% Loglog.m4' .PS gen_init s_init(Loglog) sinclude(tst.dim) define(`rint',`sign(`$1')*int(abs(`$1')+.5)') S:[ horiz = 4 vert = horiz*2/3 tmax = 10 tmin = 1 vmax = 100 vmin = 0.1 tic = 0.08 denv = log(vmax) - log(vmin) denh = log(tmax) - log(tmin) Origin: Here define(`coord', `Origin+((log(`$1')-log(tmin))/denh*horiz,(log(`$2')-log(vmin))/denv*vert)') thinlines_ # Left axes and labels psset_(linecolor=gray) vm = log(vmin); if vm!=0 then { vm=rint(vm) } vM = log(vmax); if vM!=0 then { vM=rint(vM) } for i = vm to vM do { move to coord(tmin,exp(i)) { s_box(\sf %g,exp(i)) rjust ifgpic(`at Here-(0.05,0)') } line right horiz if i < rint(log(vmax)) then { for j = 2 to 9 do { move to coord(tmin,j*exp(i)) { line right horiz } if (j==2) || (j==5) then { s_box(\sf %g,j*exp(i)) rjust ifgpic(`at Here-(0.05,0)') } } } } #Horizontal axis and labels tm = log(tmin); if tm!=0 then { tm=rint(tm) } tM = log(tmax); if tM!=0 then { tM=rint(tM) } for t = tm to tM do { move to coord(exp(t),vmin) { s_box(\sf %g,exp(t)) below ifgpic(`at Here-(0,0.05)') } line up vert if t < rint(log(tmax)) then { for j = 2 to 9 do { move to coord(j*exp(t),vmin) { line up vert } if (j==2) || (j==5) then { s_box(\sf %g,j*exp(t)) below ifgpic(`at Here-(0,0.05)') } } } } psset_(linecolor=black) # arrow from Origin up vert chop 0 chop -.1 line from Origin up vert s_box($y(t)$) at Origin+(-.1,.5*vert) rjust # arrow from Origin right horiz chop 0 chop -.1 line from Origin right horiz s_box($t$) at Origin+(.5*horiz,-.1) below thicklines_ alpha = 2.5 beta = 3.0 tm = max(tmin,(vmin/alpha)^(1/beta)) tM = min(tmax,(vmax/alpha)^(1/beta)) line from coord(tm,alpha*tm^beta) to coord(tM,alpha*tM^beta) f_box(invis fill_(1),`$y(t) = %g\,t^{%g}$',alpha,beta) \ with .sw at coord(2.1,11) alpha = 0.05 beta = 2.0 tm = max(tmin,(vmin/alpha)^(1/beta)) tM = min(tmax,(vmax/alpha)^(1/beta)) line from coord(tm,alpha*tm^beta) to coord(tM,alpha*tM^beta) f_box(invis fill_(1),`$y(t) = %g\,t^{%g}$',alpha,beta) \ with .se at coord(4.6,1.1) ] # box wid S.wid ht S.ht at S # print (S.wid,S.ht)/(1 pc__) .PE