--[==[ modified by M. Palmer from: David Kolf's JSON module for Lua 5.1/5.2 (Version 2.1) In this abridged version, the lpeg library is never used, and the corresponding settings and functions have been removed. The remainder of the code remains unchanged. ------ This module writes no global values, not even the module table. Import it using json = require ("dkjsonmod") Exported functions and values: `json.encode (object [, state])` -------------------------------- Create a string representing the object. `Object` can be a table, a string, a number, a boolean, `nil`, `json.null` or any object with a function `__tojson` in its metatable. A table can only use strings and numbers as keys and its values have to be valid objects as well. It raises an error for any invalid data types or reference cycles. `state` is an optional table with the following fields: - `indent` When `indent` (a boolean) is set, the created string will contain newlines and indentations. Otherwise it will be one long line. - `keyorder` `keyorder` is an array to specify the ordering of keys in the encoded output. If an object has keys which are not in this array they are written after the sorted keys. - `level` This is the initial level of indentation used when `indent` is set. For each level two spaces are added. When absent it is set to 0. - `buffer` `buffer` is an array to store the strings for the result so they can be concatenated at once. When it isn't given, the encode function will create it temporary and will return the concatenated result. - `bufferlen` When `bufferlen` is set, it has to be the index of the last element of `buffer`. - `tables` `tables` is a set to detect reference cycles. It is created temporary when absent. Every table that is currently processed is used as key, the value is `true`. When `state.buffer` was set, the return value will be `true` on success. Without `state.buffer` the return value will be a string. `json.decode (string [, position [, null]])` -------------------------------------------- Decode `string` starting at `position` or at 1 if `position` was omitted. `null` is an optional value to be returned for null values. The default is `nil`, but you could set it to `json.null` or any other value. The return values are the object or `nil`, the position of the next character that doesn't belong to the object, and in case of errors an error message. Two metatables are created. Every array or object that is decoded gets a metatable with the `__jsontype` field set to either `array` or `object`. If you want to provide your own metatables use the syntax json.decode (string, position, null, objectmeta, arraymeta) `.__jsonorder` ------------------------- `__jsonorder` can overwrite the `keyorder` for a specific table. `.__jsontype` ------------------------ `__jsontype` can be either `"array"` or `"object"`. This is mainly useful for tables that can be empty. (The default for empty tables is `"array"`). `.__tojson (self, state)` ------------------------------------ You can provide your own `__tojson` function in a metatable. In this function you can either add directly to the buffer and return true, or you can return a string. On errors nil and a message should be returned. `json.null` ----------- You can use this value for setting explicit `null` values. `json.version` -------------- Set to `"dkjson 2.1"`. `json.quotestring (string)` --------------------------- Quote a UTF-8 string and escape critical characters using JSON escape sequences. This function is only necessary when you build your own `__tojson` functions. `json.addnewline (state)` ------------------------- When `state.indent` is set, add a newline to `state.buffer` and spaces according to `state.level`. LPeg support ------------ (removed) You can contact the author by sending an e-mail to 'kolf' at the e-mail provider 'gmx.de'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 David Heiko Kolf* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]==] -- global dependencies: local pairs, type, tostring, tonumber, getmetatable, setmetatable, rawset = pairs, type, tostring, tonumber, getmetatable, setmetatable, rawset local error, require, pcall = error, require, pcall local floor, huge = math.floor, math.huge local strrep, gsub, strsub, strbyte, strchar, strfind, strlen, strformat = string.rep, string.gsub, string.sub, string.byte, string.char, string.find, string.len, string.format local concat = table.concat if _VERSION == 'Lua 5.1' then local function noglobals (s,k,v) error ("global access: " .. k, 2) end setfenv (1, setmetatable ({}, { __index = noglobals, __newindex = noglobals })) end local _ENV = nil -- blocking globals in Lua 5.2 local json = { version = "dkjson 2.1" } pcall (function() -- Enable access to blocked metatables. -- Don't worry, this module doesn't change anything in them. local debmeta = require "debug".getmetatable if debmeta then getmetatable = debmeta end end) json.null = setmetatable ({}, { __tojson = function () return "null" end }) local function isarray (tbl) local max, n, arraylen = 0, 0, 0 for k,v in pairs (tbl) do if k == 'n' and type(v) == 'number' then arraylen = v if v > max then max = v end else if type(k) ~= 'number' or k < 1 or floor(k) ~= k then return false end if k > max then max = k end n = n + 1 end end if max > 10 and max > arraylen and max > n * 2 then return false -- don't create an array with too many holes end return true, max end local escapecodes = { ["\""] = "\\\"", ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n", ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\t"] = "\\t" } local function escapeutf8 (uchar) local value = escapecodes[uchar] if value then return value end local a, b, c, d = strbyte (uchar, 1, 4) a, b, c, d = a or 0, b or 0, c or 0, d or 0 if a <= 0x7f then value = a elseif 0xc0 <= a and a <= 0xdf and b >= 0x80 then value = (a - 0xc0) * 0x40 + b - 0x80 elseif 0xe0 <= a and a <= 0xef and b >= 0x80 and c >= 0x80 then value = ((a - 0xe0) * 0x40 + b - 0x80) * 0x40 + c - 0x80 elseif 0xf0 <= a and a <= 0xf7 and b >= 0x80 and c >= 0x80 and d >= 0x80 then value = (((a - 0xf0) * 0x40 + b - 0x80) * 0x40 + c - 0x80) * 0x40 + d - 0x80 else return "" end if value <= 0xffff then return strformat ("\\u%.4x", value) elseif value <= 0x10ffff then -- encode as UTF-16 surrogate pair value = value - 0x10000 local highsur, lowsur = 0xD800 + floor (value/0x400), 0xDC00 + (value % 0x400) return strformat ("\\u%.4x\\u%.4x", highsur, lowsur) else return "" end end local function fsub (str, pattern, repl) -- gsub always builds a new string in a buffer, even when no match -- exists. First using find should be more efficient when most strings -- don't contain the pattern. if strfind (str, pattern) then return gsub (str, pattern, repl) else return str end end local function quotestring (value) -- based on the regexp "escapable" in https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js value = fsub (value, "[%z\1-\31\"\\\127]", escapeutf8) if strfind (value, "[\194\216\220\225\226\239]") then value = fsub (value, "\194[\128-\159\173]", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\216[\128-\132]", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\220\143", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\225\158[\180\181]", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\226\128[\140-\143\168\175]", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\226\129[\160-\175]", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\239\187\191", escapeutf8) value = fsub (value, "\239\191[\176\191]", escapeutf8) end return "\"" .. value .. "\"" end json.quotestring = quotestring local function addnewline2 (level, buffer, buflen) buffer[buflen+1] = "\n" buffer[buflen+2] = strrep (" ", level) buflen = buflen + 2 return buflen end function json.addnewline (state) if state.indent then state.bufferlen = addnewline2 (state.level or 0, state.buffer, state.bufferlen or #(state.buffer)) end end local encode2 -- forward declaration local function addpair (key, value, prev, indent, level, buffer, buflen, tables, globalorder) local kt = type (key) if kt ~= 'string' and kt ~= 'number' then return nil, "type '" .. kt .. "' is not supported as a key by JSON." end if prev then buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "," end if indent then buflen = addnewline2 (level, buffer, buflen) end buffer[buflen+1] = quotestring (key) buffer[buflen+2] = ":" return encode2 (value, indent, level, buffer, buflen + 2, tables, globalorder) end encode2 = function (value, indent, level, buffer, buflen, tables, globalorder) local valtype = type (value) local valmeta = getmetatable (value) valmeta = type (valmeta) == 'table' and valmeta -- only tables local valtojson = valmeta and valmeta.__tojson if valtojson then if tables[value] then return nil, "reference cycle" end tables[value] = true local state = { indent = indent, level = level, buffer = buffer, bufferlen = buflen, tables = tables, keyorder = globalorder } local ret, msg = valtojson (value, state) if not ret then return nil, msg end tables[value] = nil buflen = state.bufferlen if type (ret) == 'string' then buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = ret end elseif value == nil then buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "null" elseif valtype == 'number' then local s if value ~= value or value >= huge or -value >= huge then -- This is the behaviour of the original JSON implementation. s = "null" else s = tostring (value) end buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = s elseif valtype == 'boolean' then buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = value and "true" or "false" elseif valtype == 'string' then buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = quotestring (value) elseif valtype == 'table' then if tables[value] then return nil, "reference cycle" end tables[value] = true level = level + 1 local metatype = valmeta and valmeta.__jsontype local isa, n if metatype == 'array' then isa = true n = value.n or #value elseif metatype == 'object' then isa = false else isa, n = isarray (value) end local msg if isa then -- JSON array buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "[" for i = 1, n do buflen, msg = encode2 (value[i], indent, level, buffer, buflen, tables, globalorder) if not buflen then return nil, msg end if i < n then buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "," end end buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "]" else -- JSON object local prev = false buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "{" local order = valmeta and valmeta.__jsonorder or globalorder if order then local used = {} n = #order for i = 1, n do local k = order[i] local v = value[k] if v then used[k] = true buflen, msg = addpair (k, v, prev, indent, level, buffer, buflen, tables, globalorder) prev = true -- add a seperator before the next element end end for k,v in pairs (value) do if not used[k] then buflen, msg = addpair (k, v, prev, indent, level, buffer, buflen, tables, globalorder) if not buflen then return nil, msg end prev = true -- add a seperator before the next element end end else -- unordered for k,v in pairs (value) do buflen, msg = addpair (k, v, prev, indent, level, buffer, buflen, tables, globalorder) if not buflen then return nil, msg end prev = true -- add a seperator before the next element end end if indent then buflen = addnewline2 (level - 1, buffer, buflen) end buflen = buflen + 1 buffer[buflen] = "}" end tables[value] = nil else return nil, "type '" .. valtype .. "' is not supported by JSON." end return buflen end function json.encode (value, state) state = state or {} local oldbuffer = state.buffer local buffer = oldbuffer or {} local ret, msg = encode2 (value, state.indent, state.level or 0, buffer, state.bufferlen or 0, state.tables or {}, state.keyorder) if not ret then error (msg, 2) elseif oldbuffer then state.bufferlen = ret return true else return concat (buffer) end end local function loc (str, where) local line, pos, linepos = 1, 1, 1 while true do pos = strfind (str, "\n", pos, true) if pos and pos < where then line = line + 1 linepos = pos pos = pos + 1 else break end end return "line " .. line .. ", column " .. (where - linepos) end local function unterminated (str, what, where) return nil, strlen (str) + 1, "unterminated " .. what .. " at " .. loc (str, where) end local function scanwhite (str, pos) while true do pos = strfind (str, "%S", pos) if not pos then return nil end if strsub (str, pos, pos + 2) == "\239\187\191" then -- UTF-8 Byte Order Mark pos = pos + 3 else return pos end end end local escapechars = { ["\""] = "\"", ["\\"] = "\\", ["/"] = "/", ["b"] = "\b", ["f"] = "\f", ["n"] = "\n", ["r"] = "\r", ["t"] = "\t" } local function unichar (value) if value < 0 then return nil elseif value <= 0x007f then return strchar (value) elseif value <= 0x07ff then return strchar (0xc0 + floor(value/0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) elseif value <= 0xffff then return strchar (0xe0 + floor(value/0x1000), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x40) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) elseif value <= 0x10ffff then return strchar (0xf0 + floor(value/0x40000), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x1000) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x40) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) else return nil end end local function scanstring (str, pos) local lastpos = pos + 1 local buffer, n = {}, 0 while true do local nextpos = strfind (str, "[\"\\]", lastpos) if not nextpos then return unterminated (str, "string", pos) end if nextpos > lastpos then n = n + 1 buffer[n] = strsub (str, lastpos, nextpos - 1) end if strsub (str, nextpos, nextpos) == "\"" then lastpos = nextpos + 1 break else local escchar = strsub (str, nextpos + 1, nextpos + 1) local value if escchar == "u" then value = tonumber (strsub (str, nextpos + 2, nextpos + 5), 16) if value then local value2 if 0xD800 <= value and value <= 0xDBff then -- we have the high surrogate of UTF-16. Check if there is a -- low surrogate escaped nearby to combine them. if strsub (str, nextpos + 6, nextpos + 7) == "\\u" then value2 = tonumber (strsub (str, nextpos + 8, nextpos + 11), 16) if value2 and 0xDC00 <= value2 and value2 <= 0xDFFF then value = (value - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (value2 - 0xDC00) + 0x10000 else value2 = nil -- in case it was out of range for a low surrogate end end end value = value and unichar (value) if value then if value2 then lastpos = nextpos + 12 else lastpos = nextpos + 6 end end end end if not value then value = escapechars[escchar] or escchar lastpos = nextpos + 2 end n = n + 1 buffer[n] = value end end if n == 1 then return buffer[1], lastpos elseif n > 1 then return concat (buffer), lastpos else return "", lastpos end end local scanvalue -- forward declaration local function scantable (what, closechar, str, startpos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) local len = strlen (str) local tbl, n = {}, 0 local pos = startpos + 1 if what == 'object' then setmetatable (tbl, objectmeta) else setmetatable (tbl, arraymeta) end while true do pos = scanwhite (str, pos) if not pos then return unterminated (str, what, startpos) end local char = strsub (str, pos, pos) if char == closechar then return tbl, pos + 1 end local val1, err val1, pos, err = scanvalue (str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) if err then return nil, pos, err end pos = scanwhite (str, pos) if not pos then return unterminated (str, what, startpos) end char = strsub (str, pos, pos) if char == ":" then if val1 == nil then return nil, pos, "cannot use nil as table index (at " .. loc (str, pos) .. ")" end pos = scanwhite (str, pos + 1) if not pos then return unterminated (str, what, startpos) end local val2 val2, pos, err = scanvalue (str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) if err then return nil, pos, err end tbl[val1] = val2 pos = scanwhite (str, pos) if not pos then return unterminated (str, what, startpos) end char = strsub (str, pos, pos) else n = n + 1 tbl[n] = val1 end if char == "," then pos = pos + 1 end end end scanvalue = function (str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) pos = pos or 1 pos = scanwhite (str, pos) if not pos then return nil, strlen (str) + 1, "no valid JSON value (reached the end)" end local char = strsub (str, pos, pos) if char == "{" then return scantable ('object', "}", str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) elseif char == "[" then return scantable ('array', "]", str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) elseif char == "\"" then return scanstring (str, pos) else local pstart, pend = strfind (str, "^%-?[%d%.]+[eE]?[%+%-]?%d*", pos) if pstart then local number = tonumber (strsub (str, pstart, pend)) if number then return number, pend + 1 end end pstart, pend = strfind (str, "^%a%w*", pos) if pstart then local name = strsub (str, pstart, pend) if name == "true" then return true, pend + 1 elseif name == "false" then return false, pend + 1 elseif name == "null" then return nullval, pend + 1 end end return nil, pos, "no valid JSON value at " .. loc (str, pos) end end function json.decode (str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) objectmeta = objectmeta or {__jsontype = 'object'} arraymeta = arraymeta or {__jsontype = 'array'} return scanvalue (str, pos, nullval, objectmeta, arraymeta) end return json