; EmEditor Syntax File ; kixtart.esy - KiXtart syntax file. 4/21/2002 ; ; To import this file to an existing configuration, select Configuration ; under the Tool menu, select Define Configurations, select a configuration ; you want to import to, press [Properties], select the Highlight page, and ; press [Import]. ; #Highlight=on #BeginTag= #EndTag= #CommentBegin= #CommentEnd= #LineComment1=; #LineComment2= #SingleQuote=off #DoubleQuote=on #ContinueQuote=off #Escape= #ScriptBegin= #ScriptEnd= #SpecialSyntax=off #HighlightBraces=on #Keyword color=4,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off ? : ; BEEP BIG BREAK CALL CD CLS COLOR COOKIE1 COPY DEBUG DEL DIM DISPLAY DO UNTIL EXIT FLUSHKB FOR EACH FOR NEXT FUNCTION GET GETS GLOBAL GO GOSUB GOTO IF ELSE ENDIF MD PLAY QUIT RD REDIM RETURN RUN SELECT CASE SET SETL SETM SETTIME SHELL SLEEP SMALL USE WHILE LOOP #Keyword color=5,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off AddKey AddPrinterConnection AddProgramGroup AddProgramItem Asc At BackupEventLog Box Chr ClearEventLog Close CompareFileTimes CreateObject DecToHex DelKey DelPrinterConnection DelProgramGroup DelProgramItem DelTree DelValue Dir EnumGroup EnumIpInfo EnumKey EnumLocalGroup EnumValue Execute Exist ExpandEnvironmentVars GetDiskSpace GetFileAttr GetFileSize GetFileTime GetFileVersion GetObject InGroup InStr InStrRev KbHit KeyExist LCase Len Left LoadHive LoadKey LogEvent Logoff LTrim MessageBox Open ReadLine ReadProfileString ReadType ReadValue RedirectOutput Right Rnd RTrim SaveKey SendKeys SendMessage SetAscii SetConsole SetDefaultPrinter SetFileAttr SetFocus SetOption SetSystemState SetTitle SetWallpaper ShowProgramGroup ShutDown SidToName Split SRnd Substr Trim Ubound UCase UnloadHive Val VarType VarTypeName WriteLine WriteProfileString WriteValue #Keyword color=1,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off @Address @Build @Comment @CRLF @CSD @CurDir @Date @Day @Domain @DOS @Error @FullName @HomeDir @HomeDrive @HomeShr @HostName @InWin @IPAddressX @KiX @LanRoot @LDomain @LDrive @LM @LongHomeDir @LServer @MaxPWAge @MDayNo @MonthNo @Month @MSecs @PrimaryGroup @Priv @ProductSuite @ProductType @PWAge @RAS @RServer @ScriptDir @SError @SID @Site @StartDir @SysLang @Ticks @Time @UserID @UserLang @WDayNo @Wksta @WUserID @YDayNo @Year #Keyword color=6,word=on,rightall=off,case=off,insidetag=off Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Workstation Windows NT Server Windows NT Domain Controller Windows 2000 Professional Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Domain Controller Windows XP Home Edition Windows XP Professional Windows XP Server Windows XP Domain Controller