To: Subject: Patch 8.1.0941 Fcc: outbox From: Bram Moolenaar Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------------ Patch 8.1.0941 Problem: Macros for MS-Windows are inconsistent, using "32", "3264 and others. Solution: Use MSWIN for all MS-Windows builds. Use FEAT_GUI_MSWIN for the GUI build. (Hirohito Higashi, closes #3932) Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.h, src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_ivc.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/beval.h, src/blowfish.c, src/channel.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/feature.h, src/fileio.c, src/getchar.c, src/glbl_ime.cpp, src/globals.h, src/gui.c, src/gui.h, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_f.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/if_cscope.h, src/if_lua.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_ole.cpp, src/if_perl.xs, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/if_tcl.c, src/macros.h, src/main.c, src/mbyte.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c, src/menu.c, src/message.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/nbdebug.c, src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_w32exe.c, src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h, src/proto.h, src/screen.c, src/search.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/terminal.c, src/ui.c, src/undo.c, src/version.c, src/vim.h, src/vim.rc, src/winclip.c *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/GvimExt/gvimext.h 2016-02-21 20:28:32.000000000 +0100 --- src/GvimExt/gvimext.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 31,37 **** # define STRICT #endif ! #define INC_OLE2 // WIN32, get ole2 from windows.h /* Visual Studio 2005 has 'deprecated' many of the standard CRT functions */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 --- 31,37 ---- # define STRICT #endif ! #define INC_OLE2 // MS-Windows, get ole2 from windows.h /* Visual Studio 2005 has 'deprecated' many of the standard CRT functions */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/Make_bc5.mak 2019-02-16 15:09:21.221946179 +0100 --- src/Make_bc5.mak 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 405,411 **** !endif !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") ! DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_GUI_W32 -DFEAT_CLIPBOARD !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") TARGET = gvimd.exe !else --- 405,411 ---- !endif !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") ! DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_GUI -DFEAT_CLIPBOARD !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") TARGET = gvimd.exe !else *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/Make_cyg_ming.mak 2019-02-16 15:09:21.221946179 +0100 --- src/Make_cyg_ming.mak 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 491,497 **** # See feature.h for a list of options. # Any other defines can be included here. ! DEF_GUI=-DFEAT_GUI_W32 -DFEAT_CLIPBOARD DEFINES=-DWIN32 -DWINVER=$(WINVER) -D_WIN32_WINNT=$(WINVER) \ -DHAVE_PATHDEF -DFEAT_$(FEATURES) -DHAVE_STDINT_H ifeq ($(ARCH),x86-64) --- 491,497 ---- # See feature.h for a list of options. # Any other defines can be included here. ! DEF_GUI=-DFEAT_GUI -DFEAT_CLIPBOARD DEFINES=-DWIN32 -DWINVER=$(WINVER) -D_WIN32_WINNT=$(WINVER) \ -DHAVE_PATHDEF -DFEAT_$(FEATURES) -DHAVE_STDINT_H ifeq ($(ARCH),x86-64) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/Make_ivc.mak 2019-02-16 15:09:21.221946179 +0100 --- src/Make_ivc.mak 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 92,99 **** # ADD LINK32 oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib version.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib # SUBTRACT LINK32 /incremental:yes ! RSC_PROJ= /l 0x409 /d "FEAT_GUI_W32" ! # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "FEAT_GUI_W32" !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE" --- 92,99 ---- # ADD LINK32 oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib version.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib # SUBTRACT LINK32 /incremental:yes ! RSC_PROJ= /l 0x409 /d "FEAT_GUI" ! # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "FEAT_GUI" !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE" *************** *** 105,112 **** VIM=gvim EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/if_ole.obj" "$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /I ".\oleRel" /d "NDEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleRel\vim.res # ADD RSC /I ".\oleRel" /d "NDEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleRel\vim.res --- 105,112 ---- VIM=gvim EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/if_ole.obj" "$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /I ".\oleRel" /d "NDEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleRel\vim.res # ADD RSC /I ".\oleRel" /d "NDEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleRel\vim.res *************** *** 124,131 **** VIM=gvimd EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/if_ole.obj" "$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /I .\oleDbg /d "_DEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleDbg\vim.res # ADD RSC /I .\oleDbg /d "_DEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleDbg\vim.res --- 124,131 ---- VIM=gvimd EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/if_ole.obj" "$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /I .\oleDbg /d "_DEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleDbg\vim.res # ADD RSC /I .\oleDbg /d "_DEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleDbg\vim.res *************** *** 144,151 **** VIM=gvim EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /Fd.\gRel/ /Fo.\gRel/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /Fd.\gRel/ /Fo.\gRel/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /d "NDEBUG" /fo.\gRel\vim.res # ADD RSC /d "NDEBUG" /fo.\gRel\vim.res --- 144,151 ---- VIM=gvim EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /Fd.\gRel/ /Fo.\gRel/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /Fd.\gRel/ /Fo.\gRel/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /d "NDEBUG" /fo.\gRel\vim.res # ADD RSC /d "NDEBUG" /fo.\gRel\vim.res *************** *** 163,170 **** VIM=gvimd EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /Fd.\gDbg/ /Fo.\gDbg/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /Fd.\gDbg/ /Fo.\gDbg/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /d "_DEBUG" /fo.\gDbg\vim.res # ADD RSC /d "_DEBUG" /fo.\gDbg\vim.res --- 163,170 ---- VIM=gvimd EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj" ! CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /Fd.\gDbg/ /Fo.\gDbg/ ! # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /Fd.\gDbg/ /Fo.\gDbg/ RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /d "_DEBUG" /fo.\gDbg\vim.res # ADD RSC /d "_DEBUG" /fo.\gDbg\vim.res *************** *** 508,514 **** # Begin Custom Build "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h" ! cl.exe /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ /I ".\oleRel" .\if_ole.cpp @rem This is the default rule with /I "$(IntDir)" added # End Custom Build --- 508,514 ---- # Begin Custom Build "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h" ! cl.exe /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ /I ".\oleRel" .\if_ole.cpp @rem This is the default rule with /I "$(IntDir)" added # End Custom Build *************** *** 519,525 **** # Begin Custom Build "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h" ! cl.exe /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_W32" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ /I ".\oleDbg" .\if_ole.cpp @rem This is the default rule with /I "$(IntDir)" added # End Custom Build --- 519,525 ---- # Begin Custom Build "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h" ! cl.exe /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ /I ".\oleDbg" .\if_ole.cpp @rem This is the default rule with /I "$(IntDir)" added # End Custom Build *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/Make_mvc.mak 2019-02-16 15:09:21.221946179 +0100 --- src/Make_mvc.mak 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 791,798 **** !if "$(GUI)" == "yes" SUBSYSTEM = windows ! CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -DFEAT_GUI_W32 ! RCFLAGS = $(RCFLAGS) -DFEAT_GUI_W32 VIM = g$(VIM) GUI_INCL = \ gui.h --- 791,798 ---- !if "$(GUI)" == "yes" SUBSYSTEM = windows ! CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -DFEAT_GUI ! RCFLAGS = $(RCFLAGS) -DFEAT_GUI VIM = g$(VIM) GUI_INCL = \ gui.h *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/beval.h 2018-12-28 19:13:28.591806287 +0100 --- src/beval.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 43,49 **** int y; unsigned int state; /* Button/Modifier key state */ # else ! # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) Widget target; /* widget we are monitoring */ Widget balloonShell; Widget balloonLabel; --- 43,49 ---- int y; unsigned int state; /* Button/Modifier key state */ # else ! # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) Widget target; /* widget we are monitoring */ Widget balloonShell; Widget balloonLabel; *************** *** 63,69 **** BeState showState; /* tells us whats currently going on */ # endif # endif ! # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) Dimension screen_width; /* screen width in pixels */ Dimension screen_height; /* screen height in pixels */ # endif --- 63,69 ---- BeState showState; /* tells us whats currently going on */ # endif # endif ! # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) Dimension screen_width; /* screen width in pixels */ Dimension screen_height; /* screen height in pixels */ # endif *************** *** 76,82 **** int *vts; // vartabstop setting for this buffer #endif char_u *msg; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 void *tofree; #endif } BalloonEval; --- 76,82 ---- int *vts; // vartabstop setting for this buffer #endif char_u *msg; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN void *tofree; #endif } BalloonEval; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/blowfish.c 2019-01-13 23:38:33.375773418 +0100 --- src/blowfish.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 34,40 **** char_u uc[8]; } block8; ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* MS-Windows is always little endian */ #else # ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H --- 34,40 ---- char_u uc[8]; } block8; ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* MS-Windows is always little endian */ #else # ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/channel.c 2019-02-10 22:23:23.020415140 +0100 --- src/channel.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.536788953 +0100 *************** *** 20,26 **** #endif /* Note: when making changes here also adjust */ ! #ifdef WIN32 /* WinSock API is separated from C API, thus we can't use read(), write(), * errno... */ # define SOCK_ERRNO errno = WSAGetLastError() --- 20,26 ---- #endif /* Note: when making changes here also adjust */ ! #ifdef MSWIN /* WinSock API is separated from C API, thus we can't use read(), write(), * errno... */ # define SOCK_ERRNO errno = WSAGetLastError() *************** *** 65,71 **** static char *part_names[] = {"sock", "out", "err", "in"}; ! #ifdef WIN32 static int fd_read(sock_T fd, char *buf, size_t len) { --- 65,71 ---- static char *part_names[] = {"sock", "out", "err", "in"}; ! #ifdef MSWIN static int fd_read(sock_T fd, char *buf, size_t len) { *************** *** 234,240 **** } } ! #ifdef _WIN32 # undef PERROR # define PERROR(msg) (void)semsg("%s: %s", msg, strerror_win32(errno)) --- 234,240 ---- } } ! #ifdef MSWIN # undef PERROR # define PERROR(msg) (void)semsg("%s: %s", msg, strerror_win32(errno)) *************** *** 687,693 **** int sd = -1; struct sockaddr_in server; struct hostent *host; ! #ifdef WIN32 u_short port = port_in; u_long val = 1; #else --- 687,693 ---- int sd = -1; struct sockaddr_in server; struct hostent *host; ! #ifdef MSWIN u_short port = port_in; u_long val = 1; #else *************** *** 696,702 **** channel_T *channel; int ret; ! #ifdef WIN32 channel_init_winsock(); #endif --- 696,702 ---- channel_T *channel; int ret; ! #ifdef MSWIN channel_init_winsock(); #endif *************** *** 758,764 **** { /* Make connect() non-blocking. */ if ( ! #ifdef _WIN32 ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, &val) < 0 #else fcntl(sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0 --- 758,764 ---- { /* Make connect() non-blocking. */ if ( ! #ifdef MSWIN ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, &val) < 0 #else fcntl(sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0 *************** *** 804,817 **** /* If connect() didn't finish then try using select() to wait for the * connection to be made. For Win32 always use select() to wait. */ ! #ifndef WIN32 if (errno != ECONNREFUSED) #endif { struct timeval tv; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; ! #ifndef WIN32 int so_error = 0; socklen_t so_error_len = sizeof(so_error); struct timeval start_tv; --- 804,817 ---- /* If connect() didn't finish then try using select() to wait for the * connection to be made. For Win32 always use select() to wait. */ ! #ifndef MSWIN if (errno != ECONNREFUSED) #endif { struct timeval tv; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; ! #ifndef MSWIN int so_error = 0; socklen_t so_error_len = sizeof(so_error); struct timeval start_tv; *************** *** 824,830 **** tv.tv_sec = waitnow / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (waitnow % 1000) * 1000; ! #ifndef WIN32 gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL); #endif ch_log(channel, --- 824,830 ---- tv.tv_sec = waitnow / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (waitnow % 1000) * 1000; ! #ifndef MSWIN gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL); #endif ch_log(channel, *************** *** 842,848 **** return NULL; } ! #ifdef WIN32 /* On Win32: select() is expected to work and wait for up to * "waitnow" msec for the socket to be open. */ if (FD_ISSET(sd, &wfds)) --- 842,848 ---- return NULL; } ! #ifdef MSWIN /* On Win32: select() is expected to work and wait for up to * "waitnow" msec for the socket to be open. */ if (FD_ISSET(sd, &wfds)) *************** *** 893,899 **** #endif } ! #ifndef WIN32 if (waittime > 1 && elapsed_msec < waittime) { /* The port isn't ready but we also didn't get an error. --- 893,899 ---- #endif } ! #ifndef MSWIN if (waittime > 1 && elapsed_msec < waittime) { /* The port isn't ready but we also didn't get an error. *************** *** 930,936 **** if (waittime >= 0) { ! #ifdef _WIN32 val = 0; ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, &val); #else --- 930,936 ---- if (waittime >= 0) { ! #ifdef MSWIN val = 0; ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, &val); #else *************** *** 1029,1035 **** && (part == PART_OUT || channel->CH_OUT_FD != *fd) && (part == PART_ERR || channel->CH_ERR_FD != *fd)) { ! #ifdef WIN32 if (channel->ch_named_pipe) DisconnectNamedPipe((HANDLE)fd); #endif --- 1029,1035 ---- && (part == PART_OUT || channel->CH_OUT_FD != *fd) && (part == PART_ERR || channel->CH_ERR_FD != *fd)) { ! #ifdef MSWIN if (channel->ch_named_pipe) DisconnectNamedPipe((HANDLE)fd); #endif *************** *** 1427,1433 **** in_part->ch_block_write = 1; /* TODO: Win32 implementation, probably using WaitForMultipleObjects() */ ! #ifndef WIN32 { # if defined(HAVE_SELECT) struct timeval tval; --- 1427,1433 ---- in_part->ch_block_write = 1; /* TODO: Win32 implementation, probably using WaitForMultipleObjects() */ ! #ifndef MSWIN { # if defined(HAVE_SELECT) struct timeval tval; *************** *** 1759,1765 **** { if (*p == NUL) *p = NL; ! #ifdef WIN32 else if (*p == 0x1b) { // crush the escape sequence OSC 0/1/2: ESC ]0; --- 1759,1765 ---- { if (*p == NUL) *p = NL; ! #ifdef MSWIN else if (*p == 0x1b) { // crush the escape sequence OSC 0/1/2: ESC ]0; *************** *** 2064,2070 **** (int)buflen); reader.js_used = 0; chanpart->ch_wait_len = buflen; ! #ifdef WIN32 chanpart->ch_deadline = GetTickCount() + 100L; #else gettimeofday(&chanpart->ch_deadline, NULL); --- 2064,2070 ---- (int)buflen); reader.js_used = 0; chanpart->ch_wait_len = buflen; ! #ifdef MSWIN chanpart->ch_deadline = GetTickCount() + 100L; #else gettimeofday(&chanpart->ch_deadline, NULL); *************** *** 2079,2085 **** else { int timeout; ! #ifdef WIN32 timeout = GetTickCount() > chanpart->ch_deadline; #else { --- 2079,2085 ---- else { int timeout; ! #ifdef MSWIN timeout = GetTickCount() > chanpart->ch_deadline; #else { *************** *** 3198,3204 **** if (timeout > 0) ch_log(channel, "Waiting for up to %d msec", timeout); ! # ifdef WIN32 if (fd != channel->CH_SOCK_FD) { DWORD nread; --- 3198,3204 ---- if (timeout > 0) ch_log(channel, "Waiting for up to %d msec", timeout); ! # ifdef MSWIN if (fd != channel->CH_SOCK_FD) { DWORD nread; *************** *** 3554,3560 **** timeout = timeout_arg; if (chanpart->ch_wait_len > 0) { ! #ifdef WIN32 timeout = chanpart->ch_deadline - GetTickCount() + 1; #else { --- 3554,3560 ---- timeout = timeout_arg; if (chanpart->ch_wait_len > 0) { ! #ifdef MSWIN timeout = chanpart->ch_deadline - GetTickCount() + 1; #else { *************** *** 3680,3686 **** free_job_options(&opt); } ! # if defined(WIN32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(PROTO) /* * Lookup the channel from the socket. Set "partp" to the fd index. --- 3680,3686 ---- free_job_options(&opt); } ! # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(PROTO) /* * Lookup the channel from the socket. Set "partp" to the fd index. *************** *** 3707,3713 **** } # endif ! # if defined(WIN32) || defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO) /* * Check the channels for anything that is ready to be read. * The data is put in the read queue. --- 3707,3713 ---- } # endif ! # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO) /* * Check the channels for anything that is ready to be read. * The data is put in the read queue. *************** *** 3772,3778 **** if (fd != INVALID_FD) { ! #ifdef _WIN32 u_long val = 1; ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &val); --- 3772,3778 ---- if (fd != INVALID_FD) { ! #ifdef MSWIN u_long val = 1; ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &val); *************** *** 3853,3859 **** else { res = fd_write(fd, (char *)buf, len); ! #ifdef WIN32 if (channel->ch_named_pipe && res < 0) { DisconnectNamedPipe((HANDLE)fd); --- 3853,3859 ---- else { res = fd_write(fd, (char *)buf, len); ! #ifdef MSWIN if (channel->ch_named_pipe && res < 0) { DisconnectNamedPipe((HANDLE)fd); *************** *** 4213,4219 **** } # endif /* UNIX && !HAVE_SELECT */ ! # if (!defined(WIN32) && defined(HAVE_SELECT)) || defined(PROTO) /* * The "fd_set" type is hidden to avoid problems with the function proto. --- 4213,4219 ---- } # endif /* UNIX && !HAVE_SELECT */ ! # if (!defined(MSWIN) && defined(HAVE_SELECT)) || defined(PROTO) /* * The "fd_set" type is hidden to avoid problems with the function proto. *************** *** 4313,4319 **** return ret; } ! # endif /* !WIN32 && HAVE_SELECT */ /* * Execute queued up commands. --- 4313,4319 ---- return ret; } ! # endif /* !MSWIN && HAVE_SELECT */ /* * Execute queued up commands. *************** *** 5039,5045 **** break; opt->jo_cwd = tv_get_string_buf_chk(item, opt->jo_cwd_buf); if (opt->jo_cwd == NULL || !mch_isdir(opt->jo_cwd) ! #ifndef WIN32 // Win32 directories don't have the concept of "executable" || mch_access((char *)opt->jo_cwd, X_OK) != 0 #endif ) --- 5039,5045 ---- break; opt->jo_cwd = tv_get_string_buf_chk(item, opt->jo_cwd_buf); if (opt->jo_cwd == NULL || !mch_isdir(opt->jo_cwd) ! #ifndef MSWIN // Win32 directories don't have the concept of "executable" || mch_access((char *)opt->jo_cwd, X_OK) != 0 #endif ) *************** *** 5199,5205 **** #ifdef UNIX vim_free(job->jv_termsig); #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 vim_free(job->jv_tty_type); #endif free_callback(job->jv_exit_cb, job->jv_exit_partial); --- 5199,5205 ---- #ifdef UNIX vim_free(job->jv_termsig); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN vim_free(job->jv_tty_type); #endif free_callback(job->jv_exit_cb, job->jv_exit_partial); *************** *** 5971,5977 **** #ifdef UNIX dict_add_string(dict, "termsig", job->jv_termsig); #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 dict_add_string(dict, "tty_type", job->jv_tty_type); #endif --- 5971,5977 ---- #ifdef UNIX dict_add_string(dict, "termsig", job->jv_termsig); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN dict_add_string(dict, "tty_type", job->jv_tty_type); #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/edit.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.209946237 +0100 --- src/edit.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.540788930 +0100 *************** *** 1247,1255 **** did_cursorhold = TRUE; break; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 ! /* On Win32 ignore , we get it when closing the window was ! * cancelled. */ case K_F4: if (mod_mask != MOD_MASK_ALT) goto normalchar; --- 1247,1255 ---- did_cursorhold = TRUE; break; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN ! /* On MS-Windows ignore , we get it when closing the window ! * was cancelled. */ case K_F4: if (mod_mask != MOD_MASK_ALT) goto normalchar; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/eval.c 2019-02-12 22:28:27.845232664 +0100 --- src/eval.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.540788930 +0100 *************** *** 7460,7466 **** # ifdef UNIX vim_snprintf((char *)buf, NUMBUFLEN, "process %ld %s", (long)job->jv_pid, status); ! # elif defined(WIN32) vim_snprintf((char *)buf, NUMBUFLEN, "process %ld %s", (long)job->jv_proc_info.dwProcessId, --- 7460,7466 ---- # ifdef UNIX vim_snprintf((char *)buf, NUMBUFLEN, "process %ld %s", (long)job->jv_pid, status); ! # elif defined(MSWIN) vim_snprintf((char *)buf, NUMBUFLEN, "process %ld %s", (long)job->jv_proc_info.dwProcessId, *************** *** 9956,9962 **** #if defined(FEAT_MODIFY_FNAME) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO) ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Functions for ":8" filename modifier: get 8.3 version of a filename. */ --- 9956,9962 ---- #if defined(FEAT_MODIFY_FNAME) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO) ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * Functions for ":8" filename modifier: get 8.3 version of a filename. */ *************** *** 10191,10197 **** return OK; } ! #endif /* WIN3264 */ /* * Adjust a filename, according to a string of modifiers. --- 10191,10197 ---- return OK; } ! #endif // MSWIN /* * Adjust a filename, according to a string of modifiers. *************** *** 10215,10221 **** char_u dirname[MAXPATHL]; int c; int has_fullname = 0; ! #ifdef WIN3264 char_u *fname_start = *fnamep; int has_shortname = 0; #endif --- 10215,10221 ---- char_u dirname[MAXPATHL]; int c; int has_fullname = 0; ! #ifdef MSWIN char_u *fname_start = *fnamep; int has_shortname = 0; #endif *************** *** 10270,10276 **** return -1; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 # if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 if (vim_strchr(*fnamep, '~') != NULL) { --- 10270,10276 ---- return -1; } ! #ifdef MSWIN # if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 if (vim_strchr(*fnamep, '~') != NULL) { *************** *** 10313,10319 **** *usedlen += 2; if (c == '8') { ! #ifdef WIN3264 has_shortname = 1; /* Postpone this. */ #endif continue; --- 10313,10319 ---- *usedlen += 2; if (c == '8') { ! #ifdef MSWIN has_shortname = 1; /* Postpone this. */ #endif continue; *************** *** 10406,10417 **** if (src[*usedlen] == ':' && src[*usedlen + 1] == '8') { *usedlen += 2; ! #ifdef WIN3264 has_shortname = 1; #endif } ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Handle ":8" after we have done 'heads' and before we do 'tails'. */ --- 10406,10417 ---- if (src[*usedlen] == ':' && src[*usedlen + 1] == '8') { *usedlen += 2; ! #ifdef MSWIN has_shortname = 1; #endif } ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * Handle ":8" after we have done 'heads' and before we do 'tails'. */ *************** *** 10455,10461 **** *fnamelen = l; } } ! #endif /* WIN3264 */ /* ":t" - tail, just the basename */ if (src[*usedlen] == ':' && src[*usedlen + 1] == 't') --- 10455,10461 ---- *fnamelen = l; } } ! #endif // MSWIN /* ":t" - tail, just the basename */ if (src[*usedlen] == ':' && src[*usedlen + 1] == 't') *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/evalfunc.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.217946198 +0100 --- src/evalfunc.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.540788930 +0100 *************** *** 123,129 **** static void f_count(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); static void f_cscope_connection(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); static void f_cursor(typval_T *argsvars, typval_T *rettv); ! #ifdef WIN3264 static void f_debugbreak(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); #endif static void f_deepcopy(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); --- 123,129 ---- static void f_count(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); static void f_cscope_connection(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); static void f_cursor(typval_T *argsvars, typval_T *rettv); ! #ifdef MSWIN static void f_debugbreak(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); #endif static void f_deepcopy(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv); *************** *** 599,605 **** {"count", 2, 4, f_count}, {"cscope_connection",0,3, f_cscope_connection}, {"cursor", 1, 3, f_cursor}, ! #ifdef WIN3264 {"debugbreak", 1, 1, f_debugbreak}, #endif {"deepcopy", 1, 2, f_deepcopy}, --- 599,605 ---- {"count", 2, 4, f_count}, {"cscope_connection",0,3, f_cscope_connection}, {"cursor", 1, 3, f_cursor}, ! #ifdef MSWIN {"debugbreak", 1, 1, f_debugbreak}, #endif {"deepcopy", 1, 2, f_deepcopy}, *************** *** 2884,2890 **** rettv->vval.v_number = 0; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * "debugbreak()" function */ --- 2884,2890 ---- rettv->vval.v_number = 0; } ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * "debugbreak()" function */ *************** *** 4137,4143 **** if (gui.in_use) gui_mch_set_foreground(); #else ! # ifdef WIN32 win32_set_foreground(); # endif #endif --- 4137,4143 ---- if (gui.in_use) gui_mch_set_foreground(); #else ! # ifdef MSWIN win32_set_foreground(); # endif #endif *************** *** 6152,6158 **** #ifdef VMS "vms", #endif ! #ifdef WIN32 "win32", #endif #if defined(UNIX) && (defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) --- 6152,6158 ---- #ifdef VMS "vms", #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN "win32", #endif #if defined(UNIX) && (defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) *************** *** 6182,6188 **** #endif #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI "balloon_eval", ! # ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* other GUIs always have multiline balloons */ "balloon_multiline", # endif #endif --- 6182,6188 ---- #endif #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI "balloon_eval", ! # ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* other GUIs always have multiline balloons */ "balloon_multiline", # endif #endif *************** *** 6196,6202 **** # endif #endif #if defined(FEAT_BROWSE) && (defined(USE_FILE_CHOOSER) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF)) "browsefilter", #endif --- 6196,6202 ---- # endif #endif #if defined(FEAT_BROWSE) && (defined(USE_FILE_CHOOSER) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF)) "browsefilter", #endif *************** *** 6322,6328 **** #ifdef FEAT_GUI_PHOTON "gui_photon", #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 "gui_win32", #endif #ifdef FEAT_HANGULIN --- 6322,6328 ---- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_PHOTON "gui_photon", #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN "gui_win32", #endif #ifdef FEAT_HANGULIN *************** *** 6526,6532 **** #ifdef FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS "termguicolors", #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) && !defined(WIN3264) "terminal", #endif #ifdef TERMINFO --- 6526,6532 ---- #ifdef FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS "termguicolors", #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) && !defined(MSWIN) "terminal", #endif #ifdef TERMINFO *************** *** 6658,6664 **** n = stdout_isatty; else if (STRICMP(name, "multi_byte_encoding") == 0) n = has_mbyte; ! #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL) && defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) else if (STRICMP(name, "balloon_multiline") == 0) n = multiline_balloon_available(); #endif --- 6658,6664 ---- n = stdout_isatty; else if (STRICMP(name, "multi_byte_encoding") == 0) n = has_mbyte; ! #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL) && defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) else if (STRICMP(name, "balloon_multiline") == 0) n = multiline_balloon_available(); #endif *************** *** 6731,6741 **** else if (STRICMP(name, "netbeans_enabled") == 0) n = netbeans_active(); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) && defined(WIN3264) else if (STRICMP(name, "terminal") == 0) n = terminal_enabled(); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) && defined(WIN3264) else if (STRICMP(name, "conpty") == 0) n = use_conpty(); #endif --- 6731,6741 ---- else if (STRICMP(name, "netbeans_enabled") == 0) n = netbeans_active(); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) && defined(MSWIN) else if (STRICMP(name, "terminal") == 0) n = terminal_enabled(); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) && defined(MSWIN) else if (STRICMP(name, "conpty") == 0) n = use_conpty(); #endif *************** *** 9309,9315 **** return FAIL; n1 = list_find_nr(arg->vval.v_list, 0L, &error); n2 = list_find_nr(arg->vval.v_list, 1L, &error); ! # ifdef WIN3264 tm->HighPart = n1; tm->LowPart = n2; # else --- 9309,9315 ---- return FAIL; n1 = list_find_nr(arg->vval.v_list, 0L, &error); n2 = list_find_nr(arg->vval.v_list, 1L, &error); ! # ifdef MSWIN tm->HighPart = n1; tm->LowPart = n2; # else *************** *** 9354,9360 **** { long n1, n2; ! # ifdef WIN3264 n1 = res.HighPart; n2 = res.LowPart; # else --- 9354,9360 ---- { long n1, n2; ! # ifdef MSWIN n1 = res.HighPart; n2 = res.LowPart; # else *************** *** 9443,9449 **** char_u *r = NULL; char_u buf[NUMBUFLEN]; int timeout = 0; ! # ifdef WIN32 HWND w; # else Window w; --- 9443,9449 ---- char_u *r = NULL; char_u buf[NUMBUFLEN]; int timeout = 0; ! # ifdef MSWIN HWND w; # else Window w; *************** *** 9464,9470 **** if (server_name == NULL) return; /* type error; errmsg already given */ keys = tv_get_string_buf(&argvars[1], buf); ! # ifdef WIN32 if (serverSendToVim(server_name, keys, &r, &w, expr, timeout, TRUE) < 0) # else if (serverSendToVim(X_DISPLAY, server_name, keys, &r, &w, expr, timeout, --- 9464,9470 ---- if (server_name == NULL) return; /* type error; errmsg already given */ keys = tv_get_string_buf(&argvars[1], buf); ! # ifdef MSWIN if (serverSendToVim(server_name, keys, &r, &w, expr, timeout, TRUE) < 0) # else if (serverSendToVim(X_DISPLAY, server_name, keys, &r, &w, expr, timeout, *************** *** 9522,9528 **** f_remote_foreground(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED) { #ifdef FEAT_CLIENTSERVER ! # ifdef WIN32 /* On Win32 it's done in this application. */ { char_u *server_name = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[0]); --- 9522,9528 ---- f_remote_foreground(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED) { #ifdef FEAT_CLIENTSERVER ! # ifdef MSWIN /* On Win32 it's done in this application. */ { char_u *server_name = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[0]); *************** *** 9549,9555 **** #ifdef FEAT_CLIENTSERVER dictitem_T v; char_u *s = NULL; ! # ifdef WIN32 long_u n = 0; # endif char_u *serverid; --- 9549,9555 ---- #ifdef FEAT_CLIENTSERVER dictitem_T v; char_u *s = NULL; ! # ifdef MSWIN long_u n = 0; # endif char_u *serverid; *************** *** 9565,9571 **** rettv->vval.v_number = -1; return; /* type error; errmsg already given */ } ! # ifdef WIN32 sscanf((const char *)serverid, SCANF_HEX_LONG_U, &n); if (n == 0) rettv->vval.v_number = -1; --- 9565,9571 ---- rettv->vval.v_number = -1; return; /* type error; errmsg already given */ } ! # ifdef MSWIN sscanf((const char *)serverid, SCANF_HEX_LONG_U, &n); if (n == 0) rettv->vval.v_number = -1; *************** *** 9609,9615 **** if (serverid != NULL && !check_restricted() && !check_secure()) { int timeout = 0; ! # ifdef WIN32 /* The server's HWND is encoded in the 'id' parameter */ long_u n = 0; # endif --- 9609,9615 ---- if (serverid != NULL && !check_restricted() && !check_secure()) { int timeout = 0; ! # ifdef MSWIN /* The server's HWND is encoded in the 'id' parameter */ long_u n = 0; # endif *************** *** 9617,9623 **** if (argvars[1].v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN) timeout = tv_get_number(&argvars[1]); ! # ifdef WIN32 sscanf((char *)serverid, SCANF_HEX_LONG_U, &n); if (n != 0) r = serverGetReply((HWND)n, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, timeout); --- 9617,9623 ---- if (argvars[1].v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN) timeout = tv_get_number(&argvars[1]); ! # ifdef MSWIN sscanf((char *)serverid, SCANF_HEX_LONG_U, &n); if (n != 0) r = serverGetReply((HWND)n, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, timeout); *************** *** 10789,10795 **** char_u *r = NULL; #ifdef FEAT_CLIENTSERVER ! # ifdef WIN32 r = serverGetVimNames(); # else make_connection(); --- 10789,10795 ---- char_u *r = NULL; #ifdef FEAT_CLIENTSERVER ! # ifdef MSWIN r = serverGetVimNames(); # else make_connection(); *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/ex_cmds.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.213946217 +0100 --- src/ex_cmds.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.544788906 +0100 *************** *** 1618,1624 **** */ #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN if (cmd == NULL ! # ifdef WIN3264 || (winstart && !need_wait_return) # endif ) --- 1618,1624 ---- */ #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN if (cmd == NULL ! # ifdef MSWIN || (winstart && !need_wait_return) # endif ) *************** *** 1643,1649 **** # endif no_wait_return = save_nwr; } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #ifdef MSWIN if (!winstart) /* if winstart==TRUE, never stopped termcap! */ --- 1643,1649 ---- # endif no_wait_return = save_nwr; } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #ifdef MSWIN if (!winstart) /* if winstart==TRUE, never stopped termcap! */ *************** *** 1935,1941 **** int shortname = FALSE; /* use 8.3 file name */ stat_T st_old; /* mch_stat() of existing viminfo file */ #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 int hidden = FALSE; #endif --- 1935,1941 ---- int shortname = FALSE; /* use 8.3 file name */ stat_T st_old; /* mch_stat() of existing viminfo file */ #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN int hidden = FALSE; #endif *************** *** 1999,2005 **** goto end; } #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* Get the file attributes of the existing viminfo file. */ hidden = mch_ishidden(fname); #endif --- 1999,2005 ---- goto end; } #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN /* Get the file attributes of the existing viminfo file. */ hidden = mch_ishidden(fname); #endif *************** *** 2195,2201 **** ++viminfo_errcnt; semsg(_("E886: Can't rename viminfo file to %s!"), fname); } ! # ifdef WIN3264 /* If the viminfo file was hidden then also hide the new file. */ else if (hidden) mch_hide(fname); --- 2195,2201 ---- ++viminfo_errcnt; semsg(_("E886: Can't rename viminfo file to %s!"), fname); } ! # ifdef MSWIN /* If the viminfo file was hidden then also hide the new file. */ else if (hidden) mch_hide(fname); *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/ex_cmds2.c 2019-02-16 00:00:24.804989830 +0100 --- src/ex_cmds2.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.544788906 +0100 *************** *** 1048,1054 **** void profile_start(proftime_T *tm) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 QueryPerformanceCounter(tm); # else gettimeofday(tm, NULL); --- 1048,1054 ---- void profile_start(proftime_T *tm) { ! # ifdef MSWIN QueryPerformanceCounter(tm); # else gettimeofday(tm, NULL); *************** *** 1063,1069 **** { proftime_T now; ! # ifdef WIN3264 QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); tm->QuadPart = now.QuadPart - tm->QuadPart; # else --- 1063,1069 ---- { proftime_T now; ! # ifdef MSWIN QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); tm->QuadPart = now.QuadPart - tm->QuadPart; # else *************** *** 1084,1090 **** void profile_sub(proftime_T *tm, proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 tm->QuadPart -= tm2->QuadPart; # else tm->tv_usec -= tm2->tv_usec; --- 1084,1090 ---- void profile_sub(proftime_T *tm, proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef MSWIN tm->QuadPart -= tm2->QuadPart; # else tm->tv_usec -= tm2->tv_usec; *************** *** 1106,1112 **** { static char buf[50]; ! # ifdef WIN3264 LARGE_INTEGER fr; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&fr); --- 1106,1112 ---- { static char buf[50]; ! # ifdef MSWIN LARGE_INTEGER fr; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&fr); *************** *** 1124,1130 **** float_T profile_float(proftime_T *tm) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 LARGE_INTEGER fr; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&fr); --- 1124,1130 ---- float_T profile_float(proftime_T *tm) { ! # ifdef MSWIN LARGE_INTEGER fr; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&fr); *************** *** 1145,1151 **** profile_zero(tm); else { ! # ifdef WIN3264 LARGE_INTEGER fr; QueryPerformanceCounter(tm); --- 1145,1151 ---- profile_zero(tm); else { ! # ifdef MSWIN LARGE_INTEGER fr; QueryPerformanceCounter(tm); *************** *** 1170,1176 **** { proftime_T now; ! # ifdef WIN3264 if (tm->QuadPart == 0) /* timer was not set */ return FALSE; QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); --- 1170,1176 ---- { proftime_T now; ! # ifdef MSWIN if (tm->QuadPart == 0) /* timer was not set */ return FALSE; QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); *************** *** 1190,1196 **** void profile_zero(proftime_T *tm) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 tm->QuadPart = 0; # else tm->tv_usec = 0; --- 1190,1196 ---- void profile_zero(proftime_T *tm) { ! # ifdef MSWIN tm->QuadPart = 0; # else tm->tv_usec = 0; *************** *** 1207,1213 **** long proftime_time_left(proftime_T *due, proftime_T *now) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 LARGE_INTEGER fr; if (now->QuadPart > due->QuadPart) --- 1207,1213 ---- long proftime_time_left(proftime_T *due, proftime_T *now) { ! # ifdef MSWIN LARGE_INTEGER fr; if (now->QuadPart > due->QuadPart) *************** *** 1592,1598 **** profile_zero(tm2); else { ! # ifdef WIN3264 tm2->QuadPart = tm->QuadPart / count; # else double usec = (tm->tv_sec * 1000000.0 + tm->tv_usec) / count; --- 1592,1598 ---- profile_zero(tm2); else { ! # ifdef MSWIN tm2->QuadPart = tm->QuadPart / count; # else double usec = (tm->tv_sec * 1000000.0 + tm->tv_usec) / count; *************** *** 1617,1623 **** void profile_add(proftime_T *tm, proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 tm->QuadPart += tm2->QuadPart; # else tm->tv_usec += tm2->tv_usec; --- 1617,1623 ---- void profile_add(proftime_T *tm, proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef MSWIN tm->QuadPart += tm2->QuadPart; # else tm->tv_usec += tm2->tv_usec; *************** *** 1638,1644 **** { /* Check that the result won't be negative. Can happen with recursive * calls. */ ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (total->QuadPart <= children->QuadPart) return; #else --- 1638,1644 ---- { /* Check that the result won't be negative. Can happen with recursive * calls. */ ! #ifdef MSWIN if (total->QuadPart <= children->QuadPart) return; #else *************** *** 1678,1684 **** int profile_equal(proftime_T *tm1, proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 return (tm1->QuadPart == tm2->QuadPart); # else return (tm1->tv_usec == tm2->tv_usec && tm1->tv_sec == tm2->tv_sec); --- 1678,1684 ---- int profile_equal(proftime_T *tm1, proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef MSWIN return (tm1->QuadPart == tm2->QuadPart); # else return (tm1->tv_usec == tm2->tv_usec && tm1->tv_sec == tm2->tv_sec); *************** *** 1691,1697 **** int profile_cmp(const proftime_T *tm1, const proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 return (int)(tm2->QuadPart - tm1->QuadPart); # else if (tm1->tv_sec == tm2->tv_sec) --- 1691,1697 ---- int profile_cmp(const proftime_T *tm1, const proftime_T *tm2) { ! # ifdef MSWIN return (int)(tm2->QuadPart - tm1->QuadPart); # else if (tm1->tv_sec == tm2->tv_sec) *************** *** 4286,4292 **** static char_u *get_one_sourceline(struct source_cookie *sp); ! #if (defined(WIN32) && defined(FEAT_CSCOPE)) || defined(HAVE_FD_CLOEXEC) # define USE_FOPEN_NOINH /* * Special function to open a file without handle inheritance. --- 4286,4292 ---- static char_u *get_one_sourceline(struct source_cookie *sp); ! #if (defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_CSCOPE)) || defined(HAVE_FD_CLOEXEC) # define USE_FOPEN_NOINH /* * Special function to open a file without handle inheritance. *************** *** 4295,4301 **** static FILE * fopen_noinh_readbin(char *filename) { ! # ifdef WIN32 int fd_tmp = mch_open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY | O_NOINHERIT, 0); # else int fd_tmp = mch_open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0); --- 4295,4301 ---- static FILE * fopen_noinh_readbin(char *filename) { ! # ifdef MSWIN int fd_tmp = mch_open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY | O_NOINHERIT, 0); # else int fd_tmp = mch_open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0); *************** *** 5201,5207 **** /* Obtain the locale value from the libraries. */ loc = (char_u *)setlocale(what, NULL); ! # ifdef WIN32 if (loc != NULL) { char_u *p; --- 5201,5207 ---- /* Obtain the locale value from the libraries. */ loc = (char_u *)setlocale(what, NULL); ! # ifdef MSWIN if (loc != NULL) { char_u *p; *************** *** 5230,5236 **** #endif ! #ifdef WIN32 /* * On MS-Windows locale names are strings like "German_Germany.1252", but * gettext expects "de". Try to translate one into another here for a few --- 5230,5236 ---- #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * On MS-Windows locale names are strings like "German_Germany.1252", but * gettext expects "de". Try to translate one into another here for a few *************** *** 5307,5313 **** p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"LANG"); } # endif ! # ifdef WIN32 p = gettext_lang(p); # endif return is_valid_mess_lang(p) ? p : NULL; --- 5307,5313 ---- p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"LANG"); } # endif ! # ifdef MSWIN p = gettext_lang(p); # endif return is_valid_mess_lang(p) ? p : NULL; *************** *** 5479,5485 **** /* Clear $LANGUAGE because GNU gettext uses it. */ vim_setenv((char_u *)"LANGUAGE", (char_u *)""); ! # ifdef WIN32 /* Apparently MS-Windows printf() may cause a crash when * we give it 8-bit text while it's expecting text in the * current locale. This call avoids that. */ --- 5479,5485 ---- /* Clear $LANGUAGE because GNU gettext uses it. */ vim_setenv((char_u *)"LANGUAGE", (char_u *)""); ! # ifdef MSWIN /* Apparently MS-Windows printf() may cause a crash when * we give it 8-bit text while it's expecting text in the * current locale. This call avoids that. */ *************** *** 5489,5495 **** if (what != LC_CTYPE) { char_u *mname; ! #ifdef WIN32 mname = gettext_lang(name); #else mname = name; --- 5489,5495 ---- if (what != LC_CTYPE) { char_u *mname; ! #ifdef MSWIN mname = gettext_lang(name); #else mname = name; *************** *** 5516,5522 **** static char_u **locales = NULL; /* Array of all available locales */ ! # ifndef WIN32 static int did_init_locales = FALSE; /* Return an array of strings for all available locales + NULL for the --- 5516,5522 ---- static char_u **locales = NULL; /* Array of all available locales */ ! # ifndef MSWIN static int did_init_locales = FALSE; /* Return an array of strings for all available locales + NULL for the *************** *** 5567,5573 **** static void init_locales(void) { ! # ifndef WIN32 if (!did_init_locales) { did_init_locales = TRUE; --- 5567,5573 ---- static void init_locales(void) { ! # ifndef MSWIN if (!did_init_locales) { did_init_locales = TRUE; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/ex_docmd.c 2019-02-17 15:00:48.446637100 +0100 --- src/ex_docmd.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.544788906 +0100 *************** *** 177,183 **** # define ex_gui ex_nogui static void ex_nogui(exarg_T *eap); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) static void ex_tearoff(exarg_T *eap); #else # define ex_tearoff ex_ni --- 177,183 ---- # define ex_gui ex_nogui static void ex_nogui(exarg_T *eap); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) static void ex_tearoff(exarg_T *eap); #else # define ex_tearoff ex_ni *************** *** 8866,8872 **** } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) static void ex_tearoff(exarg_T *eap) { --- 8866,8872 ---- } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) static void ex_tearoff(exarg_T *eap) { *************** *** 9853,9859 **** if (need_maketitle) maketitle(); #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) resize_console_buf(); #endif RedrawingDisabled = r; --- 9853,9859 ---- if (need_maketitle) maketitle(); #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) resize_console_buf(); #endif RedrawingDisabled = r; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/ex_getln.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.213946217 +0100 --- src/ex_getln.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.544788906 +0100 *************** *** 1899,1907 **** /* Ignore mouse event or open_cmdwin() result. */ goto cmdline_not_changed; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 ! /* On Win32 ignore , we get it when closing the window was ! * cancelled. */ case K_F4: if (mod_mask == MOD_MASK_ALT) { --- 1899,1907 ---- /* Ignore mouse event or open_cmdwin() result. */ goto cmdline_not_changed; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN ! /* On MS-Windows ignore , we get it when closing the window ! * was cancelled. */ case K_F4: if (mod_mask == MOD_MASK_ALT) { *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/feature.h 2019-01-26 17:28:22.224599141 +0100 --- src/feature.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.544788906 +0100 *************** *** 61,67 **** */ #if !defined(FEAT_TINY) && !defined(FEAT_SMALL) && !defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \ && !defined(FEAT_BIG) && !defined(FEAT_HUGE) ! # if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) || defined(MACOS_X) # define FEAT_HUGE # else # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(VMS) || defined(AMIGA) --- 61,67 ---- */ #if !defined(FEAT_TINY) && !defined(FEAT_SMALL) && !defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \ && !defined(FEAT_BIG) && !defined(FEAT_HUGE) ! # if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(MACOS_X) # define FEAT_HUGE # else # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(VMS) || defined(AMIGA) *************** *** 343,352 **** */ #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL # define FEAT_EVAL ! # if defined(HAVE_FLOAT_FUNCS) || defined(WIN3264) || defined(MACOS_X) # define FEAT_FLOAT # endif ! # if defined(HAVE_STDINT_H) || defined(WIN3264) || (VIM_SIZEOF_LONG >= 8) # define FEAT_NUM64 # endif #endif --- 333,342 ---- */ #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL # define FEAT_EVAL ! # if defined(HAVE_FLOAT_FUNCS) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(MACOS_X) # define FEAT_FLOAT # endif ! # if defined(HAVE_STDINT_H) || defined(MSWIN) || (VIM_SIZEOF_LONG >= 8) # define FEAT_NUM64 # endif #endif *************** *** 361,367 **** #if defined(FEAT_HUGE) \ && defined(FEAT_EVAL) \ && ((defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)) \ ! || defined(WIN3264)) # define FEAT_PROFILE #endif --- 351,357 ---- #if defined(FEAT_HUGE) \ && defined(FEAT_EVAL) \ && ((defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)) \ ! || defined(MSWIN)) # define FEAT_PROFILE #endif *************** *** 371,384 **** #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \ && defined(FEAT_EVAL) \ && ((defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)) \ ! || defined(WIN3264)) # define FEAT_RELTIME #endif /* * +timers timer_start() */ ! #if defined(FEAT_RELTIME) && (defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN32) || defined(VMS) ) # define FEAT_TIMERS #endif --- 361,374 ---- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \ && defined(FEAT_EVAL) \ && ((defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)) \ ! || defined(MSWIN)) # define FEAT_RELTIME #endif /* * +timers timer_start() */ ! #if defined(FEAT_RELTIME) && (defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(VMS) ) # define FEAT_TIMERS #endif *************** *** 603,609 **** * +multi_byte_ime Win32 IME input method. Only for far-east Windows, so * IME can be used to input chars. Not tested much! */ ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && !defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) /* #define FEAT_MBYTE_IME */ # endif --- 593,599 ---- * +multi_byte_ime Win32 IME input method. Only for far-east Windows, so * IME can be used to input chars. Not tested much! */ ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) /* #define FEAT_MBYTE_IME */ # endif *************** *** 659,665 **** #if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN) && defined(HAVE_DLSYM) # define USE_DLOPEN #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) && (defined(WIN3264) || ((defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \ && (defined(USE_DLOPEN) || defined(HAVE_SHL_LOAD)))) # define FEAT_LIBCALL #endif --- 649,655 ---- #if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN) && defined(HAVE_DLSYM) # define USE_DLOPEN #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) && (defined(MSWIN) || ((defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \ && (defined(USE_DLOPEN) || defined(HAVE_SHL_LOAD)))) # define FEAT_LIBCALL #endif *************** *** 669,675 **** */ #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL # define FEAT_MENU ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # define FEAT_TEAROFF # endif #endif --- 659,665 ---- */ #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL # define FEAT_MENU ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # define FEAT_TEAROFF # endif #endif *************** *** 757,763 **** #endif #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) /* need a dialog to show error messages when starting from the desktop */ # define FEAT_GUI_DIALOG #endif --- 747,753 ---- #endif #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)) /* need a dialog to show error messages when starting from the desktop */ # define FEAT_GUI_DIALOG #endif *************** *** 828,834 **** */ #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \ && ((defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)) \ ! || defined(WIN3264)) # define STARTUPTIME 1 #endif --- 818,824 ---- */ #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \ && ((defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) && defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)) \ ! || defined(MSWIN)) # define STARTUPTIME 1 #endif *************** *** 1039,1045 **** # ifdef FEAT_BIG # define FEAT_MOUSE_SGR # endif ! # if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(WIN3264) # define DOS_MOUSE # endif # if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(__QNX__) --- 1029,1035 ---- # ifdef FEAT_BIG # define FEAT_MOUSE_SGR # endif ! # if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(MSWIN) # define DOS_MOUSE # endif # if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(__QNX__) *************** *** 1136,1142 **** * +clientserver Remote control via the remote_send() function * and the --remote argument */ ! #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(FEAT_XCLIPBOARD)) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) # define FEAT_CLIENTSERVER #endif --- 1126,1132 ---- * +clientserver Remote control via the remote_send() function * and the --remote argument */ ! #if (defined(MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_XCLIPBOARD)) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) # define FEAT_CLIENTSERVER #endif *************** *** 1145,1151 **** * when --servername is not passed on the command line. */ #if defined(FEAT_CLIENTSERVER) && !defined(FEAT_AUTOSERVERNAME) ! # ifdef WIN3264 /* Always enabled on MS-Windows. */ # define FEAT_AUTOSERVERNAME # else --- 1135,1141 ---- * when --servername is not passed on the command line. */ #if defined(FEAT_CLIENTSERVER) && !defined(FEAT_AUTOSERVERNAME) ! # ifdef MSWIN /* Always enabled on MS-Windows. */ # define FEAT_AUTOSERVERNAME # else *************** *** 1169,1178 **** */ #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL /* MS-DOS console and Win32 console can change cursor shape */ ! # if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) # define MCH_CURSOR_SHAPE # endif ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) # define FEAT_MOUSESHAPE --- 1159,1168 ---- */ #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL /* MS-DOS console and Win32 console can change cursor shape */ ! # if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) # define MCH_CURSOR_SHAPE # endif ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) # define FEAT_MOUSESHAPE *************** *** 1189,1195 **** # define CURSOR_SHAPE #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_MZSCHEME) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC)) # define MZSCHEME_GUI_THREADS --- 1179,1185 ---- # define CURSOR_SHAPE #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_MZSCHEME) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC)) # define MZSCHEME_GUI_THREADS *************** *** 1263,1269 **** # if ((defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) \ && defined(HAVE_X11_XPM_H)) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! || (defined(WIN32) && defined(FEAT_GUI)) # define FEAT_SIGN_ICONS # endif #endif --- 1253,1259 ---- # if ((defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) \ && defined(HAVE_X11_XPM_H)) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! || (defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_GUI)) # define FEAT_SIGN_ICONS # endif #endif *************** *** 1274,1286 **** * Only for GUIs where it was implemented. */ #if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) \ && ( ((defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) || defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE)) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) \ || defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)) # define FEAT_BEVAL_GUI # if !defined(FEAT_XFONTSET) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) # define FEAT_XFONTSET # endif #endif --- 1264,1276 ---- * Only for GUIs where it was implemented. */ #if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)) \ && ( ((defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) || defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE)) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)) \ || defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)) # define FEAT_BEVAL_GUI # if !defined(FEAT_XFONTSET) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) # define FEAT_XFONTSET # endif #endif *************** *** 1293,1299 **** * +balloon_eval_term Allow balloon expression evaluation in the terminal. */ #if defined(FEAT_HUGE) && defined(FEAT_TIMERS) && \ ! (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || (defined(WIN32) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32))) # define FEAT_BEVAL_TERM #endif --- 1283,1289 ---- * +balloon_eval_term Allow balloon expression evaluation in the terminal. */ #if defined(FEAT_HUGE) && defined(FEAT_TIMERS) && \ ! (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || (defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN))) # define FEAT_BEVAL_TERM #endif *************** *** 1340,1352 **** * +filterpipe */ #if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(USE_SYSTEM)) \ ! || (defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) # define FEAT_FILTERPIPE #endif /* * +vtp: Win32 virtual console. */ ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(WIN3264) # define FEAT_VTP #endif --- 1330,1342 ---- * +filterpipe */ #if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(USE_SYSTEM)) \ ! || (defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)) # define FEAT_FILTERPIPE #endif /* * +vtp: Win32 virtual console. */ ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(MSWIN) # define FEAT_VTP #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/fileio.c 2019-02-15 21:06:05.338289743 +0100 --- src/fileio.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 49,55 **** #define FIO_UCS2 0x04 /* convert UCS-2 */ #define FIO_UCS4 0x08 /* convert UCS-4 */ #define FIO_UTF16 0x10 /* convert UTF-16 */ ! #ifdef WIN3264 # define FIO_CODEPAGE 0x20 /* convert MS-Windows codepage */ # define FIO_PUT_CP(x) (((x) & 0xffff) << 16) /* put codepage in top word */ # define FIO_GET_CP(x) (((x)>>16) & 0xffff) /* get codepage from top word */ --- 49,55 ---- #define FIO_UCS2 0x04 /* convert UCS-2 */ #define FIO_UCS4 0x08 /* convert UCS-4 */ #define FIO_UTF16 0x10 /* convert UTF-16 */ ! #ifdef MSWIN # define FIO_CODEPAGE 0x20 /* convert MS-Windows codepage */ # define FIO_PUT_CP(x) (((x) & 0xffff) << 16) /* put codepage in top word */ # define FIO_GET_CP(x) (((x)>>16) & 0xffff) /* get codepage from top word */ *************** *** 106,112 **** static int get_fio_flags(char_u *ptr); static char_u *check_for_bom(char_u *p, long size, int *lenp, int flags); static int make_bom(char_u *buf, char_u *name); ! #ifdef WIN3264 static int get_win_fio_flags(char_u *ptr); #endif #ifdef MACOS_CONVERT --- 106,112 ---- static int get_fio_flags(char_u *ptr); static char_u *check_for_bom(char_u *p, long size, int *lenp, int flags); static int make_bom(char_u *buf, char_u *name); ! #ifdef MSWIN static int get_win_fio_flags(char_u *ptr); #endif #ifdef MACOS_CONVERT *************** *** 1038,1044 **** else if (enc_utf8 || STRCMP(p_enc, "latin1") == 0) fio_flags = get_fio_flags(fenc); ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Conversion from an MS-Windows codepage to UTF-8 or another codepage * is handled with MultiByteToWideChar(). --- 1038,1044 ---- else if (enc_utf8 || STRCMP(p_enc, "latin1") == 0) fio_flags = get_fio_flags(fenc); ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * Conversion from an MS-Windows codepage to UTF-8 or another codepage * is handled with MultiByteToWideChar(). *************** *** 1229,1235 **** size = (size * 2 / 3) & ~3; else if (fio_flags == FIO_UCSBOM) size = size / ICONV_MULT; /* worst case */ ! #ifdef WIN3264 else if (fio_flags & FIO_CODEPAGE) size = size / ICONV_MULT; /* also worst case */ #endif --- 1229,1235 ---- size = (size * 2 / 3) & ~3; else if (fio_flags == FIO_UCSBOM) size = size / ICONV_MULT; /* worst case */ ! #ifdef MSWIN else if (fio_flags & FIO_CODEPAGE) size = size / ICONV_MULT; /* also worst case */ #endif *************** *** 1590,1596 **** } #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (fio_flags & FIO_CODEPAGE) { char_u *src, *dst; --- 1590,1596 ---- } #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN if (fio_flags & FIO_CODEPAGE) { char_u *src, *dst; *************** *** 2559,2565 **** curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = from + linecnt; curbuf->b_op_end.col = 0; ! #ifdef WIN32 /* * Work around a weird problem: When a file has two links (only * possible on NTFS) and we write through one link, then stat() it --- 2559,2565 ---- curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = from + linecnt; curbuf->b_op_end.col = 0; ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * Work around a weird problem: When a file has two links (only * possible on NTFS) and we write through one link, then stat() it *************** *** 3601,3613 **** */ if (!(append && *p_pm == NUL) && !filtering && perm >= 0 && dobackup) { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN32) stat_T st; #endif if ((bkc & BKC_YES) || append) /* "yes" */ backup_copy = TRUE; ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN32) else if ((bkc & BKC_AUTO)) /* "auto" */ { int i; --- 3601,3613 ---- */ if (!(append && *p_pm == NUL) && !filtering && perm >= 0 && dobackup) { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) stat_T st; #endif if ((bkc & BKC_YES) || append) /* "yes" */ backup_copy = TRUE; ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) else if ((bkc & BKC_AUTO)) /* "auto" */ { int i; *************** *** 3632,3638 **** backup_copy = TRUE; else # else ! # ifdef WIN32 /* On NTFS file systems hard links are possible. */ if (mch_is_linked(fname)) backup_copy = TRUE; --- 3632,3638 ---- backup_copy = TRUE; else # else ! # ifdef MSWIN /* On NTFS file systems hard links are possible. */ if (mch_is_linked(fname)) backup_copy = TRUE; *************** *** 3715,3721 **** && (lstat_res != 0 || st.st_ino == st_old.st_ino)) backup_copy = FALSE; # else ! # if defined(WIN32) /* Symlinks. */ if ((bkc & BKC_BREAKSYMLINK) && mch_is_symbolic_link(fname)) backup_copy = FALSE; --- 3715,3721 ---- && (lstat_res != 0 || st.st_ino == st_old.st_ino)) backup_copy = FALSE; # else ! # if defined(MSWIN) /* Symlinks. */ if ((bkc & BKC_BREAKSYMLINK) && mch_is_symbolic_link(fname)) backup_copy = FALSE; *************** *** 3744,3750 **** stat_T st_new; char_u *dirp; char_u *rootname; ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) char_u *p; #endif #if defined(UNIX) --- 3744,3750 ---- stat_T st_new; char_u *dirp; char_u *rootname; ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) char_u *p; #endif #if defined(UNIX) *************** *** 3785,3791 **** */ (void)copy_option_part(&dirp, copybuf, BUFSIZE, ","); ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) p = copybuf + STRLEN(copybuf); if (after_pathsep(copybuf, p) && p[-1] == p[-2]) // Ends with '//', use full path --- 3785,3791 ---- */ (void)copy_option_part(&dirp, copybuf, BUFSIZE, ","); ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) p = copybuf + STRLEN(copybuf); if (after_pathsep(copybuf, p) && p[-1] == p[-2]) // Ends with '//', use full path *************** *** 4018,4024 **** */ (void)copy_option_part(&dirp, IObuff, IOSIZE, ","); ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) p = IObuff + STRLEN(IObuff); if (after_pathsep(IObuff, p) && p[-1] == p[-2]) // path ends with '//', use full path --- 4018,4024 ---- */ (void)copy_option_part(&dirp, IObuff, IOSIZE, ","); ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) p = IObuff + STRLEN(IObuff); if (after_pathsep(IObuff, p) && p[-1] == p[-2]) // path ends with '//', use full path *************** *** 4177,4183 **** } } ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (converted && wb_flags == 0 && (wb_flags = get_win_fio_flags(fenc)) != 0) { /* Convert UTF-8 -> UCS-2 and UCS-2 -> DBCS. Worst-case * 4: */ --- 4177,4183 ---- } } ! #ifdef MSWIN if (converted && wb_flags == 0 && (wb_flags = get_win_fio_flags(fenc)) != 0) { /* Convert UTF-8 -> UCS-2 and UCS-2 -> DBCS. Worst-case * 4: */ *************** *** 4416,4422 **** vim_ignored = ftruncate(fd, (off_t)0); #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) if (backup != NULL && overwriting && !append) { if (backup_copy) --- 4416,4422 ---- vim_ignored = ftruncate(fd, (off_t)0); #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) if (backup != NULL && overwriting && !append) { if (backup_copy) *************** *** 5430,5436 **** } } ! #ifdef WIN3264 else if (flags & FIO_CODEPAGE) { /* --- 5430,5436 ---- } } ! #ifdef MSWIN else if (flags & FIO_CODEPAGE) { /* *************** *** 5869,5875 **** return 0; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Check "ptr" for a MS-Windows codepage name and return the FIO_ flags needed * for the conversion MS-Windows can do for us. Also accept "utf-8". --- 5869,5875 ---- return 0; } ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * Check "ptr" for a MS-Windows codepage name and return the FIO_ flags needed * for the conversion MS-Windows can do for us. Also accept "utf-8". *************** *** 6041,6049 **** p = full_path + len; #if defined(MSWIN) /* ! * MSWIN: when a file is in the root directory, dir_name will end in a ! * slash, since C: by itself does not define a specific dir. In this ! * case p may already be correct. */ if (!((len > 2) && (*(p - 2) == ':'))) #endif --- 6041,6049 ---- p = full_path + len; #if defined(MSWIN) /* ! * MS-Windows: when a file is in the root directory, dir_name will end ! * in a slash, since C: by itself does not define a specific dir. In ! * this case p may already be correct. */ if (!((len > 2) && (*(p - 2) == ':'))) #endif *************** *** 6298,6304 **** else if ((int)STRLEN(e) + extlen > 4) s = e + 4 - extlen; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * If there is no file name, and the extension starts with '.', put a * '_' before the dot, because just ".ext" may be invalid if it's on a --- 6298,6304 ---- else if ((int)STRLEN(e) + extlen > 4) s = e + 4 - extlen; } ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * If there is no file name, and the extension starts with '.', put a * '_' before the dot, because just ".ext" may be invalid if it's on a *************** *** 6427,6433 **** use_tmp_file = TRUE; } #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info1, info2; --- 6427,6433 ---- use_tmp_file = TRUE; } #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info1, info2; *************** *** 7189,7195 **** /* A symbolic link to a directory itself is deleted, not the directory it * points to. */ if ( ! # if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN32) mch_isrealdir(name) # else mch_isdir(name) --- 7189,7195 ---- /* A symbolic link to a directory itself is deleted, not the directory it * points to. */ if ( ! # if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) mch_isrealdir(name) # else mch_isdir(name) *************** *** 7276,7282 **** { #ifdef USE_TMPNAM char_u itmp[L_tmpnam]; /* use tmpnam() */ ! #elif defined(WIN3264) WCHAR itmp[TEMPNAMELEN]; #else char_u itmp[TEMPNAMELEN]; --- 7276,7282 ---- { #ifdef USE_TMPNAM char_u itmp[L_tmpnam]; /* use tmpnam() */ ! #elif defined(MSWIN) WCHAR itmp[TEMPNAMELEN]; #else char_u itmp[TEMPNAMELEN]; *************** *** 7398,7404 **** #else /* TEMPDIRNAMES */ ! # ifdef WIN3264 WCHAR wszTempFile[_MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR buf4[4]; char_u *retval; --- 7398,7404 ---- #else /* TEMPDIRNAMES */ ! # ifdef MSWIN WCHAR wszTempFile[_MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR buf4[4]; char_u *retval; *************** *** 7428,7434 **** *p = '/'; return retval; ! # else /* WIN3264 */ # ifdef USE_TMPNAM char_u *p; --- 7428,7434 ---- *p = '/'; return retval; ! # else // MSWIN # ifdef USE_TMPNAM char_u *p; *************** *** 7466,7472 **** # endif return vim_strsave(itmp); ! # endif /* WIN3264 */ #endif /* TEMPDIRNAMES */ } --- 7466,7472 ---- # endif return vim_strsave(itmp); ! # endif // MSWIN #endif /* TEMPDIRNAMES */ } *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/getchar.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.213946217 +0100 --- src/getchar.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 1623,1629 **** } c = TO_SPECIAL(c2, c); ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* Handle K_TEAROFF here, the caller of vgetc() doesn't need to * know that a menu was torn off */ if (c == K_TEAROFF) --- 1623,1629 ---- } c = TO_SPECIAL(c2, c); ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* Handle K_TEAROFF here, the caller of vgetc() doesn't need to * know that a menu was torn off */ if (c == K_TEAROFF) *************** *** 1679,1685 **** case K_KMULTIPLY: c = '*'; break; case K_KENTER: c = CAR; break; case K_KPOINT: ! #ifdef WIN32 // Can be either '.' or a ',', // depending on the type of keypad. c = MapVirtualKey(VK_DECIMAL, 2); break; --- 1679,1685 ---- case K_KMULTIPLY: c = '*'; break; case K_KENTER: c = CAR; break; case K_KPOINT: ! #ifdef MSWIN // Can be either '.' or a ',', // depending on the type of keypad. c = MapVirtualKey(VK_DECIMAL, 2); break; *************** *** 3107,3113 **** if (p[0] == NUL || (p[0] == K_SPECIAL /* timeout may generate K_CURSORHOLD */ && (i < 2 || p[1] != KS_EXTRA || p[2] != (int)KE_CURSORHOLD) ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) /* Win32 console passes modifiers */ && (i < 2 || p[1] != KS_MODIFIER) #endif --- 3107,3113 ---- if (p[0] == NUL || (p[0] == K_SPECIAL /* timeout may generate K_CURSORHOLD */ && (i < 2 || p[1] != KS_EXTRA || p[2] != (int)KE_CURSORHOLD) ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) /* Win32 console passes modifiers */ && (i < 2 || p[1] != KS_MODIFIER) #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/glbl_ime.cpp 2019-01-24 17:18:37.599462306 +0100 --- src/glbl_ime.cpp 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 134,140 **** if (pIApp == NULL || pIApp->OnDefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, &lResult) != S_OK) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) if (wide_WindowProc) lResult = DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); else --- 134,140 ---- if (pIApp == NULL || pIApp->OnDefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, &lResult) != S_OK) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) if (wide_WindowProc) lResult = DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); else *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/globals.h 2019-02-16 15:09:21.217946198 +0100 --- src/globals.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 19,25 **** */ EXTERN long Rows /* nr of rows in the screen */ #ifdef DO_INIT ! # if defined(WIN3264) = 25L # else = 24L --- 19,25 ---- */ EXTERN long Rows /* nr of rows in the screen */ #ifdef DO_INIT ! # if defined(MSWIN) = 25L # else = 24L *************** *** 818,824 **** EXTERN int enc_unicode INIT(= 0); /* 2: UCS-2 or UTF-16, 4: UCS-4 */ EXTERN int enc_utf8 INIT(= FALSE); /* UTF-8 encoded Unicode */ EXTERN int enc_latin1like INIT(= TRUE); /* 'encoding' is latin1 comp. */ ! #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD) /* Codepage nr of 'encoding'. Negative means it's not been set yet, zero * means 'encoding' is not a valid codepage. */ EXTERN int enc_codepage INIT(= -1); --- 818,824 ---- EXTERN int enc_unicode INIT(= 0); /* 2: UCS-2 or UTF-16, 4: UCS-4 */ EXTERN int enc_utf8 INIT(= FALSE); /* UTF-8 encoded Unicode */ EXTERN int enc_latin1like INIT(= TRUE); /* 'encoding' is latin1 comp. */ ! #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD) /* Codepage nr of 'encoding'. Negative means it's not been set yet, zero * means 'encoding' is not a valid codepage. */ EXTERN int enc_codepage INIT(= -1); *************** *** 826,832 **** #endif EXTERN int has_mbyte INIT(= 0); /* any multi-byte encoding */ ! #if defined(WIN3264) EXTERN int wide_WindowProc INIT(= FALSE); /* use wide WindowProc() */ #endif --- 826,832 ---- #endif EXTERN int has_mbyte INIT(= 0); /* any multi-byte encoding */ ! #if defined(MSWIN) EXTERN int wide_WindowProc INIT(= FALSE); /* use wide WindowProc() */ #endif *************** *** 1296,1302 **** EXTERN int echo_wid_arg INIT(= FALSE); /* --echo-wid argument */ #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* * The value of the --windowid argument. * For embedding gvim inside another application. --- 1296,1302 ---- EXTERN int echo_wid_arg INIT(= FALSE); /* --echo-wid argument */ #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* * The value of the --windowid argument. * For embedding gvim inside another application. *************** *** 1645,1651 **** EXTERN int *eval_lavars_used INIT(= NULL); #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 EXTERN int ctrl_break_was_pressed INIT(= FALSE); #endif --- 1645,1651 ---- EXTERN int *eval_lavars_used INIT(= NULL); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN EXTERN int ctrl_break_was_pressed INIT(= FALSE); #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/gui.c 2019-01-31 18:26:05.734803539 +0100 --- src/gui.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 749,755 **** &general_beval_cb, NULL); } # else ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 balloonEval = gui_mch_create_beval_area(NULL, NULL, &general_beval_cb, NULL); # endif --- 749,755 ---- &general_beval_cb, NULL); } # else ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN balloonEval = gui_mch_create_beval_area(NULL, NULL, &general_beval_cb, NULL); # endif *************** *** 2432,2438 **** int curr_wide = FALSE; /* use 'guifontwide' */ int prev_wide = FALSE; int wide_changed; ! # ifdef WIN3264 int sep_comp = FALSE; /* Don't separate composing chars. */ # else int sep_comp = TRUE; /* Separate composing chars. */ --- 2432,2438 ---- int curr_wide = FALSE; /* use 'guifontwide' */ int prev_wide = FALSE; int wide_changed; ! # ifdef MSWIN int sep_comp = FALSE; /* Don't separate composing chars. */ # else int sep_comp = TRUE; /* Separate composing chars. */ *************** *** 2568,2574 **** /* Draw the sign on top of the spaces. */ gui_mch_drawsign(gui.row, col, gui.highlight_mask); # if defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) if (multi_sign) netbeans_draw_multisign_indicator(gui.row); # endif --- 2568,2574 ---- /* Draw the sign on top of the spaces. */ gui_mch_drawsign(gui.row, col, gui.highlight_mask); # if defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)) if (multi_sign) netbeans_draw_multisign_indicator(gui.row); # endif *************** *** 3561,3567 **** fix_size = TRUE; } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_MENU) && !(defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) if (using_tearoff != prev_tearoff) { gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs(using_tearoff); --- 3561,3567 ---- fix_size = TRUE; } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_MENU) && !(defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) if (using_tearoff != prev_tearoff) { gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs(using_tearoff); *************** *** 4125,4131 **** /* Update the horizontal scrollbar */ gui_update_horiz_scrollbar(force); ! #ifndef WIN3264 /* Return straight away if there is neither a left nor right scrollbar. * On MS-Windows this is required anyway for scrollwheel messages. */ if (!gui.which_scrollbars[SBAR_LEFT] && !gui.which_scrollbars[SBAR_RIGHT]) --- 4125,4131 ---- /* Update the horizontal scrollbar */ gui_update_horiz_scrollbar(force); ! #ifndef MSWIN /* Return straight away if there is neither a left nor right scrollbar. * On MS-Windows this is required anyway for scrollwheel messages. */ if (!gui.which_scrollbars[SBAR_LEFT] && !gui.which_scrollbars[SBAR_RIGHT]) *************** *** 4879,4887 **** /* * Find window where the mouse pointer "x" / "y" coordinate is in. */ static win_T * ! xy2win(int x UNUSED, int y UNUSED) { int row; int col; --- 4879,4888 ---- /* * Find window where the mouse pointer "x" / "y" coordinate is in. + * As a side effect update the shape of the mouse pointer. */ static win_T * ! xy2win(int x, int y) { int row; int col; *************** *** 4951,4958 **** ex_next(eap); } ! #if ((defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON)) && defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR)) || defined(PROTO) /* * This is shared between Athena, Motif and GTK. */ --- 4952,4960 ---- ex_next(eap); } ! #if ((defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON)) \ ! && defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR)) || defined(PROTO) /* * This is shared between Athena, Motif and GTK. */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/gui.h 2019-01-24 17:18:37.599462306 +0100 --- src/gui.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 90,96 **** * X_2_COL - Convert X pixel coord into character column. * Y_2_ROW - Convert Y pixel coord into character row. */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # define TEXT_X(col) ((col) * gui.char_width) # define TEXT_Y(row) ((row) * gui.char_height + gui.char_ascent) # define FILL_X(col) ((col) * gui.char_width) --- 90,96 ---- * X_2_COL - Convert X pixel coord into character column. * Y_2_ROW - Convert Y pixel coord into character row. */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # define TEXT_X(col) ((col) * gui.char_width) # define TEXT_Y(row) ((row) * gui.char_height + gui.char_ascent) # define FILL_X(col) ((col) * gui.char_width) *************** *** 406,412 **** #endif /* FEAT_GUI_GTK */ #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) \ ! && (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC)) int tabline_height; #endif --- 406,412 ---- #endif /* FEAT_GUI_GTK */ #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) \ ! && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC)) int tabline_height; #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/gui_beval.c 2019-01-17 15:43:21.761878368 +0100 --- src/gui_beval.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 13,19 **** #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL_GUI) || defined(PROTO) /* on Win32 only get_beval_info() is required */ ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) #ifdef FEAT_GUI_GTK # if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) --- 13,19 ---- #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL_GUI) || defined(PROTO) /* on Win32 only get_beval_info() is required */ ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) #ifdef FEAT_GUI_GTK # if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) *************** *** 197,206 **** return current_beval; } #endif ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #if defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO) ! # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) /* * Show a balloon with "mesg". --- 197,206 ---- return current_beval; } #endif ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #if defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO) ! # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /* * Show a balloon with "mesg". *************** *** 214,223 **** else undrawBalloon(beval); } ! # endif /* !FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #endif /* FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG || PROTO */ ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL_TIP) || defined(PROTO) /* * Hide the given balloon. --- 214,223 ---- else undrawBalloon(beval); } ! # endif /* !FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #endif /* FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG || PROTO */ ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL_TIP) || defined(PROTO) /* * Hide the given balloon. *************** *** 1220,1225 **** } #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_GTK */ ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #endif /* FEAT_BEVAL_GUI */ --- 1220,1225 ---- } #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_GTK */ ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #endif /* FEAT_BEVAL_GUI */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/gui_gtk.c 2018-11-16 16:21:01.637310049 +0100 --- src/gui_gtk.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 76,82 **** # include # endif # include ! # ifdef WIN3264 # include # else # include --- 76,82 ---- # include # endif # include ! # ifdef MSWIN # include # else # include *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/gui_gtk_f.c 2018-09-18 22:29:59.888041388 +0200 --- src/gui_gtk_f.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.548788886 +0100 *************** *** 32,38 **** #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) # include #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 # include #else # include --- 32,38 ---- #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) # include #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN # include #else # include *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/gui_gtk_x11.c 2019-02-03 15:28:25.052353153 +0100 --- src/gui_gtk_x11.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 86,92 **** # include # endif # include ! # ifdef WIN3264 # include # else # include --- 86,92 ---- # include # endif # include ! # ifdef MSWIN # include # else # include *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_cscope.c 2019-01-19 17:43:03.409449198 +0100 --- src/if_cscope.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 548,554 **** goto add_err; while (fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '/' ! #ifdef WIN32 || fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '\\' #endif ) --- 548,554 ---- goto add_err; while (fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '/' ! #ifdef MSWIN || fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '\\' #endif ) *************** *** 790,796 **** #endif int len; char *prog, *cmd, *ppath = NULL; ! #ifdef WIN32 int fd; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; --- 790,796 ---- #endif int len; char *prog, *cmd, *ppath = NULL; ! #ifdef MSWIN int fd; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; *************** *** 844,850 **** (void)close(to_cs[1]); (void)close(from_cs[0]); #else ! /* WIN32 */ /* Create pipes to communicate with cscope */ sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; --- 844,850 ---- (void)close(to_cs[1]); (void)close(from_cs[0]); #else ! /* MSWIN */ /* Create pipes to communicate with cscope */ sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; *************** *** 874,880 **** #ifdef UNIX return CSCOPE_FAILURE; #else ! /* WIN32 */ goto err_closing; #endif } --- 874,880 ---- #ifdef UNIX return CSCOPE_FAILURE; #else ! /* MSWIN */ goto err_closing; #endif } *************** *** 891,897 **** #ifdef UNIX return CSCOPE_FAILURE; #else ! /* WIN32 */ goto err_closing; #endif } --- 891,897 ---- #ifdef UNIX return CSCOPE_FAILURE; #else ! /* MSWIN */ goto err_closing; #endif } *************** *** 910,916 **** #ifdef UNIX return CSCOPE_FAILURE; #else ! /* WIN32 */ goto err_closing; #endif } --- 910,916 ---- #ifdef UNIX return CSCOPE_FAILURE; #else ! /* MSWIN */ goto err_closing; #endif } *************** *** 919,925 **** #if defined(UNIX) (void)sprintf(cmd, "exec %s -dl -f %s", prog, csinfo[i].fname); #else ! /* WIN32 */ (void)sprintf(cmd, "%s -dl -f %s", prog, csinfo[i].fname); #endif if (csinfo[i].ppath != NULL) --- 919,925 ---- #if defined(UNIX) (void)sprintf(cmd, "exec %s -dl -f %s", prog, csinfo[i].fname); #else ! /* MSWIN */ (void)sprintf(cmd, "%s -dl -f %s", prog, csinfo[i].fname); #endif if (csinfo[i].ppath != NULL) *************** *** 971,977 **** } #else ! /* WIN32 */ /* Create a new process to run cscope and use pipes to talk with it */ GetStartupInfo(&si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; --- 971,977 ---- } #else ! /* MSWIN */ /* Create a new process to run cscope and use pipes to talk with it */ GetStartupInfo(&si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; *************** *** 1330,1336 **** csinfo[i].pid = 0; csinfo[i].fr_fp = NULL; csinfo[i].to_fp = NULL; ! #if defined(WIN32) csinfo[i].hProc = NULL; #endif } --- 1330,1336 ---- csinfo[i].pid = 0; csinfo[i].fr_fp = NULL; csinfo[i].to_fp = NULL; ! #if defined(MSWIN) csinfo[i].hProc = NULL; #endif } *************** *** 1940,1952 **** s = path + strlen(path) - 1; for (i = 0; i < p_cspc; ++i) while (s > path && *--s != '/' ! #ifdef WIN32 && *--s != '\\' #endif ) ; if ((s > path && *s == '/') ! #ifdef WIN32 || (s > path && *s == '\\') #endif ) --- 1940,1952 ---- s = path + strlen(path) - 1; for (i = 0; i < p_cspc; ++i) while (s > path && *--s != '/' ! #ifdef MSWIN && *--s != '\\' #endif ) ; if ((s > path && *s == '/') ! #ifdef MSWIN || (s > path && *s == '\\') #endif ) *************** *** 2433,2439 **** if (csinfo[i].ppath != NULL && (strncmp(name, csinfo[i].ppath, strlen(csinfo[i].ppath)) != 0) && (name[0] != '/') ! #ifdef WIN32 && name[0] != '\\' && name[1] != ':' #endif ) --- 2433,2439 ---- if (csinfo[i].ppath != NULL && (strncmp(name, csinfo[i].ppath, strlen(csinfo[i].ppath)) != 0) && (name[0] != '/') ! #ifdef MSWIN && name[0] != '\\' && name[1] != ':' #endif ) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_cscope.h 2016-08-29 22:42:20.000000000 +0200 --- src/if_cscope.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 11,17 **** #if defined(FEAT_CSCOPE) || defined(PROTO) ! #if defined (WIN32) # ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # endif --- 11,17 ---- #if defined(FEAT_CSCOPE) || defined(PROTO) ! #if defined (MSWIN) # ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # endif *************** *** 45,51 **** dev_t st_dev; /* ID of dev containing cscope db */ ino_t st_ino; /* inode number of cscope db */ #else ! # if defined(WIN32) DWORD pid; /* PID of the connected cscope process. */ HANDLE hProc; /* cscope process handle */ DWORD nVolume; /* Volume serial number, instead of st_dev */ --- 45,51 ---- dev_t st_dev; /* ID of dev containing cscope db */ ino_t st_ino; /* inode number of cscope db */ #else ! # if defined(MSWIN) DWORD pid; /* PID of the connected cscope process. */ HANDLE hProc; /* cscope process handle */ DWORD nVolume; /* Volume serial number, instead of st_dev */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_lua.c 2019-01-13 23:38:33.395773275 +0100 --- src/if_lua.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 80,86 **** #ifdef DYNAMIC_LUA ! #ifndef WIN3264 # include # define HANDLE void* # define load_dll(n) dlopen((n), RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL) --- 80,86 ---- #ifdef DYNAMIC_LUA ! #ifndef MSWIN # include # define HANDLE void* # define load_dll(n) dlopen((n), RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_mzsch.c 2019-01-19 17:43:03.417449145 +0100 --- src/if_mzsch.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 47,53 **** * racket-6.3. See * */ ! #if MZSCHEME_VERSION_MAJOR >= 500 && defined(WIN32) \ && defined(USE_THREAD_LOCAL) \ && (!defined(_WIN64) || MZSCHEME_VERSION_MAJOR >= 603) # define HAVE_TLS_SPACE 1 --- 47,53 ---- * racket-6.3. See * */ ! #if MZSCHEME_VERSION_MAJOR >= 500 && defined(MSWIN) \ && defined(USE_THREAD_LOCAL) \ && (!defined(_WIN64) || MZSCHEME_VERSION_MAJOR >= 603) # define HAVE_TLS_SPACE 1 *************** *** 807,813 **** /* MzScheme threads scheduling stuff */ static int mz_threads_allow = 0; ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) static void CALLBACK timer_proc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD); static UINT timer_id = 0; #elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) --- 807,813 ---- /* MzScheme threads scheduling stuff */ static int mz_threads_allow = 0; ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) static void CALLBACK timer_proc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD); static UINT timer_id = 0; #elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) *************** *** 822,828 **** static EventLoopTimerUPP timerUPP; #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* Win32 console and Unix */ void mzvim_check_threads(void) { --- 822,828 ---- static EventLoopTimerUPP timerUPP; #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* Win32 console and Unix */ void mzvim_check_threads(void) { *************** *** 847,853 **** static void remove_timer(void); /* timers are presented in GUI only */ ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) static void CALLBACK timer_proc(HWND hwnd UNUSED, UINT uMsg UNUSED, UINT_PTR idEvent UNUSED, DWORD dwTime UNUSED) # elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) --- 847,853 ---- static void remove_timer(void); /* timers are presented in GUI only */ ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) static void CALLBACK timer_proc(HWND hwnd UNUSED, UINT uMsg UNUSED, UINT_PTR idEvent UNUSED, DWORD dwTime UNUSED) # elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) *************** *** 875,881 **** static void setup_timer(void) { ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) timer_id = SetTimer(NULL, 0, p_mzq, timer_proc); # elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) timer_id = g_timeout_add((guint)p_mzq, (GSourceFunc)timer_proc, NULL); --- 875,881 ---- static void setup_timer(void) { ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) timer_id = SetTimer(NULL, 0, p_mzq, timer_proc); # elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) timer_id = g_timeout_add((guint)p_mzq, (GSourceFunc)timer_proc, NULL); *************** *** 891,897 **** static void remove_timer(void) { ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) KillTimer(NULL, timer_id); # elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) g_source_remove(timer_id); --- 891,897 ---- static void remove_timer(void) { ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) KillTimer(NULL, timer_id); # elif defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) g_source_remove(timer_id); *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_ole.cpp 2018-07-11 22:57:47.947564638 +0200 --- src/if_ole.cpp 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 6,12 **** * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed. */ ! #if defined(FEAT_OLE) && defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) /* * OLE server implementation. * --- 6,12 ---- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed. */ ! #if defined(FEAT_OLE) && defined(WIN32) && defined(FEAT_GUI) /* * OLE server implementation. * *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_perl.xs 2019-02-08 14:33:54.818762019 +0100 --- src/if_perl.xs 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 100,106 **** // Work around for ActivePerl 5.20.3+: Avoid generating (g)vim.lib. #if defined(ACTIVEPERL_VERSION) && (ACTIVEPERL_VERSION >= 2003) \ ! && defined(WIN32) && defined(USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING) # undef XS_EXTERNAL # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) XSPROTO(name) #endif --- 100,106 ---- // Work around for ActivePerl 5.20.3+: Avoid generating (g)vim.lib. #if defined(ACTIVEPERL_VERSION) && (ACTIVEPERL_VERSION >= 2003) \ ! && defined(MSWIN) && defined(USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING) # undef XS_EXTERNAL # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) XSPROTO(name) #endif *************** *** 154,160 **** #if defined(DYNAMIC_PERL) || defined(PROTO) # ifndef DYNAMIC_PERL /* just generating prototypes */ ! # ifdef WIN3264 typedef int HANDLE; # endif typedef int XSINIT_t; --- 154,160 ---- #if defined(DYNAMIC_PERL) || defined(PROTO) # ifndef DYNAMIC_PERL /* just generating prototypes */ ! # ifdef MSWIN typedef int HANDLE; # endif typedef int XSINIT_t; *************** *** 164,170 **** typedef int perl_key; # endif ! # ifndef WIN3264 # include # define HANDLE void* # define PERL_PROC void* --- 164,170 ---- typedef int perl_key; # endif ! # ifndef MSWIN # include # define HANDLE void* # define PERL_PROC void* *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_python.c 2019-02-01 22:10:12.996410746 +0100 --- src/if_python.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 35,41 **** # undef _POSIX_THREADS #endif ! #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) # undef HAVE_FCNTL_H #endif --- 35,41 ---- # undef _POSIX_THREADS #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) # undef HAVE_FCNTL_H #endif *************** *** 127,133 **** # define HINSTANCE long_u /* for generating prototypes */ # endif ! # ifndef WIN3264 # include # define FARPROC void* # define HINSTANCE void* --- 127,133 ---- # define HINSTANCE long_u /* for generating prototypes */ # endif ! # ifndef MSWIN # include # define FARPROC void* # define HINSTANCE void* *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_python3.c 2019-01-13 23:38:33.395773275 +0100 --- src/if_python3.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 34,40 **** #include ! #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) # undef HAVE_FCNTL_H #endif --- 34,40 ---- #include ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) # undef HAVE_FCNTL_H #endif *************** *** 112,118 **** #if defined(DYNAMIC_PYTHON3) || defined(PROTO) ! # ifndef WIN3264 # include # define FARPROC void* # define HINSTANCE void* --- 112,118 ---- #if defined(DYNAMIC_PYTHON3) || defined(PROTO) ! # ifndef MSWIN # include # define FARPROC void* # define HINSTANCE void* *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_ruby.c 2019-02-03 15:18:31.480095521 +0100 --- src/if_ruby.c 2019-02-17 17:33:56.639221336 +0100 *************** *** 64,70 **** # define RUBY_EXPORT # endif ! #if !(defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) # include # define HINSTANCE void* # define RUBY_PROC void* --- 64,70 ---- # define RUBY_EXPORT # endif ! #if !defined(MSWIN) # include # define HINSTANCE void* # define RUBY_PROC void* *************** *** 331,337 **** # endif # define ruby_init dll_ruby_init # define ruby_init_loadpath dll_ruby_init_loadpath ! # ifdef WIN3264 # ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER # define ruby_sysinit dll_ruby_sysinit # else --- 331,337 ---- # endif # define ruby_init dll_ruby_init # define ruby_init_loadpath dll_ruby_init_loadpath ! # ifdef MSWIN # ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER # define ruby_sysinit dll_ruby_sysinit # else *************** *** 447,453 **** # endif static void (*dll_ruby_init) (void); static void (*dll_ruby_init_loadpath) (void); ! # ifdef WIN3264 # ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER static void (*dll_ruby_sysinit) (int*, char***); # else --- 447,453 ---- # endif static void (*dll_ruby_init) (void); static void (*dll_ruby_init_loadpath) (void); ! # ifdef MSWIN # ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER static void (*dll_ruby_sysinit) (int*, char***); # else *************** *** 666,672 **** # endif {"ruby_init", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_ruby_init}, {"ruby_init_loadpath", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_ruby_init_loadpath}, ! # ifdef WIN3264 # ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER {"ruby_sysinit", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_ruby_sysinit}, # else --- 666,672 ---- # endif {"ruby_init", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_ruby_init}, {"ruby_init_loadpath", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_ruby_init_loadpath}, ! # ifdef MSWIN # ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER {"ruby_sysinit", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_ruby_sysinit}, # else *************** *** 949,955 **** if (ruby_enabled(TRUE)) { #endif ! #ifdef _WIN32 /* suggested by Ariya Mizutani */ int argc = 1; char *argv[] = {"gvim.exe"}; --- 949,955 ---- if (ruby_enabled(TRUE)) { #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN /* suggested by Ariya Mizutani */ int argc = 1; char *argv[] = {"gvim.exe"}; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/if_tcl.c 2019-01-19 17:43:03.417449145 +0100 --- src/if_tcl.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 160,166 **** typedef int HANDLE; # endif ! # ifndef WIN3264 # include # define HANDLE void* # define TCL_PROC void* --- 160,166 ---- typedef int HANDLE; # endif ! # ifndef MSWIN # include # define HANDLE void* # define TCL_PROC void* *************** *** 1741,1751 **** #endif Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch1, "-buffering", "line"); ! #ifdef WIN3264 Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch1, "-translation", "lf"); #endif Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch2, "-buffering", "line"); ! #ifdef WIN3264 Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch2, "-translation", "lf"); #endif --- 1741,1751 ---- #endif Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch1, "-buffering", "line"); ! #ifdef MSWIN Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch1, "-translation", "lf"); #endif Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch2, "-buffering", "line"); ! #ifdef MSWIN Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, ch2, "-translation", "lf"); #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/macros.h 2019-01-26 17:28:22.224599141 +0100 --- src/macros.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 160,170 **** # define mch_stat(n, p) stat(vms_fixfilename(n), (p)) # define mch_rmdir(n) rmdir(vms_fixfilename(n)) #else ! # ifndef WIN32 # define mch_access(n, p) access((n), (p)) # endif # define mch_fstat(n, p) fstat((n), (p)) ! # ifdef MSWIN /* has its own mch_stat() function */ # define mch_stat(n, p) vim_stat((n), (p)) # else # ifdef STAT_IGNORES_SLASH --- 160,170 ---- # define mch_stat(n, p) stat(vms_fixfilename(n), (p)) # define mch_rmdir(n) rmdir(vms_fixfilename(n)) #else ! # ifndef MSWIN # define mch_access(n, p) access((n), (p)) # endif # define mch_fstat(n, p) fstat((n), (p)) ! # ifdef MSWIN // has its own mch_stat() function # define mch_stat(n, p) vim_stat((n), (p)) # else # ifdef STAT_IGNORES_SLASH *************** *** 194,200 **** #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) /* open in rw------- mode */ # define mch_open_rw(n, f) mch_open((n), (f), (mode_t)0600) #else ! # if defined(MSWIN) /* open read/write */ # define mch_open_rw(n, f) mch_open((n), (f), S_IREAD | S_IWRITE) # else # define mch_open_rw(n, f) mch_open((n), (f), 0) --- 194,200 ---- #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) /* open in rw------- mode */ # define mch_open_rw(n, f) mch_open((n), (f), (mode_t)0600) #else ! # if defined(MSWIN) // open read/write # define mch_open_rw(n, f) mch_open((n), (f), S_IREAD | S_IWRITE) # else # define mch_open_rw(n, f) mch_open((n), (f), 0) *************** *** 269,275 **** # include # endif # ifdef USING_FLOAT_STUFF ! # if defined(WIN32) # ifndef isnan # define isnan(x) _isnan(x) static __inline int isinf(double x) { return !_finite(x) && !_isnan(x); } --- 269,275 ---- # include # endif # ifdef USING_FLOAT_STUFF ! # ifdef MSWIN # ifndef isnan # define isnan(x) _isnan(x) static __inline int isinf(double x) { return !_finite(x) && !_isnan(x); } *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/main.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.209946237 +0100 --- src/main.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 11,17 **** #include "vim.h" #ifdef __CYGWIN__ ! # ifndef WIN32 # include # include /* for cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() and/or * cygwin_conv_path() */ --- 11,17 ---- #include "vim.h" #ifdef __CYGWIN__ ! # ifndef MSWIN # include # include /* for cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() and/or * cygwin_conv_path() */ *************** *** 19,25 **** # include #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) # include "iscygpty.h" #endif --- 19,25 ---- # include #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) # include "iscygpty.h" #endif *************** *** 119,125 **** */ mch_early_init(); ! #if defined(WIN32) /* * MinGW expands command line arguments, which confuses our code to * convert when 'encoding' changes. Get the unexpanded arguments. --- 119,125 ---- */ mch_early_init(); ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * MinGW expands command line arguments, which confuses our code to * convert when 'encoding' changes. Get the unexpanded arguments. *************** *** 250,256 **** params.fname = alist_name(&GARGLIST[0]); } ! #if defined(WIN32) { extern void set_alist_count(void); --- 250,256 ---- params.fname = alist_name(&GARGLIST[0]); } ! #ifdef MSWIN { extern void set_alist_count(void); *************** *** 854,860 **** } #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) mch_set_winsize_now(); /* Allow winsize changes from now on */ #endif --- 854,860 ---- } #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) mch_set_winsize_now(); /* Allow winsize changes from now on */ #endif *************** *** 880,886 **** { # ifdef FEAT_GUI # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) if (gui.in_use) { mch_errmsg(_("netbeans is not supported with this GUI\n")); --- 880,886 ---- { # ifdef FEAT_GUI # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) if (gui.in_use) { mch_errmsg(_("netbeans is not supported with this GUI\n")); *************** *** 1534,1540 **** if (garbage_collect_at_exit) garbage_collect(FALSE); #endif ! #if defined(WIN32) free_cmd_argsW(); #endif --- 1534,1540 ---- if (garbage_collect_at_exit) garbage_collect(FALSE); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN free_cmd_argsW(); #endif *************** *** 1559,1565 **** setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); # endif ! # ifdef WIN32 /* Apparently MS-Windows printf() may cause a crash when we give it 8-bit * text while it's expecting text in the current locale. This call avoids * that. */ --- 1559,1565 ---- setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); # endif ! # ifdef MSWIN /* Apparently MS-Windows printf() may cause a crash when we give it 8-bit * text while it's expecting text in the current locale. This call avoids * that. */ *************** *** 1642,1649 **** } # endif ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--windowid") == 0) # else else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--socketid") == 0) --- 1642,1649 ---- } # endif ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--windowid") == 0) # else else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--socketid") == 0) *************** *** 1661,1667 **** if (count != 1) mainerr(ME_INVALID_ARG, (char_u *)argv[i]); else ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 win_socket_id = id; # else gtk_socket_id = id; --- 1661,1667 ---- if (count != 1) mainerr(ME_INVALID_ARG, (char_u *)argv[i]); else ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN win_socket_id = id; # else gtk_socket_id = id; *************** *** 1942,1948 **** } } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) # ifdef FEAT_GUI_GTK else if (STRNICMP(argv[0] + argv_idx, "socketid", 8) == 0) # else --- 1942,1948 ---- } } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) # ifdef FEAT_GUI_GTK else if (STRNICMP(argv[0] + argv_idx, "socketid", 8) == 0) # else *************** *** 2237,2243 **** case 'u': /* "-u {vimrc}" vim inits file */ case 'U': /* "-U {gvimrc}" gvim inits file */ case 'W': /* "-W {scriptout}" overwrite */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 case 'P': /* "-P {parent title}" MDI parent */ #endif want_argument = TRUE; --- 2237,2243 ---- case 'u': /* "-u {vimrc}" vim inits file */ case 'U': /* "-U {gvimrc}" gvim inits file */ case 'W': /* "-W {scriptout}" overwrite */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN case 'P': /* "-P {parent title}" MDI parent */ #endif want_argument = TRUE; *************** *** 2399,2405 **** } break; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 case 'P': /* "-P {parent title}" MDI parent */ gui_mch_set_parent(argv[0]); break; --- 2399,2405 ---- } break; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN case 'P': /* "-P {parent title}" MDI parent */ gui_mch_set_parent(argv[0]); break; *************** *** 2445,2451 **** } } #endif ! #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(WIN32) /* * If vim is invoked by non-Cygwin tools, convert away any * DOS paths, so things like .swp files are created correctly. --- 2445,2451 ---- } } #endif ! #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(MSWIN) /* * If vim is invoked by non-Cygwin tools, convert away any * DOS paths, so things like .swp files are created correctly. *************** *** 2481,2487 **** #endif ); ! #if defined(WIN32) { /* Remember this argument has been added to the argument list. * Needed when 'encoding' is changed. */ --- 2481,2487 ---- #endif ); ! #ifdef MSWIN { /* Remember this argument has been added to the argument list. * Needed when 'encoding' is changed. */ *************** *** 2561,2567 **** exit(1); } #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) if (is_cygpty_used()) { # if defined(HAVE_BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET) \ --- 2561,2567 ---- exit(1); } #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) if (is_cygpty_used()) { # if defined(HAVE_BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET) \ *************** *** 3423,3429 **** main_msg(_("--socketid \tOpen Vim inside another GTK widget")); main_msg(_("--echo-wid\t\tMake gvim echo the Window ID on stdout")); #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 main_msg(_("-P \tOpen Vim inside parent application")); main_msg(_("--windowid \tOpen Vim inside another win32 widget")); #endif --- 3423,3429 ---- main_msg(_("--socketid \tOpen Vim inside another GTK widget")); main_msg(_("--echo-wid\t\tMake gvim echo the Window ID on stdout")); #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN main_msg(_("-P \tOpen Vim inside parent application")); main_msg(_("--windowid \tOpen Vim inside another win32 widget")); #endif *************** *** 3460,3466 **** #if defined(STARTUPTIME) || defined(PROTO) static struct timeval prev_timeval; ! # ifdef WIN3264 /* * Windows doesn't have gettimeofday(), although it does have struct timeval. */ --- 3460,3466 ---- #if defined(STARTUPTIME) || defined(PROTO) static struct timeval prev_timeval; ! # ifdef MSWIN /* * Windows doesn't have gettimeofday(), although it does have struct timeval. */ *************** *** 3567,3573 **** { char_u *val = argv0; ! # if defined(WIN32) /* A relative path containing a "/" will become invalid when using ":cd", * turn it into a full path. * On MS-Windows "vim" should be expanded to "vim.exe", thus always do --- 3567,3573 ---- { char_u *val = argv0; ! # ifdef MSWIN /* A relative path containing a "/" will become invalid when using ":cd", * turn it into a full path. * On MS-Windows "vim" should be expanded to "vim.exe", thus always do *************** *** 3600,3606 **** set_vim_var_string(VV_PROGPATH, val, -1); ! # ifdef WIN32 vim_free(path); # endif } --- 3600,3606 ---- set_vim_var_string(VV_PROGPATH, val, -1); ! # ifdef MSWIN vim_free(path); # endif } *************** *** 3623,3629 **** { if (parmp->serverName_arg == NULL || *parmp->serverName_arg != NUL) { ! # ifdef WIN32 /* Initialise the client/server messaging infrastructure. */ serverInitMessaging(); # endif --- 3623,3629 ---- { if (parmp->serverName_arg == NULL || *parmp->serverName_arg != NUL) { ! # ifdef MSWIN /* Initialise the client/server messaging infrastructure. */ serverInitMessaging(); # endif *************** *** 3645,3651 **** * clipboard first, it's further down. */ parmp->servername = serverMakeName(parmp->serverName_arg, parmp->argv[0]); ! # ifdef WIN32 if (parmp->servername != NULL) { serverSetName(parmp->servername); --- 3645,3651 ---- * clipboard first, it's further down. */ parmp->servername = serverMakeName(parmp->serverName_arg, parmp->argv[0]); ! # ifdef MSWIN if (parmp->servername != NULL) { serverSetName(parmp->servername); *************** *** 3842,3848 **** break; } ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* Guess that when the server name starts with "g" it's a GUI * server, which we can bring to the foreground here. * Foreground() in the server doesn't work very well. */ --- 3842,3848 ---- break; } ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* Guess that when the server name starts with "g" it's a GUI * server, which we can bring to the foreground here. * Foreground() in the server doesn't work very well. */ *************** *** 3860,3866 **** int j; char_u *done = alloc(numFiles); char_u *p; ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 NOTIFYICONDATA ni; int count = 0; extern HWND message_window; --- 3860,3866 ---- int j; char_u *done = alloc(numFiles); char_u *p; ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN NOTIFYICONDATA ni; int count = 0; extern HWND message_window; *************** *** 3870,3876 **** /* Skip "+cmd" argument, don't wait for it to be edited. */ --numFiles; ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 ni.cbSize = sizeof(ni); ni.hWnd = message_window; ni.uID = 0; --- 3870,3876 ---- /* Skip "+cmd" argument, don't wait for it to be edited. */ --numFiles; ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN ni.cbSize = sizeof(ni); ni.hWnd = message_window; ni.uID = 0; *************** *** 3884,3890 **** vim_memset(done, 0, numFiles); while (memchr(done, 0, numFiles) != NULL) { ! # ifdef WIN32 p = serverGetReply(srv, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, 0); if (p == NULL) break; --- 3884,3890 ---- vim_memset(done, 0, numFiles); while (memchr(done, 0, numFiles) != NULL) { ! # ifdef MSWIN p = serverGetReply(srv, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, 0); if (p == NULL) break; *************** *** 3895,3901 **** j = atoi((char *)p); if (j >= 0 && j < numFiles) { ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 ++count; sprintf(ni.szTip, _("%d of %d edited"), count, numFiles); --- 3895,3901 ---- j = atoi((char *)p); if (j >= 0 && j < numFiles) { ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN ++count; sprintf(ni.szTip, _("%d of %d edited"), count, numFiles); *************** *** 3904,3910 **** done[j] = 1; } } ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &ni); # endif } --- 3904,3910 ---- done[j] = 1; } } ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &ni); # endif } *************** *** 3913,3919 **** { if (i == *argc - 1) mainerr_arg_missing((char_u *)argv[i]); ! # ifdef WIN32 /* Win32 always works? */ if (serverSendToVim(sname, (char_u *)argv[i + 1], &res, NULL, 1, 0, FALSE) < 0) --- 3913,3919 ---- { if (i == *argc - 1) mainerr_arg_missing((char_u *)argv[i]); ! # ifdef MSWIN /* Win32 always works? */ if (serverSendToVim(sname, (char_u *)argv[i + 1], &res, NULL, 1, 0, FALSE) < 0) *************** *** 3935,3941 **** } else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--serverlist") == 0) { ! # ifdef WIN32 /* Win32 always works? */ res = serverGetVimNames(); # else --- 3935,3941 ---- } else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--serverlist") == 0) { ! # ifdef MSWIN /* Win32 always works? */ res = serverGetVimNames(); # else *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/mbyte.c 2019-01-26 17:28:22.228599112 +0100 --- src/mbyte.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 97,103 **** # define WINBYTE BYTE #endif ! #if (defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX)) && !defined(__MINGW32__) # include #endif --- 97,103 ---- # define WINBYTE BYTE #endif ! #if (defined(MSWIN) || defined(WIN32UNIX)) && !defined(__MINGW32__) # include #endif *************** *** 117,123 **** # else # include # endif ! # ifdef WIN3264 # include # else # include --- 117,123 ---- # else # include # endif ! # ifdef MSWIN # include # else # include *************** *** 364,370 **** {"cyrillic", IDX_ISO_5}, {"arabic", IDX_ISO_6}, {"greek", IDX_ISO_7}, ! #ifdef WIN3264 {"hebrew", IDX_CP1255}, #else {"hebrew", IDX_ISO_8}, --- 364,370 ---- {"cyrillic", IDX_ISO_5}, {"arabic", IDX_ISO_6}, {"greek", IDX_ISO_7}, ! #ifdef MSWIN {"hebrew", IDX_CP1255}, #else {"hebrew", IDX_ISO_8}, *************** *** 412,418 **** {"euccn", IDX_EUC_CN}, {"gb2312", IDX_EUC_CN}, {"euctw", IDX_EUC_TW}, ! #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX) || defined(MACOS_X) {"japan", IDX_CP932}, {"korea", IDX_CP949}, {"prc", IDX_CP936}, --- 412,418 ---- {"euccn", IDX_EUC_CN}, {"gb2312", IDX_EUC_CN}, {"euctw", IDX_EUC_TW}, ! #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(WIN32UNIX) || defined(MACOS_X) {"japan", IDX_CP932}, {"korea", IDX_CP949}, {"prc", IDX_CP936}, *************** *** 465,471 **** i = enc_canon_search(name); if (i >= 0) return enc_canon_table[i].prop; ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (name[0] == 'c' && name[1] == 'p' && VIM_ISDIGIT(name[2])) { CPINFO cpinfo; --- 465,471 ---- i = enc_canon_search(name); if (i >= 0) return enc_canon_table[i].prop; ! #ifdef MSWIN if (name[0] == 'c' && name[1] == 'p' && VIM_ISDIGIT(name[2])) { CPINFO cpinfo; *************** *** 509,515 **** int idx; int n; int enc_dbcs_new = 0; ! #if defined(USE_ICONV) && !defined(WIN3264) && !defined(WIN32UNIX) \ && !defined(MACOS_CONVERT) # define LEN_FROM_CONV vimconv_T vimconv; --- 509,515 ---- int idx; int n; int enc_dbcs_new = 0; ! #if defined(USE_ICONV) && !defined(MSWIN) && !defined(WIN32UNIX) \ && !defined(MACOS_CONVERT) # define LEN_FROM_CONV vimconv_T vimconv; *************** *** 527,533 **** return NULL; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (p_enc[0] == 'c' && p_enc[1] == 'p' && VIM_ISDIGIT(p_enc[2])) { CPINFO cpinfo; --- 527,533 ---- return NULL; } ! #ifdef MSWIN if (p_enc[0] == 'c' && p_enc[1] == 'p' && VIM_ISDIGIT(p_enc[2])) { CPINFO cpinfo; *************** *** 566,572 **** } else if (STRNCMP(p_enc, "2byte-", 6) == 0) { ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* Windows: accept only valid codepage numbers, check below. */ if (p_enc[6] != 'c' || p_enc[7] != 'p' || (enc_dbcs_new = atoi((char *)p_enc + 8)) == 0) --- 566,572 ---- } else if (STRNCMP(p_enc, "2byte-", 6) == 0) { ! #ifdef MSWIN /* Windows: accept only valid codepage numbers, check below. */ if (p_enc[6] != 'c' || p_enc[7] != 'p' || (enc_dbcs_new = atoi((char *)p_enc + 8)) == 0) *************** *** 607,613 **** if (enc_dbcs_new != 0) { ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* Check if the DBCS code page is OK. */ if (!IsValidCodePage(enc_dbcs_new)) goto codepage_invalid; --- 607,613 ---- if (enc_dbcs_new != 0) { ! #ifdef MSWIN /* Check if the DBCS code page is OK. */ if (!IsValidCodePage(enc_dbcs_new)) goto codepage_invalid; *************** *** 618,624 **** enc_dbcs = enc_dbcs_new; has_mbyte = (enc_dbcs != 0 || enc_utf8); ! #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD) enc_codepage = encname2codepage(p_enc); enc_latin9 = (STRCMP(p_enc, "iso-8859-15") == 0); #endif --- 618,624 ---- enc_dbcs = enc_dbcs_new; has_mbyte = (enc_dbcs != 0 || enc_utf8); ! #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD) enc_codepage = encname2codepage(p_enc); enc_latin9 = (STRCMP(p_enc, "iso-8859-15") == 0); #endif *************** *** 699,705 **** n = 1; else { ! #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX) /* enc_dbcs is set by setting 'fileencoding'. It becomes a Windows * CodePage identifier, which we can pass directly in to Windows * API */ --- 699,705 ---- n = 1; else { ! #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(WIN32UNIX) /* enc_dbcs is set by setting 'fileencoding'. It becomes a Windows * CodePage identifier, which we can pass directly in to Windows * API */ *************** *** 783,789 **** enc_utf8 ? "utf-8" : (char *)p_enc); #endif ! #ifdef WIN32 /* When changing 'encoding' while starting up, then convert the command * line arguments from the active codepage to 'encoding'. */ if (starting != 0) --- 783,789 ---- enc_utf8 ? "utf-8" : (char *)p_enc); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN /* When changing 'encoding' while starting up, then convert the command * line arguments from the active codepage to 'encoding'. */ if (starting != 0) *************** *** 909,915 **** unsigned char tb = trail; /* convert process code to JIS */ ! # if defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX) || defined(MACOS_X) /* process code is SJIS */ if (lb <= 0x9f) lb = (lb - 0x81) * 2 + 0x21; --- 909,915 ---- unsigned char tb = trail; /* convert process code to JIS */ ! # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(WIN32UNIX) || defined(MACOS_X) /* process code is SJIS */ if (lb <= 0x9f) lb = (lb - 0x81) * 2 + 0x21; *************** *** 1006,1012 **** if (c1 >= 0xB0 && c1 <= 0xC8) /* Hangul */ return 20; ! #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX) else if (c1 <= 0xA0 || c2 <= 0xA0) /* Extended Hangul Region : MS UHC(Unified Hangul Code) */ /* c1: 0x81-0xA0 with c2: 0x41-0x5A, 0x61-0x7A, 0x81-0xFE --- 1006,1012 ---- if (c1 >= 0xB0 && c1 <= 0xC8) /* Hangul */ return 20; ! #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(WIN32UNIX) else if (c1 <= 0xA0 || c2 <= 0xA0) /* Extended Hangul Region : MS UHC(Unified Hangul Code) */ /* c1: 0x81-0xA0 with c2: 0x41-0x5A, 0x61-0x7A, 0x81-0xFE *************** *** 4393,4399 **** # include #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* * Get the canonicalized encoding from the specified locale string "locale" * or from the environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG. --- 4393,4399 ---- # include #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* * Get the canonicalized encoding from the specified locale string "locale" * or from the environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG. *************** *** 4460,4466 **** char_u * enc_locale(void) { ! #ifdef WIN3264 char buf[50]; long acp = GetACP(); --- 4460,4466 ---- char_u * enc_locale(void) { ! #ifdef MSWIN char buf[50]; long acp = GetACP(); *************** *** 4487,4493 **** #endif } ! # if defined(WIN3264) || defined(PROTO) || defined(FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD) /* * Convert an encoding name to an MS-Windows codepage. * Returns zero if no codepage can be figured out. --- 4487,4493 ---- #endif } ! # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) || defined(FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD) /* * Convert an encoding name to an MS-Windows codepage. * Returns zero if no codepage can be figured out. *************** *** 6570,6576 **** /* Internal utf-8 -> latin9 conversion. */ vcp->vc_type = CONV_TO_LATIN9; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* Win32-specific codepage <-> codepage conversion without iconv. */ else if ((from_is_utf8 || encname2codepage(from) > 0) && (to_is_utf8 || encname2codepage(to) > 0)) --- 6570,6576 ---- /* Internal utf-8 -> latin9 conversion. */ vcp->vc_type = CONV_TO_LATIN9; } ! #ifdef MSWIN /* Win32-specific codepage <-> codepage conversion without iconv. */ else if ((from_is_utf8 || encname2codepage(from) > 0) && (to_is_utf8 || encname2codepage(to) > 0)) *************** *** 6620,6626 **** return OK; } ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(AMIGA) || defined(WIN3264) \ || defined(PROTO) /* * Do conversion on typed input characters in-place. --- 6620,6626 ---- return OK; } ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(AMIGA) || defined(MSWIN) \ || defined(PROTO) /* * Do conversion on typed input characters in-place. *************** *** 6870,6876 **** retval = iconv_string(vcp, ptr, len, unconvlenp, lenp); break; # endif ! # ifdef WIN3264 case CONV_CODEPAGE: /* codepage -> codepage */ { int retlen; --- 6870,6876 ---- retval = iconv_string(vcp, ptr, len, unconvlenp, lenp); break; # endif ! # ifdef MSWIN case CONV_CODEPAGE: /* codepage -> codepage */ { int retlen; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/memfile.c 2019-02-14 12:56:31.686115921 +0100 --- src/memfile.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 621,627 **** status = FAIL; } #endif ! #ifdef WIN32 if (_commit(mfp->mf_fd)) status = FAIL; #endif --- 621,627 ---- status = FAIL; } #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN if (_commit(mfp->mf_fd)) status = FAIL; #endif *************** *** 1265,1271 **** * try to open the file */ flags |= O_EXTRA | O_NOFOLLOW; ! #ifdef WIN32 /* Prevent handle inheritance that cause problems with Cscope * (swap file may not be deleted if cscope connection was open after * the file) */ --- 1265,1271 ---- * try to open the file */ flags |= O_EXTRA | O_NOFOLLOW; ! #ifdef MSWIN /* Prevent handle inheritance that cause problems with Cscope * (swap file may not be deleted if cscope connection was open after * the file) */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/memline.c 2019-01-26 17:28:22.228599112 +0100 --- src/memline.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 1807,1813 **** #else names[0] = vim_strsave((char_u *)"*.sw?"); #endif ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) /* For Unix names starting with a dot are special. MS-Windows * supports this too, on some file systems. */ names[1] = vim_strsave((char_u *)".*.sw?"); --- 1807,1813 ---- #else names[0] = vim_strsave((char_u *)"*.sw?"); #endif ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) /* For Unix names starting with a dot are special. MS-Windows * supports this too, on some file systems. */ names[1] = vim_strsave((char_u *)".*.sw?"); *************** *** 1834,1840 **** #else names[0] = concat_fnames(dir_name, (char_u *)"*.sw?", TRUE); #endif ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) /* For Unix names starting with a dot are special. MS-Windows * supports this too, on some file systems. */ names[1] = concat_fnames(dir_name, (char_u *)".*.sw?", TRUE); --- 1834,1840 ---- #else names[0] = concat_fnames(dir_name, (char_u *)"*.sw?", TRUE); #endif ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) /* For Unix names starting with a dot are special. MS-Windows * supports this too, on some file systems. */ names[1] = concat_fnames(dir_name, (char_u *)".*.sw?", TRUE); *************** *** 1851,1857 **** } else { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) int len = (int)STRLEN(dir_name); p = dir_name + len; --- 1851,1857 ---- } else { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) int len = (int)STRLEN(dir_name); p = dir_name + len; *************** *** 1999,2005 **** return file_count; } ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) || defined(PROTO) /* * Need _very_ long file names. * Append the full path to name with path separators made into percent --- 1999,2005 ---- return file_count; } ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /* * Need _very_ long file names. * Append the full path to name with path separators made into percent *************** *** 2207,2213 **** */ char_u *p; int i; ! # ifndef WIN3264 int shortname = curbuf->b_shortname; curbuf->b_shortname = FALSE; --- 2207,2213 ---- */ char_u *p; int i; ! # ifndef MSWIN int shortname = curbuf->b_shortname; curbuf->b_shortname = FALSE; *************** *** 2252,2258 **** else ++num_names; ! # ifndef WIN3264 /* * Also try with 'shortname' set, in case the file is on a DOS filesystem. */ --- 2252,2258 ---- else ++num_names; ! # ifndef MSWIN /* * Also try with 'shortname' set, in case the file is on a DOS filesystem. */ *************** *** 2279,2285 **** # endif end: ! # ifndef WIN3264 curbuf->b_shortname = shortname; # endif --- 2279,2285 ---- # endif end: ! # ifndef MSWIN curbuf->b_shortname = shortname; # endif *************** *** 4253,4259 **** char_u fname_buf[MAXPATHL]; #endif ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) /* Need _very_ long file names */ int len = (int)STRLEN(dir_name); s = dir_name + len; --- 4253,4259 ---- char_u fname_buf[MAXPATHL]; #endif ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) // Need _very_ long file names int len = (int)STRLEN(dir_name); s = dir_name + len; *************** *** 4343,4349 **** else retval = concat_fnames(dname, tail, TRUE); ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (retval != NULL) for (t = gettail(retval); *t != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(t)) if (*t == ':') --- 4343,4349 ---- else retval = concat_fnames(dname, tail, TRUE); ! #ifdef MSWIN if (retval != NULL) for (t = gettail(retval); *t != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(t)) if (*t == ':') *************** *** 4474,4480 **** # define CREATE_DUMMY_FILE FILE *dummyfd = NULL; ! # ifdef WIN3264 if (buf_fname != NULL && !mch_isFullName(buf_fname) && vim_strchr(gettail(buf_fname), ':')) { --- 4474,4480 ---- # define CREATE_DUMMY_FILE FILE *dummyfd = NULL; ! # ifdef MSWIN if (buf_fname != NULL && !mch_isFullName(buf_fname) && vim_strchr(gettail(buf_fname), ':')) { *************** *** 4927,4933 **** mch_remove(buf_fname); } #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (buf_fname != buf->b_fname) vim_free(buf_fname); #endif --- 4927,4933 ---- mch_remove(buf_fname); } #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN if (buf_fname != buf->b_fname) vim_free(buf_fname); #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/menu.c 2019-01-26 17:28:22.228599112 +0100 --- src/menu.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 18,24 **** #define MENUDEPTH 10 /* maximum depth of menus */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 static int add_menu_path(char_u *, vimmenu_T *, int *, char_u *, int); #else static int add_menu_path(char_u *, vimmenu_T *, int *, char_u *); --- 18,24 ---- #define MENUDEPTH 10 /* maximum depth of menus */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN static int add_menu_path(char_u *, vimmenu_T *, int *, char_u *, int); #else static int add_menu_path(char_u *, vimmenu_T *, int *, char_u *); *************** *** 35,41 **** static char_u *popup_mode_name(char_u *name, int idx); static char_u *menu_text(char_u *text, int *mnemonic, char_u **actext); ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) static void gui_create_tearoffs_recurse(vimmenu_T *menu, const char_u *pname, int *pri_tab, int pri_idx); static void gui_add_tearoff(char_u *tearpath, int *pri_tab, int pri_idx); static void gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse(vimmenu_T *menu); --- 35,41 ---- static char_u *popup_mode_name(char_u *name, int idx); static char_u *menu_text(char_u *text, int *mnemonic, char_u **actext); ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) static void gui_create_tearoffs_recurse(vimmenu_T *menu, const char_u *pname, int *pri_tab, int pri_idx); static void gui_add_tearoff(char_u *tearpath, int *pri_tab, int pri_idx); static void gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse(vimmenu_T *menu); *************** *** 43,49 **** #endif static int menu_is_hidden(char_u *name); ! #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) static int menu_is_tearoff(char_u *name); #endif --- 43,49 ---- #endif static int menu_is_hidden(char_u *name); ! #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) static int menu_is_tearoff(char_u *name); #endif *************** *** 122,128 **** int i; #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) int old_menu_height; ! # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) int old_toolbar_height; # endif #endif --- 122,128 ---- int i; #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) int old_menu_height; ! # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) int old_toolbar_height; # endif #endif *************** *** 295,301 **** } #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !(defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON)) old_menu_height = gui.menu_height; ! # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) old_toolbar_height = gui.toolbar_height; # endif #endif --- 295,301 ---- } #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && !(defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON)) old_menu_height = gui.menu_height; ! # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) old_toolbar_height = gui.toolbar_height; # endif #endif *************** *** 381,387 **** menuarg.noremap[0] = noremap; menuarg.silent[0] = silent; add_menu_path(menu_path, &menuarg, pri_tab, map_to ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 , TRUE #endif ); --- 381,387 ---- menuarg.noremap[0] = noremap; menuarg.silent[0] = silent; add_menu_path(menu_path, &menuarg, pri_tab, map_to ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN , TRUE #endif ); *************** *** 405,411 **** menuarg.icon_builtin = FALSE; #endif add_menu_path(p, &menuarg, pri_tab, map_to ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 , TRUE #endif ); --- 405,411 ---- menuarg.icon_builtin = FALSE; #endif add_menu_path(p, &menuarg, pri_tab, map_to ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN , TRUE #endif ); *************** *** 421,427 **** /* If the menubar height changed, resize the window */ if (gui.in_use && (gui.menu_height != old_menu_height ! # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || gui.toolbar_height != old_toolbar_height # endif )) --- 421,427 ---- /* If the menubar height changed, resize the window */ if (gui.in_use && (gui.menu_height != old_menu_height ! # if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || gui.toolbar_height != old_toolbar_height # endif )) *************** *** 455,461 **** icon_builtin, silent[0], noremap[0] */ int *pri_tab, char_u *call_data ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 , int addtearoff /* may add tearoff item */ #endif ) --- 455,461 ---- icon_builtin, silent[0], noremap[0] */ int *pri_tab, char_u *call_data ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN , int addtearoff /* may add tearoff item */ #endif ) *************** *** 537,543 **** goto erret; } if (*next_name != NUL && menu->children == NULL ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 && addtearoff #endif ) --- 537,543 ---- goto erret; } if (*next_name != NUL && menu->children == NULL ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN && addtearoff #endif ) *************** *** 630,636 **** if (*next_name == NUL && menuarg->iconfile != NULL) menu->iconfile = vim_strsave(menuarg->iconfile); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* the tearoff item must be present in the modes of each item. */ if (parent != NULL && menu_is_tearoff(parent->children->dname)) parent->children->modes |= modes; --- 630,636 ---- if (*next_name == NUL && menuarg->iconfile != NULL) menu->iconfile = vim_strsave(menuarg->iconfile); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* the tearoff item must be present in the modes of each item. */ if (parent != NULL && menu_is_tearoff(parent->children->dname)) parent->children->modes |= modes; *************** *** 645,651 **** * modes, then make sure it's available for this one now * Also enable a menu when it's created or changed. */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* If adding a tearbar (addtearoff == FALSE) don't update modes */ if (addtearoff) #endif --- 645,651 ---- * modes, then make sure it's available for this one now * Also enable a menu when it's created or changed. */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* If adding a tearbar (addtearoff == FALSE) don't update modes */ if (addtearoff) #endif *************** *** 680,686 **** } } ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* When adding a new submenu, may add a tearoff item */ if ( addtearoff && *next_name --- 680,686 ---- } } ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* When adding a new submenu, may add a tearoff item */ if ( addtearoff && *next_name *************** *** 758,764 **** c = 0; d = 0; if (amenu && call_data != NULL && *call_data != NUL ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 && addtearoff #endif ) --- 758,764 ---- c = 0; d = 0; if (amenu && call_data != NULL && *call_data != NUL ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN && addtearoff #endif ) *************** *** 808,814 **** menu->silent[i] = menuarg->silent[0]; } } ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ && (defined(FEAT_BEVAL_GUI) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)) /* Need to update the menu tip. */ if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE) --- 808,814 ---- menu->silent[i] = menuarg->silent[0]; } } ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ && (defined(FEAT_BEVAL_GUI) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)) /* Need to update the menu tip. */ if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE) *************** *** 938,944 **** } if ((menu->modes & modes) != 0x0) { ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* * If we are removing all entries for this menu,MENU_ALL_MODES, * Then kill any tearoff before we start --- 938,944 ---- } if ((menu->modes & modes) != 0x0) { ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) /* * If we are removing all entries for this menu,MENU_ALL_MODES, * Then kill any tearoff before we start *************** *** 992,998 **** /* Recalculate modes for menu based on the new updated children */ menu->modes &= ~modes; ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) if ((s_tearoffs) && (menu->children != NULL)) /* there's a tear bar.. */ child = menu->children->next; /* don't count tearoff bar */ else --- 992,998 ---- /* Recalculate modes for menu based on the new updated children */ menu->modes &= ~modes; ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) if ((s_tearoffs) && (menu->children != NULL)) /* there's a tear bar.. */ child = menu->children->next; /* don't count tearoff bar */ else *************** *** 1003,1009 **** if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE) { free_menu_string(menu, MENU_INDEX_TIP); ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ && (defined(FEAT_BEVAL_GUI) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)) /* Need to update the menu tip. */ if (gui.in_use) --- 1003,1009 ---- if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE) { free_menu_string(menu, MENU_INDEX_TIP); ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ && (defined(FEAT_BEVAL_GUI) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)) /* Need to update the menu tip. */ if (gui.in_use) *************** *** 1013,1019 **** if ((menu->modes & MENU_ALL_MODES) == 0) { /* The menu item is no longer valid in ANY mode, so delete it */ ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) if (s_tearoffs && menu->children != NULL) /* there's a tear bar.. */ free_menu(&menu->children); #endif --- 1013,1019 ---- if ((menu->modes & MENU_ALL_MODES) == 0) { /* The menu item is no longer valid in ANY mode, so delete it */ ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) & defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) if (s_tearoffs && menu->children != NULL) /* there's a tear bar.. */ free_menu(&menu->children); #endif *************** *** 1867,1873 **** } #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) \ ! || (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) /* * Return TRUE if the menu is the tearoff menu. */ --- 1867,1873 ---- } #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) \ ! || (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) /* * Return TRUE if the menu is the tearoff menu. */ *************** *** 2031,2037 **** while (menu) { if ((menu->modes & menu->enabled & mode) ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) || menu_is_tearoff(menu->dname) # endif ) --- 2031,2037 ---- while (menu) { if ((menu->modes & menu->enabled & mode) ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF) || menu_is_tearoff(menu->dname) # endif ) *************** *** 2105,2111 **** # endif #endif /* FEAT_GUI */ ! #if (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) || defined(PROTO) /* * Deal with tearoff items that are added like a menu item. --- 2105,2111 ---- # endif #endif /* FEAT_GUI */ ! #if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TEAROFF)) || defined(PROTO) /* * Deal with tearoff items that are added like a menu item. *************** *** 2257,2263 **** } } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 && FEAT_TEAROFF */ /* * Execute "menu". Use by ":emenu" and the window toolbar. --- 2257,2263 ---- } } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN && FEAT_TEAROFF */ /* * Execute "menu". Use by ":emenu" and the window toolbar. *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/message.c 2019-02-15 21:06:05.338289743 +0100 --- src/message.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.552788863 +0100 *************** *** 2556,2562 **** msg_use_printf(void) { return (!msg_check_screen() ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || !termcap_active #endif || (swapping_screen() && !termcap_active) --- 2556,2562 ---- msg_use_printf(void) { return (!msg_check_screen() ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || !termcap_active #endif || (swapping_screen() && !termcap_active) *************** *** 2573,2579 **** char_u *buf = NULL; char_u *p = s; ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) mch_settmode(TMODE_COOK); /* handle CR and NL correctly */ #endif --- 2573,2579 ---- char_u *buf = NULL; char_u *p = s; ! #ifdef MSWIN if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) mch_settmode(TMODE_COOK); /* handle CR and NL correctly */ #endif *************** *** 2633,2639 **** msg_didout = TRUE; // assume that line is not empty ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) mch_settmode(TMODE_RAW); #endif --- 2633,2639 ---- msg_didout = TRUE; // assume that line is not empty ! #ifdef MSWIN if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) mch_settmode(TMODE_RAW); #endif *************** *** 2934,2940 **** void mch_errmsg(char *str) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) int len = (int)STRLEN(str); DWORD nwrite = 0; DWORD mode = 0; --- 2934,2940 ---- void mch_errmsg(char *str) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) int len = (int)STRLEN(str); DWORD nwrite = 0; DWORD mode = 0; *************** *** 3022,3028 **** void mch_msg(char *str) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) int len = (int)STRLEN(str); DWORD nwrite = 0; DWORD mode; --- 3022,3028 ---- void mch_msg(char *str) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) int len = (int)STRLEN(str); DWORD nwrite = 0; DWORD mode; *************** *** 4008,4014 **** filter = BROWSE_FILTER_DEFAULT; if (flags & BROWSE_DIR) { ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(WIN3264) /* For systems that have a directory dialog. */ fname = gui_mch_browsedir(title, initdir); # else --- 4008,4014 ---- filter = BROWSE_FILTER_DEFAULT; if (flags & BROWSE_DIR) { ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(MSWIN) /* For systems that have a directory dialog. */ fname = gui_mch_browsedir(title, initdir); # else *************** *** 4754,4760 **** else if (length_modifier == 'L') { # ifdef FEAT_NUM64 ! # ifdef WIN3264 f[f_l++] = 'I'; f[f_l++] = '6'; f[f_l++] = '4'; --- 4754,4760 ---- else if (length_modifier == 'L') { # ifdef FEAT_NUM64 ! # ifdef MSWIN f[f_l++] = 'I'; f[f_l++] = '6'; f[f_l++] = '4'; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/misc1.c 2019-02-13 22:45:21.512636158 +0100 --- src/misc1.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 14,20 **** #include "vim.h" #include "version.h" ! #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) && defined(WIN3264) # include #endif --- 14,20 ---- #include "vim.h" #include "version.h" ! #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) && defined(MSWIN) # include #endif *************** *** 3852,3858 **** var = mch_getenv((char_u *)"HOME"); #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Typically, $HOME is not defined on Windows, unless the user has * specifically defined it for Vim's sake. However, on Windows NT --- 3852,3858 ---- var = mch_getenv((char_u *)"HOME"); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN /* * Typically, $HOME is not defined on Windows, unless the user has * specifically defined it for Vim's sake. However, on Windows NT *************** *** 4318,4324 **** if (p != NULL) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) if (enc_utf8) { int len; --- 4318,4324 ---- if (p != NULL) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) if (enc_utf8) { int len; *************** *** 4362,4368 **** else p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"VIM"); ! #if defined(WIN3264) if (enc_utf8) { int len; --- 4362,4368 ---- else p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"VIM"); ! #if defined(MSWIN) if (enc_utf8) { int len; *************** *** 4688,4694 **** add_user((char_u *)pw->pw_name, TRUE); endpwent(); } ! # elif defined(WIN3264) { DWORD nusers = 0, ntotal = 0, i; PUSER_INFO_0 uinfo; --- 4688,4694 ---- add_user((char_u *)pw->pw_name, TRUE); endpwent(); } ! # elif defined(MSWIN) { DWORD nusers = 0, ntotal = 0, i; PUSER_INFO_0 uinfo; *************** *** 4820,4826 **** #else homedir_env_orig = homedir_env = mch_getenv((char_u *)"HOME"); #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (homedir_env == NULL) homedir_env_orig = homedir_env = mch_getenv((char_u *)"USERPROFILE"); #endif --- 4820,4826 ---- #else homedir_env_orig = homedir_env = mch_getenv((char_u *)"HOME"); #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN if (homedir_env == NULL) homedir_env_orig = homedir_env = mch_getenv((char_u *)"USERPROFILE"); #endif *************** *** 5619,5625 **** static int expand_backtick(garray_T *gap, char_u *pat, int flags); # endif ! # if defined(WIN3264) /* * File name expansion code for MS-DOS, Win16 and Win32. It's here because * it's shared between these systems. --- 5619,5625 ---- static int expand_backtick(garray_T *gap, char_u *pat, int flags); # endif ! # if defined(MSWIN) /* * File name expansion code for MS-DOS, Win16 and Win32. It's here because * it's shared between these systems. *************** *** 5898,5904 **** { return dos_expandpath(gap, path, 0, flags, FALSE); } ! # endif /* WIN3264 */ #if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(VMS)) || defined(USE_UNIXFILENAME) \ || defined(PROTO) --- 5898,5904 ---- { return dos_expandpath(gap, path, 0, flags, FALSE); } ! # endif // MSWIN #if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(VMS)) || defined(USE_UNIXFILENAME) \ || defined(PROTO) *************** *** 6646,6652 **** { char_u *p; ! #ifdef WIN3264 p = gettail(p_sh); p = vim_strnsave(p, (int)(skiptowhite(p) - p)); #else --- 6646,6652 ---- { char_u *p; ! #ifdef MSWIN p = gettail(p_sh); p = vim_strnsave(p, (int)(skiptowhite(p) - p)); #else *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/misc2.c 2019-02-13 22:45:21.512636158 +0100 --- src/misc2.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 1427,1433 **** length = (unsigned)STRLEN(string) + 3; /* two quotes and a trailing NUL */ for (p = string; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p)) { ! # ifdef WIN32 if (!p_ssl) { if (*p == '"') --- 1427,1433 ---- length = (unsigned)STRLEN(string) + 3; /* two quotes and a trailing NUL */ for (p = string; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p)) { ! # ifdef MSWIN if (!p_ssl) { if (*p == '"') *************** *** 1458,1464 **** d = escaped_string; /* add opening quote */ ! # ifdef WIN32 if (!p_ssl) *d++ = '"'; else --- 1458,1464 ---- d = escaped_string; /* add opening quote */ ! # ifdef MSWIN if (!p_ssl) *d++ = '"'; else *************** *** 1467,1473 **** for (p = string; *p != NUL; ) { ! # ifdef WIN32 if (!p_ssl) { if (*p == '"') --- 1467,1473 ---- for (p = string; *p != NUL; ) { ! # ifdef MSWIN if (!p_ssl) { if (*p == '"') *************** *** 1510,1516 **** } /* add terminating quote and finish with a NUL */ ! # ifdef WIN32 if (!p_ssl) *d++ = '"'; else --- 1510,1516 ---- } /* add terminating quote and finish with a NUL */ ! # ifdef MSWIN if (!p_ssl) *d++ = '"'; else *************** *** 2169,2175 **** } } ! #if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(USE_SYSTEM)) || defined(WIN3264) \ || defined(PROTO) /* * Append the text in "gap" below the cursor line and clear "gap". --- 2169,2175 ---- } } ! #if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(USE_SYSTEM)) || defined(MSWIN) \ || defined(PROTO) /* * Append the text in "gap" below the cursor line and clear "gap". *************** *** 4185,4191 **** perm = mch_getperm(fname); #endif if ( ! # ifdef WIN3264 mch_writable(fname) && # else # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) --- 4185,4191 ---- perm = mch_getperm(fname); #endif if ( ! # ifdef MSWIN mch_writable(fname) && # else # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) *************** *** 4437,4443 **** for (i = 0; i < MAX_REPEAT_PARSE; ++i) { // For Win32 mch_breakcheck() does not check for input, do it here. ! # if defined(WIN32) && defined(FEAT_JOB_CHANNEL) channel_handle_events(FALSE); # endif --- 4437,4443 ---- for (i = 0; i < MAX_REPEAT_PARSE; ++i) { // For Win32 mch_breakcheck() does not check for input, do it here. ! # if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_JOB_CHANNEL) channel_handle_events(FALSE); # endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/nbdebug.c 2019-01-17 15:43:21.761878368 +0100 --- src/nbdebug.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 124,130 **** expand_env((char_u *) file, (char_u *) buf, BUFSIZ); return ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 (access(buf, F_OK) == 0); #else (access(buf, 0) == 0); --- 124,130 ---- expand_env((char_u *) file, (char_u *) buf, BUFSIZ); return ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN (access(buf, F_OK) == 0); #else (access(buf, 0) == 0); *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/netbeans.c 2019-01-26 17:28:22.228599112 +0100 --- src/netbeans.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 27,33 **** #if defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) || defined(PROTO) ! #ifndef WIN32 # include # ifdef HAVE_LIBGEN_H # include --- 27,33 ---- #if defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) || defined(PROTO) ! #ifndef MSWIN # include # ifdef HAVE_LIBGEN_H # include *************** *** 2347,2353 **** { #ifdef FEAT_GUI # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) if (gui.in_use) { emsg(_("E838: netbeans is not supported with this GUI")); --- 2347,2353 ---- { #ifdef FEAT_GUI # if !defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) if (gui.in_use) { emsg(_("E838: netbeans is not supported with this GUI")); *************** *** 2567,2573 **** } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) /* * Tell netbeans that the window was moved or resized. */ --- 2567,2573 ---- } #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /* * Tell netbeans that the window was moved or resized. */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/normal.c 2019-02-17 15:00:48.450637077 +0100 --- src/normal.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 5401,5407 **** # endif #endif redraw_later(CLEAR); ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) resize_console_buf(); #endif } --- 5401,5407 ---- # endif #endif redraw_later(CLEAR); ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) resize_console_buf(); #endif } *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/option.c 2019-02-16 19:05:07.348324655 +0100 --- src/option.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 505,511 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif { ! #if (defined(WIN3264)) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) (char_u *)128L, #else (char_u *)224L, --- 505,511 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif { ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) (char_u *)128L, #else (char_u *)224L, *************** *** 575,581 **** {"background", "bg", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_bg, PV_NONE, { ! #if (defined(WIN3264)) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) (char_u *)"dark", #else (char_u *)"light", --- 575,581 ---- {"background", "bg", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_bg, PV_NONE, { ! #if (defined(MSWIN)) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) (char_u *)"dark", #else (char_u *)"light", *************** *** 1309,1315 **** #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_gp, PV_GP, { ! # ifdef WIN3264 /* may be changed to "grep -n" in os_win32.c */ (char_u *)"findstr /n", # else --- 1309,1315 ---- #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_gp, PV_GP, { ! # ifdef MSWIN /* may be changed to "grep -n" in os_win32.c */ (char_u *)"findstr /n", # else *************** *** 1739,1745 **** {"lines", NULL, P_NUM|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&Rows, PV_NONE, { ! #if defined(WIN3264) (char_u *)25L, #else (char_u *)24L, --- 1739,1745 ---- {"lines", NULL, P_NUM|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&Rows, PV_NONE, { ! #if defined(MSWIN) (char_u *)25L, #else (char_u *)24L, *************** *** 1751,1757 **** #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} #else {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} --- 1751,1757 ---- #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} #else {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} *************** *** 1897,1903 **** {"mouse", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_mouse, PV_NONE, { ! #if defined(WIN3264) (char_u *)"a", #else (char_u *)"", --- 1897,1903 ---- {"mouse", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_mouse, PV_NONE, { ! #if defined(MSWIN) (char_u *)"a", #else (char_u *)"", *************** *** 2260,2266 **** (char_u *)&p_report, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)2L, (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT}, {"restorescreen", "rs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, ! #ifdef WIN3264 (char_u *)&p_rs, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, --- 2260,2266 ---- (char_u *)&p_report, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)2L, (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT}, {"restorescreen", "rs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, ! #ifdef MSWIN (char_u *)&p_rs, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2363,2369 **** #ifdef VMS (char_u *)"-", #else ! # if defined(WIN3264) (char_u *)"", /* set in set_init_1() */ # else (char_u *)"sh", --- 2363,2369 ---- #ifdef VMS (char_u *)"-", #else ! # if defined(MSWIN) (char_u *)"", /* set in set_init_1() */ # else (char_u *)"sh", *************** *** 2429,2435 **** {"shellxescape", "sxe", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_sxe, PV_NONE, { ! #if defined(WIN3264) (char_u *)"\"&|<>()@^", #else (char_u *)"", --- 2429,2435 ---- {"shellxescape", "sxe", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_sxe, PV_NONE, { ! #if defined(MSWIN) (char_u *)"\"&|<>()@^", #else (char_u *)"", *************** *** 2720,2726 **** #endif SCTX_INIT}, {"termwintype", "twt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, ! #if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) (char_u *)&p_twt, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)NULL} #else --- 2720,2726 ---- #endif SCTX_INIT}, {"termwintype", "twt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) (char_u *)&p_twt, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)NULL} #else *************** *** 2795,2801 **** #endif {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT}, {"toolbar", "tb", P_STRING|P_ONECOMMA|P_VI_DEF|P_NODUP, ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) (char_u *)&p_toolbar, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"icons,tooltips", (char_u *)0L} #else --- 2795,2801 ---- #endif {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT}, {"toolbar", "tb", P_STRING|P_ONECOMMA|P_VI_DEF|P_NODUP, ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) (char_u *)&p_toolbar, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"icons,tooltips", (char_u *)0L} #else *************** *** 2857,2863 **** {"undolevels", "ul", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ul, PV_UL, { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) || defined(VMS) (char_u *)1000L, #else (char_u *)100L, --- 2857,2863 ---- {"undolevels", "ul", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ul, PV_UL, { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(VMS) (char_u *)1000L, #else (char_u *)100L, *************** *** 3033,3039 **** (char_u *)&p_wmw, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT}, {"winptydll", NULL, P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, ! #if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) (char_u *)&p_winptydll, PV_NONE, { # ifdef _WIN64 (char_u *)"winpty64.dll", --- 3033,3039 ---- (char_u *)&p_wmw, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT}, {"winptydll", NULL, P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) (char_u *)&p_winptydll, PV_NONE, { # ifdef _WIN64 (char_u *)"winpty64.dll", *************** *** 3209,3215 **** #ifdef FEAT_SIGNS static char *(p_scl_values[]) = {"yes", "no", "auto", NULL}; #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) static char *(p_twt_values[]) = {"winpty", "conpty", "", NULL}; #endif --- 3209,3215 ---- #ifdef FEAT_SIGNS static char *(p_scl_values[]) = {"yes", "no", "auto", NULL}; #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) static char *(p_twt_values[]) = {"winpty", "conpty", "", NULL}; #endif *************** *** 3306,3312 **** if (((p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"SHELL")) != NULL && *p != NUL) #if defined(MSWIN) || ((p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"COMSPEC")) != NULL && *p != NUL) ! # ifdef WIN3264 || ((p = (char_u *)default_shell()) != NULL && *p != NUL) # endif #endif --- 3306,3312 ---- if (((p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"SHELL")) != NULL && *p != NUL) #if defined(MSWIN) || ((p = mch_getenv((char_u *)"COMSPEC")) != NULL && *p != NUL) ! # ifdef MSWIN || ((p = (char_u *)default_shell()) != NULL && *p != NUL) # endif #endif *************** *** 3575,3581 **** didset_options2(); ! # if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_GETTEXT) /* * If $LANG isn't set, try to get a good value for it. This makes the * right language be used automatically. Don't do this for English. --- 3575,3581 ---- didset_options2(); ! # if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_GETTEXT) /* * If $LANG isn't set, try to get a good value for it. This makes the * right language be used automatically. Don't do this for English. *************** *** 3658,3664 **** } #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) /* Win32 console: When GetACP() returns a different value from * GetConsoleCP() set 'termencoding'. */ if (GetACP() != GetConsoleCP()) --- 3658,3664 ---- } #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) /* Win32 console: When GetACP() returns a different value from * GetConsoleCP() set 'termencoding'. */ if (GetACP() != GetConsoleCP()) *************** *** 3687,3693 **** p_tenc = empty_option; } #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* $HOME may have characters in active code page. */ init_homedir(); #endif --- 3687,3693 ---- p_tenc = empty_option; } #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* $HOME may have characters in active code page. */ init_homedir(); #endif *************** *** 3922,3928 **** set_number_default("window", Rows - 1); /* For DOS console the default is always black. */ ! #if !((defined(WIN3264)) && !defined(FEAT_GUI)) /* * If 'background' wasn't set by the user, try guessing the value, * depending on the terminal name. Only need to check for terminals --- 3922,3928 ---- set_number_default("window", Rows - 1); /* For DOS console the default is always black. */ ! #if !((defined(MSWIN)) && !defined(FEAT_GUI)) /* * If 'background' wasn't set by the user, try guessing the value, * depending on the terminal name. Only need to check for terminals *************** *** 3965,3971 **** static char_u * term_bg_default(void) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* DOS console is nearly always black */ return (char_u *)"dark"; #else --- 3965,3971 ---- static char_u * term_bg_default(void) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* DOS console is nearly always black */ return (char_u *)"dark"; #else *************** *** 3990,3996 **** void set_init_3(void) { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(WIN3264) /* * Set 'shellpipe' and 'shellredir', depending on the 'shell' option. * This is done after other initializations, where 'shell' might have been --- 3990,3996 ---- void set_init_3(void) { ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(MSWIN) /* * Set 'shellpipe' and 'shellredir', depending on the 'shell' option. * This is done after other initializations, where 'shell' might have been *************** *** 4025,4031 **** */ if ( fnamecmp(p, "csh") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "tcsh") == 0 ! # if defined(WIN3264) /* also check with .exe extension */ || fnamecmp(p, "csh.exe") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "tcsh.exe") == 0 # endif --- 4025,4031 ---- */ if ( fnamecmp(p, "csh") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "tcsh") == 0 ! # if defined(MSWIN) // also check with .exe extension || fnamecmp(p, "csh.exe") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "tcsh.exe") == 0 # endif *************** *** 4034,4040 **** # if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) if (do_sp) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 p_sp = (char_u *)">&"; # else p_sp = (char_u *)"|& tee"; --- 4034,4040 ---- # if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) if (do_sp) { ! # ifdef MSWIN p_sp = (char_u *)">&"; # else p_sp = (char_u *)"|& tee"; *************** *** 4058,4064 **** || fnamecmp(p, "zsh-beta") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "bash") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "fish") == 0 ! # ifdef WIN3264 || fnamecmp(p, "cmd") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "sh.exe") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "ksh.exe") == 0 --- 4058,4064 ---- || fnamecmp(p, "zsh-beta") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "bash") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "fish") == 0 ! # ifdef MSWIN || fnamecmp(p, "cmd") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "sh.exe") == 0 || fnamecmp(p, "ksh.exe") == 0 *************** *** 4074,4080 **** # if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) if (do_sp) { ! # ifdef WIN3264 p_sp = (char_u *)">%s 2>&1"; # else p_sp = (char_u *)"2>&1| tee"; --- 4074,4080 ---- # if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) if (do_sp) { ! # ifdef MSWIN p_sp = (char_u *)">%s 2>&1"; # else p_sp = (char_u *)"2>&1| tee"; *************** *** 4092,4098 **** } #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* * Set 'shellcmdflag', 'shellxquote', and 'shellquote' depending on the * 'shell' option. --- 4092,4098 ---- } #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* * Set 'shellcmdflag', 'shellxquote', and 'shellquote' depending on the * 'shell' option. *************** *** 5553,5559 **** (void)compile_cap_prog(curwin->w_s); (void)did_set_spell_option(TRUE); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) (void)opt_strings_flags(p_toolbar, p_toolbar_values, &toolbar_flags, TRUE); #endif #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) --- 5553,5559 ---- (void)compile_cap_prog(curwin->w_s); (void)did_set_spell_option(TRUE); #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) (void)opt_strings_flags(p_toolbar, p_toolbar_values, &toolbar_flags, TRUE); #endif #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) *************** *** 6403,6409 **** } } ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* $HOME may have characters in active code page. */ if (varp == &p_enc) init_homedir(); --- 6403,6409 ---- } } ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* $HOME may have characters in active code page. */ if (varp == &p_enc) init_homedir(); *************** *** 6810,6816 **** { out_str(T_ME); redraw_later(CLEAR); ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) /* Since t_me has been set, this probably means that the user * wants to use this as default colors. Need to reset default * background/foreground colors. */ --- 6810,6816 ---- { out_str(T_ME); redraw_later(CLEAR); ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) /* Since t_me has been set, this probably means that the user * wants to use this as default colors. Need to reset default * background/foreground colors. */ *************** *** 7228,7234 **** #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) /* 'toolbar' */ else if (varp == &p_toolbar) { --- 7228,7234 ---- #endif ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) /* 'toolbar' */ else if (varp == &p_toolbar) { *************** *** 7498,7504 **** errmsg = e_invarg; } } ! # if defined(WIN3264) // 'termwintype' else if (varp == &p_twt) { --- 7498,7504 ---- errmsg = e_invarg; } } ! # if defined(MSWIN) // 'termwintype' else if (varp == &p_twt) { *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/option.h 2019-02-15 21:06:05.342289715 +0100 --- src/option.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 18,24 **** #ifdef AMIGA # define DFLT_EFM "%f>%l:%c:%t:%n:%m,%f:%l: %t%*\\D%n: %m,%f %l %t%*\\D%n: %m,%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l: %m,%f:%l:%m,%f|%l| %m" #else ! # if defined(WIN3264) # define DFLT_EFM "%f(%l) \\=: %t%*\\D%n: %m,%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l: %m,%f(%l) \\=: %m,%*[^ ] %f %l: %m,%f:%l:%c:%m,%f(%l):%m,%f:%l:%m,%f|%l| %m" # else # if defined(__QNX__) --- 18,24 ---- #ifdef AMIGA # define DFLT_EFM "%f>%l:%c:%t:%n:%m,%f:%l: %t%*\\D%n: %m,%f %l %t%*\\D%n: %m,%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l: %m,%f:%l:%m,%f|%l| %m" #else ! # if defined(MSWIN) # define DFLT_EFM "%f(%l) \\=: %t%*\\D%n: %m,%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l: %m,%f(%l) \\=: %m,%*[^ ] %f %l: %m,%f:%l:%c:%m,%f(%l):%m,%f:%l:%m,%f|%l| %m" # else # if defined(__QNX__) *************** *** 546,555 **** #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT EXTERN int p_hkmap; /* 'hkmap' */ EXTERN int p_hkmapp; /* 'hkmapp' */ - # ifdef FEAT_FKMAP - EXTERN int p_fkmap; /* 'fkmap' */ - EXTERN int p_altkeymap; /* 'altkeymap' */ - # endif # ifdef FEAT_ARABIC EXTERN int p_arshape; /* 'arabicshape' */ # endif --- 546,551 ---- *************** *** 694,700 **** #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) EXTERN long p_pvh; /* 'previewheight' */ #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 EXTERN int p_rs; /* 'restorescreen' */ #endif #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT --- 690,696 ---- #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) EXTERN long p_pvh; /* 'previewheight' */ #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN EXTERN int p_rs; /* 'restorescreen' */ #endif #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT *************** *** 827,833 **** #ifdef FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS EXTERN int p_tgc; /* 'termguicolors' */ #endif ! #if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) EXTERN char_u *p_twt; // 'termwintype' #endif EXTERN int p_terse; /* 'terse' */ --- 823,829 ---- #ifdef FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS EXTERN int p_tgc; /* 'termguicolors' */ #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) EXTERN char_u *p_twt; // 'termwintype' #endif EXTERN int p_terse; /* 'terse' */ *************** *** 848,854 **** EXTERN long p_ttm; /* 'ttimeoutlen' */ EXTERN int p_tbi; /* 'ttybuiltin' */ EXTERN int p_tf; /* 'ttyfast' */ ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) EXTERN char_u *p_toolbar; /* 'toolbar' */ EXTERN unsigned toolbar_flags; # ifdef IN_OPTION_C --- 844,850 ---- EXTERN long p_ttm; /* 'ttimeoutlen' */ EXTERN int p_tbi; /* 'ttybuiltin' */ EXTERN int p_tf; /* 'ttyfast' */ ! #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) EXTERN char_u *p_toolbar; /* 'toolbar' */ EXTERN unsigned toolbar_flags; # ifdef IN_OPTION_C *************** *** 945,951 **** EXTERN long p_wmh; /* 'winminheight' */ EXTERN long p_wmw; /* 'winminwidth' */ EXTERN long p_wiw; /* 'winwidth' */ ! #if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) EXTERN char_u *p_winptydll; /* 'winptydll' */ #endif EXTERN int p_ws; /* 'wrapscan' */ --- 941,947 ---- EXTERN long p_wmh; /* 'winminheight' */ EXTERN long p_wmw; /* 'winminwidth' */ EXTERN long p_wiw; /* 'winwidth' */ ! #if defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) EXTERN char_u *p_winptydll; /* 'winptydll' */ #endif EXTERN int p_ws; /* 'wrapscan' */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/os_mswin.c 2019-02-14 14:08:01.178543302 +0100 --- src/os_mswin.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 32,38 **** #endif #ifndef PROTO ! # if defined(FEAT_TITLE) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) # include # endif --- 32,38 ---- #endif #ifndef PROTO ! # if defined(FEAT_TITLE) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) # include # endif *************** *** 3091,3097 **** } if (STRCMP(name, "*") == 0) { ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) CHOOSEFONT cf; /* if name is "*", bring up std font dialog: */ vim_memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf)); --- 3091,3097 ---- } if (STRCMP(name, "*") == 0) { ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) CHOOSEFONT cf; /* if name is "*", bring up std font dialog: */ vim_memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf)); *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/os_unix.c 2019-02-10 22:43:30.158824050 +0100 --- src/os_unix.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 49,55 **** #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ ! # ifndef WIN32 # include # include /* for cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() and/or * for cygwin_conv_path() */ --- 49,55 ---- #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ ! # ifndef MSWIN # include # include /* for cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() and/or * for cygwin_conv_path() */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/os_w32exe.c 2019-01-24 16:38:58.272712472 +0100 --- src/os_w32exe.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 22,28 **** /* cproto doesn't create a prototype for main() */ int _cdecl ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) VimMain #else main --- 22,28 ---- /* cproto doesn't create a prototype for main() */ int _cdecl ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) VimMain #else main *************** *** 104,110 **** pSaveInst = SaveInst; # endif pmain = ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) //&& defined(__MINGW32__) VimMain # else --- 104,110 ---- pSaveInst = SaveInst; # endif pmain = ! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) //&& defined(__MINGW32__) VimMain # else *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/os_win32.c 2019-02-17 15:00:48.450637077 +0100 --- src/os_win32.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 10,16 **** * os_win32.c * * Used for both the console version and the Win32 GUI. A lot of code is for ! * the console version only, so there is a lot of "#ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32". * * Win32 (Windows NT and Windows 95) system-dependent routines. * Portions lifted from the Win32 SDK samples, the MSDOS-dependent code, --- 10,16 ---- * os_win32.c * * Used for both the console version and the Win32 GUI. A lot of code is for ! * the console version only, so there is a lot of "#ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN". * * Win32 (Windows NT and Windows 95) system-dependent routines. * Portions lifted from the Win32 SDK samples, the MSDOS-dependent code, *************** *** 45,51 **** #endif #ifndef PROTO ! # if defined(FEAT_TITLE) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) # include # endif #endif --- 45,51 ---- #endif #ifndef PROTO ! # if defined(FEAT_TITLE) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) # include # endif #endif *************** *** 151,157 **** # define wcsicmp(a, b) wcscmpi((a), (b)) #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* Win32 Console handles for input and output */ static HANDLE g_hConIn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static HANDLE g_hConOut = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; --- 151,157 ---- # define wcsicmp(a, b) wcscmpi((a), (b)) #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* Win32 Console handles for input and output */ static HANDLE g_hConIn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static HANDLE g_hConOut = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *************** *** 193,199 **** static int conpty_stable = 0; static void vtp_flag_init(); ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 static int vtp_working = 0; static void vtp_init(); static void vtp_exit(); --- 193,199 ---- static int conpty_stable = 0; static void vtp_flag_init(); ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN static int vtp_working = 0; static void vtp_init(); static void vtp_exit(); *************** *** 227,233 **** # define ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING 0x0004 #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 static int suppress_winsize = 1; /* don't fiddle with console */ #endif --- 227,233 ---- # define ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING 0x0004 #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN static int suppress_winsize = 1; /* don't fiddle with console */ #endif *************** *** 235,241 **** static BOOL win8_or_later = FALSE; ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* Dynamic loading for portability */ typedef struct _DYN_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX { --- 235,241 ---- static BOOL win8_or_later = FALSE; ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* Dynamic loading for portability */ typedef struct _DYN_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX { *************** *** 284,290 **** return ver; } ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* * Version of ReadConsoleInput() that works with IME. * Works around problems on Windows 8. --- 284,290 ---- return ver; } ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* * Version of ReadConsoleInput() that works with IME. * Works around problems on Windows 8. *************** *** 830,836 **** } } ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 #define SHIFT (SHIFT_PRESSED) #define CTRL (RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED) --- 830,836 ---- } } ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN #define SHIFT (SHIFT_PRESSED) #define CTRL (RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED | LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED) *************** *** 1122,1128 **** # pragma optimize("", on) #endif ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE --- 1122,1128 ---- # pragma optimize("", on) #endif ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE *************** *** 1130,1136 **** /* * For the GUI the mouse handling is in gui_w32.c. */ ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 void mch_setmouse(int on UNUSED) { --- 1130,1136 ---- /* * For the GUI the mouse handling is in gui_w32.c. */ ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN void mch_setmouse(int on UNUSED) { *************** *** 1441,1447 **** return TRUE; } ! # endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #endif /* FEAT_MOUSE */ --- 1441,1447 ---- return TRUE; } ! # endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #endif /* FEAT_MOUSE */ *************** *** 1481,1487 **** } #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* this isn't used for the GUI */ /* * Handle FOCUS_EVENT. */ --- 1481,1487 ---- } #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* this isn't used for the GUI */ /* * Handle FOCUS_EVENT. */ *************** *** 1775,1781 **** #endif } } ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_W32 */ /* --- 1775,1781 ---- #endif } } ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ /* *************** *** 1793,1799 **** long time UNUSED, int tb_change_cnt UNUSED) { ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* this isn't used for the GUI */ int len; int c; --- 1793,1799 ---- long time UNUSED, int tb_change_cnt UNUSED) { ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* this isn't used for the GUI */ int len; int c; *************** *** 2006,2014 **** } return len; ! #else /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ return 0; ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ } #ifndef PROTO --- 2006,2014 ---- } return len; ! #else /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ return 0; ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ } #ifndef PROTO *************** *** 2123,2129 **** # define SET_INVALID_PARAM_HANDLER #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* * GUI version of mch_init(). --- 2123,2129 ---- # define SET_INVALID_PARAM_HANDLER #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* * GUI version of mch_init(). *************** *** 2196,2202 **** } ! #else /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ #define SRWIDTH(sr) ((sr).Right - (sr).Left + 1) #define SRHEIGHT(sr) ((sr).Bottom - (sr).Top + 1) --- 2196,2202 ---- } ! #else /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ #define SRWIDTH(sr) ((sr).Right - (sr).Left + 1) #define SRHEIGHT(sr) ((sr).Bottom - (sr).Top + 1) *************** *** 2751,2757 **** exit(r); } ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_W32 */ /* * Do we have an interactive window? --- 2751,2757 ---- exit(r); } ! #endif /* !FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ /* * Do we have an interactive window? *************** *** 2763,2769 **** { get_exe_name(); ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 return OK; /* GUI always has a tty */ #else if (isatty(1)) --- 2763,2769 ---- { get_exe_name(); ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN return OK; /* GUI always has a tty */ #else if (isatty(1)) *************** *** 3852,3858 **** #endif } ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* * handler for ctrl-break, ctrl-c interrupts, and fatal events. --- 3852,3858 ---- #endif } ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* * handler for ctrl-break, ctrl-c interrupts, and fatal events. *************** *** 4168,4174 **** } suppress_winsize = 0; } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ static BOOL vim_create_process( --- 4168,4174 ---- } suppress_winsize = 0; } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ static BOOL vim_create_process( *************** *** 4249,4255 **** } ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) /* * Specialised version of system() for Win32 GUI mode. --- 4249,4255 ---- } ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /* * Specialised version of system() for Win32 GUI mode. *************** *** 5124,5130 **** else { x = -1; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 emsg(_("E371: Command not found")); #endif } --- 5124,5130 ---- else { x = -1; ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN emsg(_("E371: Command not found")); #endif } *************** *** 5144,5150 **** else { cmdlen = ( ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 (!p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) + #endif STRLEN(p_sh) + STRLEN(p_shcf) + STRLEN(cmd) + 10); --- 5144,5150 ---- else { cmdlen = ( ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN (!p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) + #endif STRLEN(p_sh) + STRLEN(p_shcf) + STRLEN(cmd) + 10); *************** *** 5152,5158 **** newcmd = lalloc(cmdlen, TRUE); if (newcmd != NULL) { ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) if (need_vimrun_warning) { char *msg = _("VIMRUN.EXE not found in your $PATH.\n" --- 5152,5158 ---- newcmd = lalloc(cmdlen, TRUE); if (newcmd != NULL) { ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) if (need_vimrun_warning) { char *msg = _("VIMRUN.EXE not found in your $PATH.\n" *************** *** 5196,5202 **** /* Print the return value, unless "vimrun" was used. */ if (x != 0 && !(options & SHELL_SILENT) && !emsg_silent ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && ((options & SHELL_DOOUT) || s_dont_use_vimrun || !p_stmp) #endif ) --- 5196,5202 ---- /* Print the return value, unless "vimrun" was used. */ if (x != 0 && !(options & SHELL_SILENT) && !emsg_silent ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && ((options & SHELL_DOOUT) || s_dont_use_vimrun || !p_stmp) #endif ) *************** *** 5736,5742 **** #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* * Start termcap mode --- 5736,5742 ---- #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* * Start termcap mode *************** *** 5852,5861 **** g_fTermcapMode = FALSE; } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 void mch_write( char_u *s UNUSED, --- 5852,5861 ---- g_fTermcapMode = FALSE; } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN void mch_write( char_u *s UNUSED, *************** *** 6692,6698 **** #endif } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_W32 */ /* --- 6692,6698 ---- #endif } ! #endif /* FEAT_GUI_MSWIN */ /* *************** *** 6703,6709 **** long msec, int ignoreinput UNUSED) { ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 Sleep((int)msec); /* never wait for input */ #else /* Console */ if (ignoreinput) --- 6703,6709 ---- long msec, int ignoreinput UNUSED) { ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN Sleep((int)msec); /* never wait for input */ #else /* Console */ if (ignoreinput) *************** *** 6771,6777 **** void mch_breakcheck(int force) { ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* never used */ if (g_fCtrlCPressed || g_fCBrkPressed) { ctrl_break_was_pressed = g_fCBrkPressed; --- 6771,6777 ---- void mch_breakcheck(int force) { ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* never used */ if (g_fCtrlCPressed || g_fCBrkPressed) { ctrl_break_was_pressed = g_fCBrkPressed; *************** *** 7696,7702 **** vtp_flag_init(void) { DWORD ver = get_build_number(); ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 DWORD mode; HANDLE out; --- 7696,7702 ---- vtp_flag_init(void) { DWORD ver = get_build_number(); ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN DWORD mode; HANDLE out; *************** *** 7716,7722 **** } ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) static void vtp_init(void) --- 7716,7722 ---- } ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) static void vtp_init(void) *************** *** 7941,7947 **** return conpty_stable; } ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(PROTO) void resize_console_buf(void) { --- 7941,7947 ---- return conpty_stable; } ! #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) void resize_console_buf(void) { *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/os_win32.h 2019-01-24 17:18:37.599462306 +0100 --- src/os_win32.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 70,76 **** #if defined(__DATE__) && defined(__TIME__) # define HAVE_DATE_TIME #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32 /* GUI works different */ # define BREAKCHECK_SKIP 1 /* call mch_breakcheck() each time, it's fast */ #endif --- 70,76 ---- #if defined(__DATE__) && defined(__TIME__) # define HAVE_DATE_TIME #endif ! #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN /* GUI works different */ # define BREAKCHECK_SKIP 1 /* call mch_breakcheck() each time, it's fast */ #endif *************** *** 78,84 **** #define HAVE_PUTENV /* at least Bcc 5.2 and MSC have it */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # define NO_CONSOLE /* don't included console-only code */ #endif --- 78,84 ---- #define HAVE_PUTENV /* at least Bcc 5.2 and MSC have it */ ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # define NO_CONSOLE /* don't included console-only code */ #endif *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/proto.h 2019-02-16 15:09:21.217946198 +0100 --- src/proto.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.556788840 +0100 *************** *** 38,44 **** # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) # include "" # endif ! # ifdef WIN3264 # include "" # include "" # include "" --- 38,44 ---- # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) # include "" # endif ! # ifdef MSWIN # include "" # include "" # include "" *************** *** 266,272 **** extern char_u *vimpty_getenv(const char_u *string); /* in misc2.c */ # endif # endif ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # include "" # endif # ifdef FEAT_GUI_GTK --- 266,272 ---- extern char_u *vimpty_getenv(const char_u *string); /* in misc2.c */ # endif # endif ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # include "" # endif # ifdef FEAT_GUI_GTK *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/screen.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.217946198 +0100 --- src/screen.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 7974,7980 **** screen_attr = attr; if (full_screen ! #ifdef WIN3264 && termcap_active #endif ) --- 7974,7980 ---- screen_attr = attr; if (full_screen ! #ifdef MSWIN && termcap_active #endif ) *************** *** 8081,8087 **** int do_ME = FALSE; /* output T_ME code */ if (screen_attr != 0 ! #ifdef WIN3264 && termcap_active #endif ) --- 8081,8087 ---- int do_ME = FALSE; /* output T_ME code */ if (screen_attr != 0 ! #ifdef MSWIN && termcap_active #endif ) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/search.c 2019-02-16 15:09:21.213946217 +0100 --- src/search.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 1246,1252 **** } if (options & SEARCH_REV) { ! #ifdef WIN32 /* There is a bug in the Visual C++ 2.2 compiler which means that * dirc always ends up being '/' */ dirc = (dirc == '/') ? '?' : '/'; --- 1246,1252 ---- } if (options & SEARCH_REV) { ! #ifdef MSWIN /* There is a bug in the Visual C++ 2.2 compiler which means that * dirc always ends up being '/' */ dirc = (dirc == '/') ? '?' : '/'; *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/structs.h 2019-02-16 15:09:21.217946198 +0100 --- src/structs.h 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 1073,1079 **** { int vc_type; /* zero or one of the CONV_ values */ int vc_factor; /* max. expansion factor */ ! # ifdef WIN3264 int vc_cpfrom; /* codepage to convert from (CONV_CODEPAGE) */ int vc_cpto; /* codepage to convert to (CONV_CODEPAGE) */ # endif --- 1073,1079 ---- { int vc_type; /* zero or one of the CONV_ values */ int vc_factor; /* max. expansion factor */ ! # ifdef MSWIN int vc_cpfrom; /* codepage to convert from (CONV_CODEPAGE) */ int vc_cpto; /* codepage to convert to (CONV_CODEPAGE) */ # endif *************** *** 1101,1107 **** #define CONV_TO_LATIN1 3 #define CONV_TO_LATIN9 4 #define CONV_ICONV 5 ! #ifdef WIN3264 # define CONV_CODEPAGE 10 /* codepage -> codepage */ #endif #ifdef MACOS_X --- 1101,1107 ---- #define CONV_TO_LATIN1 3 #define CONV_TO_LATIN9 4 #define CONV_ICONV 5 ! #ifdef MSWIN # define CONV_CODEPAGE 10 /* codepage -> codepage */ #endif #ifdef MACOS_X *************** *** 1187,1193 **** #ifdef FEAT_NUM64 /* Use 64-bit Number. */ ! # ifdef WIN3264 # ifdef PROTO typedef long varnumber_T; typedef unsigned long uvarnumber_T; --- 1187,1193 ---- #ifdef FEAT_NUM64 /* Use 64-bit Number. */ ! # ifdef MSWIN # ifdef PROTO typedef long varnumber_T; typedef unsigned long uvarnumber_T; *************** *** 1543,1549 **** #ifdef UNIX pid_t jv_pid; #endif ! #ifdef WIN32 PROCESS_INFORMATION jv_proc_info; HANDLE jv_job_object; #endif --- 1543,1549 ---- #ifdef UNIX pid_t jv_pid; #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN PROCESS_INFORMATION jv_proc_info; HANDLE jv_job_object; #endif *************** *** 1554,1560 **** #ifdef UNIX char_u *jv_termsig; /* allocated */ #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 char_u *jv_tty_type; // allocated #endif int jv_exitval; --- 1554,1560 ---- #ifdef UNIX char_u *jv_termsig; /* allocated */ #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN char_u *jv_tty_type; // allocated #endif int jv_exitval; *************** *** 1670,1676 **** * message when the deadline was set. If it gets longer (something was * received) the deadline is reset. */ size_t ch_wait_len; ! #ifdef WIN32 DWORD ch_deadline; #else struct timeval ch_deadline; --- 1670,1676 ---- * message when the deadline was set. If it gets longer (something was * received) the deadline is reset. */ size_t ch_wait_len; ! #ifdef MSWIN DWORD ch_deadline; #else struct timeval ch_deadline; *************** *** 1720,1726 **** /* callback for Netbeans when channel is * closed */ ! #ifdef WIN32 int ch_named_pipe; /* using named pipe instead of pty */ #endif char_u *ch_callback; /* call when any msg is not handled */ --- 1720,1726 ---- /* callback for Netbeans when channel is * closed */ ! #ifdef MSWIN int ch_named_pipe; /* using named pipe instead of pty */ #endif char_u *ch_callback; /* call when any msg is not handled */ *************** *** 3225,3231 **** #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_TIP BalloonEval *tip; /* tooltip for this menu item */ #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 UINT id; /* Id of menu item */ HMENU submenu_id; /* If this is submenu, add children here */ HWND tearoff_handle; /* hWnd of tearoff if created */ --- 3225,3231 ---- #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_TIP BalloonEval *tip; /* tooltip for this menu item */ #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN UINT id; /* Id of menu item */ HMENU submenu_id; /* If this is submenu, add children here */ HWND tearoff_handle; /* hWnd of tearoff if created */ *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/syntax.c 2019-01-24 17:18:37.595462334 +0100 --- src/syntax.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 8274,8280 **** void restore_cterm_colors(void) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) /* Since t_me has been set, this probably means that the user * wants to use this as default colors. Need to reset default * background/foreground colors. */ --- 8274,8280 ---- void restore_cterm_colors(void) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) /* Since t_me has been set, this probably means that the user * wants to use this as default colors. Need to reset default * background/foreground colors. */ *************** *** 9559,9565 **** at_en.ae_u.cterm.fg_color = sgp->sg_cterm_fg; at_en.ae_u.cterm.bg_color = sgp->sg_cterm_bg; # ifdef FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS ! # ifdef WIN3264 { int id; guicolor_T fg, bg; --- 9559,9565 ---- at_en.ae_u.cterm.fg_color = sgp->sg_cterm_fg; at_en.ae_u.cterm.bg_color = sgp->sg_cterm_bg; # ifdef FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS ! # ifdef MSWIN { int id; guicolor_T fg, bg; *************** *** 9822,9829 **** } #endif ! #if (defined(WIN3264) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ && defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)) || defined(PROTO) void syn_id2cterm_bg(int hl_id, int *fgp, int *bgp) --- 9822,9829 ---- } #endif ! #if (defined(MSWIN) \ ! && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ && defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)) || defined(PROTO) void syn_id2cterm_bg(int hl_id, int *fgp, int *bgp) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/term.c 2019-02-16 16:47:58.130925240 +0100 --- src/term.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 533,539 **** {K_PAGEUP, "\316I"}, # endif ! # if defined(WIN3264) || defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS) /* * These codes are valid for the Win32 Console . The entries that start with * ESC | are translated into console calls in os_win32.c. The function keys --- 533,539 ---- {K_PAGEUP, "\316I"}, # endif ! # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS) /* * These codes are valid for the Win32 Console . The entries that start with * ESC | are translated into console calls in os_win32.c. The function keys *************** *** 2036,2042 **** /* termcap failed to report size */ /* set defaults, in case ui_get_shellsize() also fails */ width = 80; ! #if defined(WIN3264) height = 25; /* console is often 25 lines */ #else height = 24; /* most terminals are 24 lines */ --- 2036,2042 ---- /* termcap failed to report size */ /* set defaults, in case ui_get_shellsize() also fails */ width = 80; ! #if defined(MSWIN) height = 25; /* console is often 25 lines */ #else height = 24; /* most terminals are 24 lines */ *************** *** 4082,4088 **** return; } ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) s = vim_strnsave(string, (int)STRLEN(string) + 1); #else s = vim_strsave(string); --- 4082,4088 ---- return; } ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) s = vim_strnsave(string, (int)STRLEN(string) + 1); #else s = vim_strsave(string); *************** *** 4097,4103 **** s[0] = term_7to8bit(string); } ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) if (s[0] == K_NUL) { STRMOVE(s + 1, s); --- 4097,4103 ---- s[0] = term_7to8bit(string); } ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) if (s[0] == K_NUL) { STRMOVE(s + 1, s); *************** *** 6721,6727 **** } #endif ! #if (defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI)) || defined(PROTO) static char ksme_str[20]; static char ksmr_str[20]; static char ksmd_str[20]; --- 6721,6727 ---- } #endif ! #if (defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI)) || defined(PROTO) static char ksme_str[20]; static char ksmr_str[20]; static char ksmd_str[20]; *************** *** 6917,6923 **** /* On MS-Windows an RGB macro is available and it produces 0x00bbggrr color * values as used by the MS-Windows GDI api. It should be used only for * MS-Windows GDI builds. */ ! # if defined(RGB) && defined(WIN32) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) # undef RGB # endif # ifndef RGB --- 6917,6923 ---- /* On MS-Windows an RGB macro is available and it produces 0x00bbggrr color * values as used by the MS-Windows GDI api. It should be used only for * MS-Windows GDI builds. */ ! # if defined(RGB) && defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI) # undef RGB # endif # ifndef RGB *************** *** 7085,7091 **** } #endif ! #if (defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) || defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) \ || defined(PROTO) static int cube_value[] = { 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF --- 7085,7091 ---- } #endif ! #if (defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)) || defined(FEAT_TERMINAL) \ || defined(PROTO) static int cube_value[] = { 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF *************** *** 7162,7164 **** --- 7162,7165 ---- } } #endif + *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/terminal.c 2019-02-16 13:35:09.841639346 +0100 --- src/terminal.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 66,72 **** char_u *sb_text; // for tl_scrollback_postponed } sb_line_T; ! #ifdef WIN3264 # ifndef HPCON # define HPCON VOID* # endif --- 66,72 ---- char_u *sb_text; // for tl_scrollback_postponed } sb_line_T; ! #ifdef MSWIN # ifndef HPCON # define HPCON VOID* # endif *************** *** 112,118 **** char_u *tl_arg0_cmd; // To format the status bar ! #ifdef WIN3264 void *tl_winpty_config; void *tl_winpty; --- 112,118 ---- char_u *tl_arg0_cmd; // To format the status bar ! #ifdef MSWIN void *tl_winpty_config; void *tl_winpty; *************** *** 172,178 **** /* Terminal active in terminal_loop(). */ static term_T *in_terminal_loop = NULL; ! #ifdef WIN3264 static BOOL has_winpty = FALSE; static BOOL has_conpty = FALSE; #endif --- 172,178 ---- /* Terminal active in terminal_loop(). */ static term_T *in_terminal_loop = NULL; ! #ifdef MSWIN static BOOL has_winpty = FALSE; static BOOL has_conpty = FALSE; #endif *************** *** 324,330 **** static void setup_job_options(jobopt_T *opt, int rows, int cols) { ! #ifndef WIN3264 /* Win32: Redirecting the job output won't work, thus always connect stdout * here. */ if (!(opt->jo_set & JO_OUT_IO)) --- 324,330 ---- static void setup_job_options(jobopt_T *opt, int rows, int cols) { ! #ifndef MSWIN /* Win32: Redirecting the job output won't work, thus always connect stdout * here. */ if (!(opt->jo_set & JO_OUT_IO)) *************** *** 337,343 **** opt->jo_set |= JO_OUT_IO + JO_OUT_BUF + JO_OUT_MODIFIABLE; } ! #ifndef WIN3264 /* Win32: Redirecting the job output won't work, thus always connect stderr * here. */ if (!(opt->jo_set & JO_ERR_IO)) --- 337,343 ---- opt->jo_set |= JO_OUT_IO + JO_OUT_BUF + JO_OUT_MODIFIABLE; } ! #ifndef MSWIN /* Win32: Redirecting the job output won't work, thus always connect stderr * here. */ if (!(opt->jo_set & JO_ERR_IO)) *************** *** 570,576 **** curbuf->b_p_ma = FALSE; set_term_and_win_size(term); ! #ifdef WIN3264 mch_memmove(orig_opt.jo_io, opt->jo_io, sizeof(orig_opt.jo_io)); #endif setup_job_options(opt, term->tl_rows, term->tl_cols); --- 570,576 ---- curbuf->b_p_ma = FALSE; set_term_and_win_size(term); ! #ifdef MSWIN mch_memmove(orig_opt.jo_io, opt->jo_io, sizeof(orig_opt.jo_io)); #endif setup_job_options(opt, term->tl_rows, term->tl_cols); *************** *** 748,754 **** vim_free(buf); *p = ' '; } ! #ifdef WIN3264 else if ((int)(p - cmd) == 4 && STRNICMP(cmd, "type", 4) == 0 && ep != NULL) { --- 748,754 ---- vim_free(buf); *p = ' '; } ! #ifdef MSWIN else if ((int)(p - cmd) == 4 && STRNICMP(cmd, "type", 4) == 0 && ep != NULL) { *************** *** 824,830 **** if (fprintf(fd, "terminal ++curwin ++cols=%d ++rows=%d ", term->tl_cols, term->tl_rows) < 0) return FAIL; ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (fprintf(fd, "++type=%s ", term->tl_job->jv_tty_type) < 0) return FAIL; #endif --- 824,830 ---- if (fprintf(fd, "terminal ++curwin ++cols=%d ++rows=%d ", term->tl_cols, term->tl_rows) < 0) return FAIL; ! #ifdef MSWIN if (fprintf(fd, "++type=%s ", term->tl_job->jv_tty_type) < 0) return FAIL; #endif *************** *** 932,938 **** vim_free(term->tl_opencmd); vim_free(term->tl_eof_chars); vim_free(term->tl_arg0_cmd); ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (term->tl_out_fd != NULL) fclose(term->tl_out_fd); #endif --- 932,938 ---- vim_free(term->tl_opencmd); vim_free(term->tl_eof_chars); vim_free(term->tl_arg0_cmd); ! #ifdef MSWIN if (term->tl_out_fd != NULL) fclose(term->tl_out_fd); #endif *************** *** 1027,1033 **** size_t len = STRLEN(msg); term_T *term = buffer->b_term; ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* Win32: Cannot redirect output of the job, intercept it here and write to * the file. */ if (term->tl_out_fd != NULL) --- 1027,1033 ---- size_t len = STRLEN(msg); term_T *term = buffer->b_term; ! #ifdef MSWIN /* Win32: Cannot redirect output of the job, intercept it here and write to * the file. */ if (term->tl_out_fd != NULL) *************** *** 1471,1477 **** int empty = (buf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY); linenr_T lnum = buf->b_ml.ml_line_count; ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (!enc_utf8 && enc_codepage > 0) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; --- 1471,1477 ---- int empty = (buf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY); linenr_T lnum = buf->b_ml.ml_line_count; ! #ifdef MSWIN if (!enc_utf8 && enc_codepage > 0) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; *************** *** 1875,1881 **** State = TERMINAL; got_int = FALSE; ! #ifdef WIN3264 ctrl_break_was_pressed = FALSE; #endif c = vgetc(); --- 1875,1881 ---- State = TERMINAL; got_int = FALSE; ! #ifdef MSWIN ctrl_break_was_pressed = FALSE; #endif c = vgetc(); *************** *** 2016,2022 **** for (item = l->lv_first; item != NULL; item = item->li_next) { char_u *s = tv_get_string(&item->li_tv); ! #ifdef WIN3264 char_u *tmp = s; if (!enc_utf8 && enc_codepage > 0) --- 2016,2022 ---- for (item = l->lv_first; item != NULL; item = item->li_next) { char_u *s = tv_get_string(&item->li_tv); ! #ifdef MSWIN char_u *tmp = s; if (!enc_utf8 && enc_codepage > 0) *************** *** 2036,2042 **** #endif channel_send(curbuf->b_term->tl_job->jv_channel, PART_IN, s, (int)STRLEN(s), NULL); ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (tmp != s) vim_free(s); #endif --- 2036,2042 ---- #endif channel_send(curbuf->b_term->tl_job->jv_channel, PART_IN, s, (int)STRLEN(s), NULL); ! #ifdef MSWIN if (tmp != s) vim_free(s); #endif *************** *** 2293,2299 **** } #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 /* On Windows winpty handles CTRL-C, don't send a CTRL_C_EVENT. * Use CTRL-BREAK to kill the job. */ if (ctrl_break_was_pressed) --- 2293,2299 ---- } #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN /* On Windows winpty handles CTRL-C, don't send a CTRL_C_EVENT. * Use CTRL-BREAK to kill the job. */ if (ctrl_break_was_pressed) *************** *** 2370,2376 **** goto theend; } } ! # ifdef WIN3264 if (!enc_utf8 && has_mbyte && c >= 0x80) { WCHAR wc; --- 2370,2376 ---- goto theend; } } ! # ifdef MSWIN if (!enc_utf8 && has_mbyte && c >= 0x80) { WCHAR wc; *************** *** 2719,2725 **** // Empty corrupted data of winpty else if (STRNCMP(" - ", (char_u *)value->string, 4) == 0) term->tl_title = NULL; ! #ifdef WIN3264 else if (!enc_utf8 && enc_codepage > 0) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; --- 2719,2725 ---- // Empty corrupted data of winpty else if (STRNCMP(" - ", (char_u *)value->string, 4) == 0) term->tl_title = NULL; ! #ifdef MSWIN else if (!enc_utf8 && enc_codepage > 0) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; *************** *** 3072,3078 **** VIM_CLEAR(term->tl_title); VIM_CLEAR(term->tl_status_text); ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (term->tl_out_fd != NULL) { fclose(term->tl_out_fd); --- 3072,3078 ---- VIM_CLEAR(term->tl_title); VIM_CLEAR(term->tl_status_text); ! #ifdef MSWIN if (term->tl_out_fd != NULL) { fclose(term->tl_out_fd); *************** *** 3184,3190 **** ScreenLinesUC[off] = NUL; } } ! #ifdef WIN3264 else if (has_mbyte && c >= 0x80) { char_u mb[MB_MAXBYTES+1]; --- 3184,3190 ---- ScreenLinesUC[off] = NUL; } } ! #ifdef MSWIN else if (has_mbyte && c >= 0x80) { char_u mb[MB_MAXBYTES+1]; *************** *** 3557,3563 **** } else { ! #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) int tmp; #endif --- 3557,3563 ---- } else { ! #if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) int tmp; #endif *************** *** 3565,3571 **** if (cterm_normal_fg_color > 0) { cterm_color2vterm(cterm_normal_fg_color - 1, fg); ! # if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) tmp = fg->red; fg->red = fg->blue; fg->blue = tmp; --- 3565,3571 ---- if (cterm_normal_fg_color > 0) { cterm_color2vterm(cterm_normal_fg_color - 1, fg); ! # if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) tmp = fg->red; fg->red = fg->blue; fg->blue = tmp; *************** *** 3579,3585 **** if (cterm_normal_bg_color > 0) { cterm_color2vterm(cterm_normal_bg_color - 1, bg); ! # if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) tmp = bg->red; bg->red = bg->blue; bg->blue = tmp; --- 3579,3585 ---- if (cterm_normal_bg_color > 0) { cterm_color2vterm(cterm_normal_bg_color - 1, bg); ! # if defined(MSWIN) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) tmp = bg->red; bg->red = bg->blue; bg->blue = tmp; *************** *** 3922,3928 **** /* For unix do not use a blinking cursor. In an xterm this causes the * cursor to blink if it's blinking in the xterm. * For Windows we respect the system wide setting. */ ! #ifdef WIN3264 if (GetCaretBlinkTime() == INFINITE) value.boolean = 0; else --- 3922,3928 ---- /* For unix do not use a blinking cursor. In an xterm this causes the * cursor to blink if it's blinking in the xterm. * For Windows we respect the system wide setting. */ ! #ifdef MSWIN if (GetCaretBlinkTime() == INFINITE) value.boolean = 0; else *************** *** 5588,5594 **** (int)STRLEN(term->tl_eof_chars), NULL); channel_send(ch, PART_IN, (char_u *)"\r", 1, NULL); } ! # ifdef WIN3264 else /* Default: CTRL-D */ channel_send(ch, PART_IN, (char_u *)"\004\r", 2, NULL); --- 5588,5594 ---- (int)STRLEN(term->tl_eof_chars), NULL); channel_send(ch, PART_IN, (char_u *)"\r", 1, NULL); } ! # ifdef MSWIN else /* Default: CTRL-D */ channel_send(ch, PART_IN, (char_u *)"\004\r", 2, NULL); *************** *** 5604,5610 **** } #endif ! # if defined(WIN3264) || defined(PROTO) /************************************** * 2. MS-Windows implementation. --- 5604,5610 ---- } #endif ! # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /************************************** * 2. MS-Windows implementation. *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/ui.c 2019-01-28 22:32:54.891909109 +0100 --- src/ui.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 40,46 **** /* Don't output anything in silent mode ("ex -s") unless 'verbose' set */ if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) { ! #if !defined(WIN3264) char_u *tofree = NULL; if (output_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE) --- 40,46 ---- /* Don't output anything in silent mode ("ex -s") unless 'verbose' set */ if (!(silent_mode && p_verbose == 0)) { ! #if !defined(MSWIN) char_u *tofree = NULL; if (output_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE) *************** *** 54,60 **** mch_write(s, len); ! # if !defined(WIN3264) if (output_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE) vim_free(tofree); # endif --- 54,60 ---- mch_write(s, len); ! # if !defined(MSWIN) if (output_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE) vim_free(tofree); # endif *************** *** 62,68 **** #endif } ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(PROTO) || defined(WIN3264) /* * When executing an external program, there may be some typed characters that * are not consumed by it. Give them back to ui_inchar() and they are stored --- 62,68 ---- #endif } ! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(PROTO) || defined(MSWIN) /* * When executing an external program, there may be some typed characters that * are not consumed by it. Give them back to ui_inchar() and they are stored *************** *** 3435,3441 **** #endif /* FEAT_MOUSE */ ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(WIN3264) || defined(PROTO) /* * Called when focus changed. Used for the GUI or for systems where this can * be done in the console (Win32). --- 3435,3441 ---- #endif /* FEAT_MOUSE */ ! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /* * Called when focus changed. Used for the GUI or for systems where this can * be done in the console (Win32). *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/undo.c 2019-01-26 17:28:22.236599060 +0100 --- src/undo.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 645,651 **** u_getbot(); } ! #if !defined(UNIX) && !defined(WIN32) /* * With Amiga we can't handle big undo's, because * then u_alloc_line would have to allocate a block larger than 32K --- 645,651 ---- u_getbot(); } ! #if !defined(UNIX) && !defined(MSWIN) /* * With Amiga we can't handle big undo's, because * then u_alloc_line would have to allocate a block larger than 32K *************** *** 1740,1746 **** if (!write_ok) semsg(_("E829: write error in undo file: %s"), file_name); ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* Copy file attributes; for systems where this can only be done after * closing the file. */ if (buf->b_ffname != NULL) --- 1740,1746 ---- if (!write_ok) semsg(_("E829: write error in undo file: %s"), file_name); ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* Copy file attributes; for systems where this can only be done after * closing the file. */ if (buf->b_ffname != NULL) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/version.c 2019-02-17 15:00:48.450637077 +0100 --- src/version.c 2019-02-17 17:32:06.247840630 +0100 *************** *** 222,228 **** #else "-digraphs", #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # ifdef FEAT_DIRECTX "+directx", # else --- 222,228 ---- #else "-digraphs", #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # ifdef FEAT_DIRECTX "+directx", # else *************** *** 481,487 **** #else "-num64", #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # ifdef FEAT_OLE "+ole", # else --- 481,487 ---- #else "-num64", #endif ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # ifdef FEAT_OLE "+ole", # else *************** *** 700,706 **** "-viminfo", #endif "+vreplace", ! #ifdef WIN3264 # ifdef FEAT_VTP "+vtp", # else --- 700,706 ---- "-viminfo", #endif "+vreplace", ! #ifdef MSWIN # ifdef FEAT_VTP "+vtp", # else *************** *** 740,746 **** #else "-xim", #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 # ifdef FEAT_XPM_W32 "+xpm_w32", # else --- 740,746 ---- #else "-xim", #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN # ifdef FEAT_XPM_W32 "+xpm_w32", # else *************** *** 2852,2867 **** */ init_longVersion(); msg(longVersion); ! #ifdef WIN3264 ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # ifdef _WIN64 msg_puts(_("\nMS-Windows 64-bit GUI version")); # else msg_puts(_("\nMS-Windows 32-bit GUI version")); # endif ! # ifdef FEAT_OLE msg_puts(_(" with OLE support")); ! # endif # else # ifdef _WIN64 msg_puts(_("\nMS-Windows 64-bit console version")); --- 2854,2869 ---- */ init_longVersion(); msg(longVersion); ! #ifdef MSWIN ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # ifdef _WIN64 msg_puts(_("\nMS-Windows 64-bit GUI version")); # else msg_puts(_("\nMS-Windows 32-bit GUI version")); # endif ! # ifdef FEAT_OLE msg_puts(_(" with OLE support")); ! # endif # else # ifdef _WIN64 msg_puts(_("\nMS-Windows 64-bit console version")); *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/vim.h 2019-02-14 14:08:01.178543302 +0100 --- src/vim.h 2019-02-17 17:36:58.154209335 +0100 *************** *** 11,18 **** #include "protodef.h" ! /* use fastcall for Borland, when compiling for Win32 */ ! #if defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(WIN32) && !defined(DEBUG) #if defined(FEAT_PERL) || \ defined(FEAT_PYTHON) || \ defined(FEAT_PYTHON3) || \ --- 11,27 ---- #include "protodef.h" ! // _WIN32 is defined as 1 when the compilation target is 32-bit or 64-bit. ! // Note: If you want to check for 64-bit use the _WIN64 macro. ! #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) ! # define MSWIN ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI ! # define FEAT_GUI_MSWIN ! # endif ! #endif ! ! // use fastcall for Borland, when compiling for MS-Windows ! #if defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(MSWIN) && !defined(DEBUG) #if defined(FEAT_PERL) || \ defined(FEAT_PYTHON) || \ defined(FEAT_PYTHON3) || \ *************** *** 29,35 **** # endif #endif ! #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) # include "vimio.h" #endif --- 38,44 ---- # endif #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN # include "vimio.h" #endif *************** *** 103,109 **** || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) # define FEAT_GUI_ENABLED /* also defined with NO_X11_INCLUDES */ # if !defined(FEAT_GUI) && !defined(NO_X11_INCLUDES) --- 112,118 ---- || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) \ ! || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) # define FEAT_GUI_ENABLED /* also defined with NO_X11_INCLUDES */ # if !defined(FEAT_GUI) && !defined(NO_X11_INCLUDES) *************** *** 124,145 **** # define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE #endif - #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) - # define FEAT_GUI_MSWIN - #endif - #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) - # define MSWIN - #endif - /* Practically everything is common to both Win32 and Win64 */ - #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) - # define WIN3264 - #endif - /* * VIM_SIZEOF_INT is used in feature.h, and the system-specific included files * need items from feature.h. Therefore define VIM_SIZEOF_INT here. */ ! #ifdef WIN3264 # define VIM_SIZEOF_INT 4 #endif --- 133,143 ---- # define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE #endif /* * VIM_SIZEOF_INT is used in feature.h, and the system-specific included files * need items from feature.h. Therefore define VIM_SIZEOF_INT here. */ ! #ifdef MSWIN # define VIM_SIZEOF_INT 4 #endif *************** *** 276,282 **** # include "os_amiga.h" #endif ! #ifdef WIN3264 # include "os_win32.h" #endif --- 274,280 ---- # include "os_amiga.h" #endif ! #ifdef MSWIN # include "os_win32.h" #endif *************** *** 456,463 **** # include #endif ! #if defined(HAVE_ERRNO_H) \ ! || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) # include #endif --- 454,460 ---- # include #endif ! #if defined(HAVE_ERRNO_H) || defined(MSWIN) # include #endif *************** *** 509,515 **** #ifndef HAVE_SELECT # ifdef HAVE_SYS_POLL_H # include ! # elif defined(WIN32) # define HAVE_SELECT # else # ifdef HAVE_POLL_H --- 506,512 ---- #ifndef HAVE_SELECT # ifdef HAVE_SYS_POLL_H # include ! # elif defined(MSWIN) # define HAVE_SELECT # else # ifdef HAVE_POLL_H *************** *** 1752,1758 **** #define MB_MAXBYTES 21 #if (defined(FEAT_PROFILE) || defined(FEAT_RELTIME)) && !defined(PROTO) ! # ifdef WIN3264 typedef LARGE_INTEGER proftime_T; # else typedef struct timeval proftime_T; --- 1749,1755 ---- #define MB_MAXBYTES 21 #if (defined(FEAT_PROFILE) || defined(FEAT_RELTIME)) && !defined(PROTO) ! # ifdef MSWIN typedef LARGE_INTEGER proftime_T; # else typedef struct timeval proftime_T; *************** *** 1769,1775 **** #ifdef PROTO typedef long time_T; #else ! # ifdef WIN3264 typedef __time64_t time_T; # else typedef time_t time_T; --- 1766,1772 ---- #ifdef PROTO typedef long time_T; #else ! # ifdef MSWIN typedef __time64_t time_T; # else typedef time_t time_T; *************** *** 2005,2011 **** # define SELECT_MODE_WORD 1 # define SELECT_MODE_LINE 2 ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 # ifdef FEAT_OLE # define WM_OLE (WM_APP+0) # endif --- 2002,2008 ---- # define SELECT_MODE_WORD 1 # define SELECT_MODE_LINE 2 ! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN # ifdef FEAT_OLE # define WM_OLE (WM_APP+0) # endif *************** *** 2103,2109 **** #endif # if defined(FEAT_EVAL) \ ! && (!defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ || !(defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) || defined(GLOBAL_IME))) \ && !(defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) && defined(MACOS_CONVERT)) /* Whether IME is supported by im_get_status() defined in mbyte.c. --- 2100,2106 ---- #endif # if defined(FEAT_EVAL) \ ! && (!defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ || !(defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) || defined(GLOBAL_IME))) \ && !(defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) && defined(MACOS_CONVERT)) /* Whether IME is supported by im_get_status() defined in mbyte.c. *************** *** 2115,2121 **** #if defined(FEAT_XIM) \ || defined(IME_WITHOUT_XIM) \ ! || (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) \ && (defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) || defined(GLOBAL_IME))) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) /* im_set_active() is available */ --- 2112,2118 ---- #if defined(FEAT_XIM) \ || defined(IME_WITHOUT_XIM) \ ! || (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \ && (defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) || defined(GLOBAL_IME))) \ || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) /* im_set_active() is available */ *************** *** 2129,2135 **** /* This must come after including proto.h. * For VMS this is defined in macros.h. */ ! #if !defined(WIN3264) && !defined(VMS) # define mch_open(n, m, p) open((n), (m), (p)) # define mch_fopen(n, p) fopen((n), (p)) #endif --- 2126,2132 ---- /* This must come after including proto.h. * For VMS this is defined in macros.h. */ ! #if !defined(MSWIN) && !defined(VMS) # define mch_open(n, m, p) open((n), (m), (p)) # define mch_fopen(n, p) fopen((n), (p)) #endif *************** *** 2169,2175 **** #endif /* stop using fastcall for Borland */ ! #if defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(WIN32) && !defined(DEBUG) #pragma option -p. #endif --- 2166,2172 ---- #endif /* stop using fastcall for Borland */ ! #if defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(MSWIN) && !defined(DEBUG) #pragma option -p. #endif *************** *** 2461,2467 **** # define MAX_OPEN_CHANNELS 0 #endif ! #if defined(WIN32) # define MAX_NAMED_PIPE_SIZE 65535 #endif --- 2458,2464 ---- # define MAX_OPEN_CHANNELS 0 #endif ! #if defined(MSWIN) # define MAX_NAMED_PIPE_SIZE 65535 #endif *************** *** 2579,2585 **** # define ELAPSED_FUNC(v) elapsed(&v) typedef struct timeval elapsed_T; long elapsed(struct timeval *start_tv); ! #elif defined(WIN32) # define ELAPSED_TICKCOUNT # define ELAPSED_INIT(v) v = GetTickCount() # define ELAPSED_FUNC(v) elapsed(v) --- 2576,2582 ---- # define ELAPSED_FUNC(v) elapsed(&v) typedef struct timeval elapsed_T; long elapsed(struct timeval *start_tv); ! #elif defined(MSWIN) # define ELAPSED_TICKCOUNT # define ELAPSED_INIT(v) v = GetTickCount() # define ELAPSED_FUNC(v) elapsed(v) *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/vim.rc 2016-08-29 22:42:21.000000000 +0200 --- src/vim.rc 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 23,29 **** // IDR_VIM ICON "vim.ico" ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32 IDR_VIM_ERROR ICON "vim_error.ico" IDR_VIM_ALERT ICON "vim_alert.ico" IDR_VIM_INFO ICON "vim_info.ico" --- 23,29 ---- // IDR_VIM ICON "vim.ico" ! #ifdef FEAT_GUI IDR_VIM_ERROR ICON "vim_error.ico" IDR_VIM_ALERT ICON "vim_alert.ico" IDR_VIM_INFO ICON "vim_info.ico" *************** *** 46,52 **** #endif CREATEPROCESS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID RT_MANIFEST "gvim.exe.mnf" ! #endif // FEAT_GUI_W32 // // Type Library --- 46,52 ---- #endif CREATEPROCESS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID RT_MANIFEST "gvim.exe.mnf" ! #endif // FEAT_GUI // // Type Library *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/winclip.c 2019-01-24 17:18:37.599462306 +0100 --- src/winclip.c 2019-02-17 17:29:18.560788817 +0100 *************** *** 22,28 **** * posix environment. */ #ifdef FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD ! # define WIN3264 # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include # include "" --- 22,28 ---- * posix environment. */ #ifdef FEAT_CYGWIN_WIN32_CLIPBOARD ! # define MSWIN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include # include "" *************** *** 299,305 **** VimClipType_t metadata = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; char_u *str = NULL; ! #if defined(WIN3264) char_u *to_free = NULL; #endif HGLOBAL rawh = NULL; --- 299,305 ---- VimClipType_t metadata = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; char_u *str = NULL; ! #if defined(MSWIN) char_u *to_free = NULL; #endif HGLOBAL rawh = NULL; *************** *** 361,367 **** } if (str == NULL) { ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* Try to get the clipboard in Unicode if it's not an empty string. */ if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT) && metadata.ucslen != 0) { --- 361,367 ---- } if (str == NULL) { ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* Try to get the clipboard in Unicode if it's not an empty string. */ if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT) && metadata.ucslen != 0) { *************** *** 417,423 **** break; } ! #if defined(WIN3264) /* The text is in the active codepage. Convert to * 'encoding', going through UTF-16. */ acp_to_enc(str, str_size, &to_free, &maxlen); --- 417,423 ---- break; } ! #if defined(MSWIN) /* The text is in the active codepage. Convert to * 'encoding', going through UTF-16. */ acp_to_enc(str, str_size, &to_free, &maxlen); *************** *** 454,460 **** if (rawh != NULL) GlobalUnlock(rawh); CloseClipboard(); ! #if defined(WIN3264) vim_free(to_free); #endif } --- 454,460 ---- if (rawh != NULL) GlobalUnlock(rawh); CloseClipboard(); ! #if defined(MSWIN) vim_free(to_free); #endif } *************** *** 471,477 **** HGLOBAL hMemRaw = NULL; HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; HGLOBAL hMemVim = NULL; ! # if defined(WIN3264) HGLOBAL hMemW = NULL; # endif --- 471,477 ---- HGLOBAL hMemRaw = NULL; HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; HGLOBAL hMemVim = NULL; ! # if defined(MSWIN) HGLOBAL hMemW = NULL; # endif *************** *** 508,514 **** metadata.rawlen = 0; } ! # if defined(WIN3264) { WCHAR *out; int len = metadata.txtlen; --- 508,514 ---- metadata.rawlen = 0; } ! # if defined(MSWIN) { WCHAR *out; int len = metadata.txtlen; *************** *** 590,596 **** { SetClipboardData(cbd->format, hMemVim); hMemVim = 0; ! # if defined(WIN3264) if (hMemW != NULL) { if (SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hMemW) != NULL) --- 590,596 ---- { SetClipboardData(cbd->format, hMemVim); hMemVim = 0; ! # if defined(MSWIN) if (hMemW != NULL) { if (SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hMemW) != NULL) *************** *** 611,617 **** GlobalFree(hMemRaw); if (hMem) GlobalFree(hMem); ! # if defined(WIN3264) if (hMemW) GlobalFree(hMemW); # endif --- 611,617 ---- GlobalFree(hMemRaw); if (hMem) GlobalFree(hMem); ! # if defined(MSWIN) if (hMemW) GlobalFree(hMemW); # endif *************** *** 746,752 **** return enc_str; } ! #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(PROTO) /* * Convert from the active codepage to 'encoding'. * Input is "str[str_size]". --- 746,752 ---- return enc_str; } ! #if defined(MSWIN) || defined(PROTO) /* * Convert from the active codepage to 'encoding'. * Input is "str[str_size]". *** ../vim-8.1.0940/src/version.c 2019-02-17 15:00:48.450637077 +0100 --- src/version.c 2019-02-17 17:32:06.247840630 +0100 *************** *** 781,782 **** --- 781,784 ---- { /* Add new patch number below this line */ + /**/ + 941, /**/ -- Lower life forms have more fun! /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\ /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\ \\\ an exciting new programming language -- /// \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///