% `bi_trans.m4' .PS sinclude(CMman.dim) s_init(bitrans) ifdef(`bitrans_1',,`sinclude(tst.dim)') cct_init [[ Q: bi_trans(,,BCuEBUS) s_box($C$) at Q.C below s_box($B$) at Q.B above s_box($E$) at Q.E below thinlines_ M4_xyO: Q.M4_xyO spline <- from tr_xy(0,5.25) left 0.1 then up 0.15 left 0.15 s_box(\tt B) above spline <- from 0.5 right 0.1 then right 0.15 up 0.15 s_box(\tt C) ljust spline <- from 0.7 up 0.1 then right 0.15 up 0.15 s_box(\tt BU) above spline <- from 0.7 left 0.1 then left 0.15 up 0.15 s_box(\tt uE) rjust arrow <- from Q.Bulk.start+vec_(vscal_(m4_U,0,0.5)) up 0.15 left 0.15 s_box(\tt S) above rjust arrow <- from Q.Bulk.end up 0.1 right 0.1 s_box($\;\;$\tt S) above ] s_box(\tt bi\_trans(,,BCuEBUS)) at last [].s below ] [[ Q2: bi_trans(,,BCdE2BU) s_box($C$) at Q2.C below s_box($B$) at Q2.B above thinlines_ M4_xyO: Q2.M4_xyO arrow <- from Q2.E0 down 0.1 right 0.1; s_box($\;\;E0$) below arrow <- from Q2.E2 down 0.1 left 0.1; s_box($E2\;\;$) below arrow <- from Q2.E1 down 0.1 ; s_box($E1$) below spline <- from 0.4 left 0.1 then up 0.15 left 0.15 s_box($Em2\;\;$) above ] s_box(\tt bi\_trans(,,BCdE2BU)) at last [].s below ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.5,0) [[ Q2: bi_trans(,,BC2dEBU) s_box($E$) at Q2.E below s_box($B$) at Q2.B above thinlines_ M4_xyO: Q2.M4_xyO arrow <- from Q2.C0 down 0.1 left 0.1; s_box($C0\;\;$) below arrow <- from Q2.C2 down 0.1 right 0.1; s_box($\;\;C2$) below arrow <- from Q2.C1 down 0.1 ; s_box($C1$) below spline <- from 0.4 right 0.1 then up 0.15 right 0.15 s_box($Cm2\;\;$) above ] s_box(\tt bi\_trans(,,BC2dEBU)) at last [].s below ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.5,0) .PE