs to be run when a command name has been added or changed. + # If this fails because you don't have Vim yet, first build and install Vim + # without changes. + cmdidxs: ex_cmds.h + vim --clean -X -u create_cmdidxs.vim + test: cd testdir $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak win32 *************** *** 1530,1536 **** $(OUTDIR)/ex_cmds2.obj: $(OUTDIR) ex_cmds2.c $(INCL) ! $(OUTDIR)/ex_docmd.obj: $(OUTDIR) ex_docmd.c $(INCL) $(OUTDIR)/ex_eval.obj: $(OUTDIR) ex_eval.c $(INCL) --- 1537,1543 ---- $(OUTDIR)/ex_cmds2.obj: $(OUTDIR) ex_cmds2.c $(INCL) ! $(OUTDIR)/ex_docmd.obj: $(OUTDIR) ex_docmd.c $(INCL) ex_cmdidxs.h $(OUTDIR)/ex_eval.obj: $(OUTDIR) ex_eval.c $(INCL) *** ../vim-8.1.2412/src/Make_vms.mms 2019-11-30 22:38:11.909921821 +0100 --- src/Make_vms.mms 2019-12-09 21:45:45.005841968 +0100 *************** *** 765,771 **** ex_docmd.obj : ex_docmd.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \ ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \ gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \ ! globals.h ex_eval.obj : ex_eval.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \ ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \ gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \ --- 765,771 ---- ex_docmd.obj : ex_docmd.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \ ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \ gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \ ! globals.h ex_cmdidxs.h ex_eval.obj : ex_eval.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \ ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \ gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \ *** ../vim-8.1.2412/src/version.c 2019-12-08 18:41:30.625666360 +0100 --- src/version.c 2019-12-09 21:46:55.517568687 +0100 *************** *** 744,745 **** --- 744,747 ---- { /* Add new patch number below this line */ + /**/ + 2413, /**/ -- hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict: 236. You start saving URL's in your digital watch. /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\ /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\ \\\ an exciting new programming language -- /// \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///