% IC10107.m4 .PS log_init right_ pinlen = 2*NOT_rad hunit = AND_wd*L_unit*1.6 B: box invis wid hunit*4 ht hunit*2 psep = hunit/2 nrad = B.ht*0.06 line from B.w+(0,nrad) to B.nw then to B.ne then to B.se then to B.sw \ then to B.w-(0,nrad) arc ccw to Here+(0,2*nrad) with .c at B.w for i = 1 to 8 do { line down pinlen from B.sw+(psep/2,0)+((i-1)*psep,0) sprintf("\small\sf%g",i) below exec sprintf("P%g: last line.start",i) line up pinlen from B.ne-(psep/2,0)-((i-1)*psep,0) sprintf("\small\sf%g",8+i) above exec sprintf("P%g: last line.start",8+i) } G1: OR_gen(2,PIBANEONSEC) with .Out at P12.x-pinlen,B.y+B.ht/4 G2: OR_gen(2,PIBANNEOSEC) with .Out at B.e.x-4*pinlen,B.y left_ G3: OR_gen(2,PIBANEONSEC) with .NE at P3.x,B.y-B.ht/4-AND_ht/6*L_unit line from G3.N_NSE.w to (P2,G3.N_NSE) then to P2 line from P3 to G3.NE line right pinlen from G3.In1 then down 2*pinlen contline to (P4,Here) then to P4 line from G3.In2 to (P5,G3.In2) then to P5 line from G2.In2 left pinlen then down 2*pinlen contline to (P9,Here) then to P9 line from G2.In1 left pinlen*2 then down G2.In1.y-G2.In2.y+3*pinlen contline to (P7,Here) then to P7 line from G2.SE right NOT_rad+2*pinlen then up B.n.y-pinlen-G2.SE.y contline to (P10,Here) then to P10 line from G2.N_NNE.e right pinlen then up B.n.y-2*pinlen-G2.N_NNE.y contline to (P11,Here) then to P11 line from P12 to (P12,G1.N_NSE) then to G1.N_NSE.e line from P13 down pinlen contline to (G1.NE,Here) then to G1.NE line from G1.In1 to (P14,G1.In1) then to P14 line from G1.In2 to (P15,G1.In2) then to P15 .PE