// Slide demo. // Command-line options to enable stepping and/or reverse video: // asy [-u stepping=true] [-u reverse=true] slidedemo orientation=Landscape; settings.tex="pdflatex"; import slide; // Optional movie modules: import animate; // For portable embedded PDF movies access external; // For portable external movies access embed; // For non-portable embedded movies usersetting(); titlepage("Slides with {\tt Asymptote}: Animations","John C. Bowman", "University of Alberta","\today","http://asymptote.sf.net"); title("Embedded PDF movies (portable)"); animation a=animation("A"); animation b=animation("B"); int n=20; for(int i=0; i < 2n; ++i) { picture pic; size(pic,100); draw(pic,shift(0,sin(pi/n*i))*unitsquare); a.add(pic); if(i < 1.5n) b.add(rotate(45)*pic); } display(a.pdf("autoplay,loop,controls",multipage=false)); display(b.pdf("controls",multipage=false)); // Generated needed files if they don't already exist. asy("mp4","wheel"); title("External Movie (portable)"); display(external.embed("wheel.mp4",20cm,5.6cm)); display(external.link("wheel.mp4")); title("Embedded Movie (not portable)"); display(embed.embed("wheel.mp4",20cm,5.6cm)); display(embed.link("wheel.mp4"));