% Shaky.m4 .PS gen_init copy "HOMELIB_`'dpictools.pic" divert(-1) `shakyline(linespec,type,s=shake,[shakevals]) Draw a line with a tremor arg3: s=shake parameter (default 1) arg4=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given' define(`shakyline', `rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1')) M4_start: last line.start M4_end: last line.end [ Start: M4_start End: M4_end llen = distance(Start,End) npts = round_(llen/linewid*4) setkey_($3,s,1) if "$4"=="" then { randn(d,npts-1,0,m4s*(llen/npts/8)) }\ else { for i=1 to npts-1 do { d[i] = $4[i]*m4s*(llen/npts/8) }} P[0]: Start for i=1 to npts-1 do { P[i]: i/npts between Start and End + (vec_(0,d[i])) } P[npts]: End spline $2 from P[0] to P[1] for i=2 to npts do { continue to P[i] } ] with .Start at last line.start; move to last line.end') `shakyarc(arcspec,type,s=shake,[shakevals]) Draw an arc with a tremor arg3: s=shake parameter (default 1) arg4=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given' define(`shakyarc', `arc invis $1 M4_start: last arc.start M4_end: last arc.end M4_C: last arc.c [ Start: M4_start End: M4_end C: M4_C as = atan2(Start.y-C.y,Start.x-C.x) ae = atan2(End.y-C.y,End.x-C.x) ar = distance(Start,C) llen = abs(ar*(ae-as)) npts = round_(llen/linewid*4) setkey_($3,s,1) if "$4"=="" then { randn(d,npts-1,0,m4s*(llen/npts/8)) }\ else { for i=1 to npts-1 do { d[i] = $4[i]*m4s*(llen/npts/8) }} P[0]: Start for i=1 to npts-1 do { P[i]: C + (rect_(ar+d[i],as+i/npts*(ae-as))) } P[npts]: End spline $2 from P[0] to P[1] for i=2 to npts do { continue to P[i] } ] with .Start at last arc.start; move to last arc.end') `shakyspline(points,type,s=shake,[shakevals]) Draw a spline with a tremor arg3: s=shake parameter (default 1) arg4=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given' define(`shakyspline', `rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1')) M4_start: last line.start M4_end: last line.end [ Start: M4_start End: M4_end llen = distance(Start,End) npts = round_(llen/linewid*4) setkey_($3,s,1) if "$4"=="" then { randn(d,npts-1,0,m4s*(llen/npts/8)) }\ else { for i=1 to npts-1 do { d[i] = $4[i]*m4s*(llen/npts/8) }} P[0]: Start for i=1 to npts-1 do { P[i]: i/npts between Start and End + (vec_(0,d[i])) } P[npts]: End spline $2 from P[0] to P[1] for i=2 to npts do { continue to P[i] } ] with .Start at last line.start; move to last line.end') `shakyfitcurve(V,n,linetype, m (default 0),s=val,[shakevals]) Like fitcurve but the control points are perturbed arg5: s=shake parameter (default 1) arg6=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given' define(`shakyfitcurve',` {[ m4fn = `$2'; m4fm = ifelse(`$4',,0,`$4') M4P_[0]: `$1'[m4fm] setkey_($5,s,1) # if "$6"=="" then { !!!! # else { for i=1 to npts-1 do { d[i] = $5[i]*m4s*(llen/npts/8) }} for i=m4fm+1 to m4fn-1 do { M4P_[i-m4fm]: `$1'[i]*(4/3) } M4P_[m4fn-m4fm]: `$1'[m4fn] n = m4fn-m4fm # forward substitution M4P_[1]: M4P_[1]-M4P_[0]/6 d[1] = 1 for i = 2 to n-1 do { M4P_[i]: M4P_[i]-M4P_[i-1]/(d[i-1]*6) d[i] = 1-1/d[i-1]/36 } # backward substitution for i= n-1 to 1 by -1 do { M4P_[i]: (M4P_[i]-M4P_[i+1]/6)/d[i] } # draw using computed control points spline 0.55 `$3' from M4P_[0] to 11/32 between M4P_[0] and M4P_[1] \ then to 5/32 between M4P_[1] and M4P_[2] for i=2 to n-2 do { continue to M4P_[i] } continue to 27/32 between M4P_[n-2] and M4P_[n-1] \ then to 21/32 between M4P_[n-1] and M4P_[n] then to M4P_[n] ] with .M4P_[0] at `$1'[ifelse(`$4',,0,`$4')]} ') divert(0) #shakyline hwid = 2 [ nn = 1000 nb = 13 randn(x,nn) histbins(x,nn,,,nb,y) #for i=0 to nb-1 do { print y[i] } for i=0 to nb-1 do { dot(at (i/nb*hwid,y[i]/nn*2)) } line from (0,0) to (hwid,0) chop 0 chop -0.1 -> ] array(y, 0, 5, 1, 7, 7, 26, 58, 77, 95, 89, 83, 65, 54, 24, 29, 10, 8, 11, 5, 3, 4, 1) nb = 22 nn = 662 [ for i=1 to nb do { dot(at ((i-1)/nb*hwid,y[i]/nn*2)) } line from (0,0) to (hwid,0) chop 0 chop -0.1 -> ] with .nw at last [].sw + (0,-1) [ linethick = 2.5 round(,,colored "gray") nl = 10 for i=1 to nl do { shakyline(right 6/nl up 2*(2*pmod(i,2)-1),colored "gray",s=1) round(,,colored "gray") } ] with .nw at last [].sw +(0,-1) [ linethick = 2.5 na = 3 arcrad = 1 for i=1 to na do { shakyarc(,colored "gray",s=1) } ] with .nw at last [].sw +(0,-1) [ linethick = 2.5 na = 3 arcrad = 2 for i=1 to na do { shakyarc(,colored "gray",s=1) } ] with .sw at last [].se +(1,0) .PE