% Windings.m4 ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifmpost(T)`'ifpostscript(T)`'ifpgf(T),, `PSTricks, MetaPost, PGF, or Postscript required for Windings.m4',`dnl .PS cct_init s_init(Windings) ifdef(`Windings_1',,`sinclude(FWindings.dim)') sinclude(CMman.dim) ifdef(`Windings_1',,`sinclude(tst.dim)') ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifpgf(T),T,`\definecolor{vlight}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9}') ifpostscript(`define(`vlight',0.9 0.9 0.9)define(`lightgray',0.7 0.7 0.7)') ifmpost(`define(`vlight',`(0.9,0.9,0.9)')define(`lightgray',`(0.7,0.7,0.7)')') [ W: winding ] s_box(\tt w{}inding) at last [].s below [ winding(R) ] with .n at last "".s+(0,-0.1) s_box(\tt w{}inding(R)) at last [].s below [ sk = 0.75 d = 1.5*sk p = 0.4*sk w = 1*sk W: winding(L,d,p,4,w,vlight) thinlines_ dimension_(from W.nw+(p/4,0) right p,0.1,s_box(\tt pitch\strut) above,W) dimension_(from W.sw to W.nw,0.2,s_box(\tt diam),H) dimension_(from W.e+(-p/2,-w/2) up w,-0.3,,s_ht) s_box(\tt\hfill core wid) at W.e ljust arrow <- up d-w+0.1 left d/10 from W.ne+(-p/2,-(d-w)) s_box(\tt core color) at Here+(-0.2,0) ljust above thicklines_ ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.25,0) "\tt T1" at last [].W.T1 below "\tt T2" at last [].W.T2 below [ #`winding(L|R, diam, pitch, nturns, core wid, core color )' boxwid = 0.3 boxht = 0.4 down_ B1: box winding(,boxwid*1.3,boxht/5,3,boxwid) at B1 "Left pins" "cw" at B1.s+(0,-0.15) for_(1,2,1,`"\sl\small T`'m4x" at last [].T`'m4x rjust') B2: box at B1.e + (0.5,0) winding(R,boxwid*1.3,boxht/5,3,boxwid) at B2 "Left pins" "ccw" at B2.s+(0,-0.15) for_(1,2,1,`"\sl\small T`'m4x" at last [].T`'m4x rjust') up_ B3: box at B1.s + (0,-0.55) winding(,boxwid*1.3,boxht/5,3,boxwid) at B3 "Right pins" "cw" at B3.s+(0,-0.15) for_(1,2,1,`"\sl\small T`'m4x" at last [].T`'m4x ljust') B4: box at (B2,B3) winding(R,boxwid*1.3,boxht/5,3,boxwid) at B4 "Right pins" "ccw" at B4.s+(0,-0.15) for_(1,2,1,`"\sl\small T`'m4x" at last [].T`'m4x ljust') ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.1,0) [ Q: box invis ht 1 wid 5/4 g = Q.wid/12 ironwid = Q.wid/4.5 line thick ironwid/(1bp__)+linethick from Q.n+(g/2-linethick/2 bp__,0) \ to Q.ne then to Q.se then to Q.sw then to Q.nw \ then to Q.n+(-g/2+linethick/2 bp__,0) ifmpost(`rgbdraw(0.7,0.7,0.7,') line thick ironwid/(1bp__)-linethick outlined "lightgray" \ from Q.n+(g/2+linethick/2 bp__,0) \ to Q.ne then to Q.se then to Q.sw then to Q.nw \ then to Q.n+(-g/2-linethick/2 bp__,0) ifmpost(`)') thinlines_ dimension_(from Q.n+(-g/2,-ironwid/2) right g,-ironwid/4, "$g$" below,1,2pt__) thicklines_ down_ P: winding(R,ironwid*5/4,ironwid/2,4,ironwid,lightgray) at Q.w line left ironwid*2/3 from P.T1 arrow right to P.T1 "$i_1$" above line left ironwid*2/3 from P.T2 gap(up_ to 2nd last line.end) llabel(-,s_box($v_1$),+) "$N_1$" at P.e ljust up_ S: winding(L,ironwid*5/4,ironwid/2,4,ironwid,lightgray) at Q.e line right ironwid*2/3 from S.T2 arrow left to S.T2 "$i_2$" above line right ironwid*2/3 from S.T1 gap(up_ to 2nd last line.end) rlabel(-,s_box($v_2$),+) "$N_2$" at S.w rjust box dashed rad ironwid/4 wid Q.wid ht Q.ht at Q arrow right arrowht from 0.5 between Q.n and Q.ne "$\phi$" ljust at Here+(0,5pt__) move up ironwid/2 from Q.n move down ironwid/2 from Q.s ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.15,0) .PE')