% Byte.m4 .PS gen_init ifelse(ifmpost(T)`'ifpostscript(T),,`command "{\sf"') boxht = 0.2 boxwid = 3.8 define leftlabel { {"$1" at last box.w ljust} } ifdpic(` down_ Lab[0]: box; leftlabel( B0STDISBL (reset pin is enabled) ) Lab[1]: box; leftlabel( WDTON (WDT not always on) ) Lab[2]: box; leftlabel( SPIEN (allow serial programming) ) Lab[3]: box; leftlabel( CKOPT (full output swing) ) Lab[4]: box; leftlabel( EESAVE (don\char39{}t preserve EEPB0OM over chip erase)) Lab[5]: box; leftlabel( BOOTSZ1 ) Lab[6]: box; leftlabel( BOOTSZ0 ) Lab[7]: box; leftlabel( BOOTB0ST (boot reset vector at 0x0000) ) boxwid = boxht left_ B0:box "1" with .e at Lab[0].nw + (0.75,0.5) box "0" box "0" box "1" box "0" box "0" box "1" box "1" box wid 2*boxht "0xc9" for i=0 to 7 do { spline -> ht arrowht*0.7 from B0.s-(i*boxht,0) down boxht/4 \ then to Lab[0].nw-((i+1)*boxht/2,0) \ then down Lab[0].nw.y-Lab[i].y then to Lab[i].w }', `box wid 1 ht 0.75 "Byte.m4" "requires" "dpic"') ifelse(ifmpost(T)`'ifpostscript(T),,`command "}"') .PE