About Jakarta







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Binary Downloads

We make binary versions of our code for the convenience of our users. In general, binaries are meant for developers who want to use the Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies (versus those who want to "hack" the technologies in order to integrate them into other products).

Depending on what kind of user you are, you'll want to use a particular type of build. We divide our available binaries into the following categories:

  • Release Builds
  • Milestone Builds
  • Nightly Builds
  • Demo Builds

Release Builds are those that are ready for Prime Time. This build is "as good as it gets!"

Milestone Builds are those that are somewhat stable but not crystal-clean. We have some confidence in them, but they are buggy and should only be used by advanced users who want to explore future product direction or take advantage of new features. For developers, these builds serve as a mechanism to track progress towards a release.

Nightly Builds are those that are very unstable (a.k.a. dynamite!). We have no confidence in them. They are for developers who are helping to develop the technology and want "the latest bits." Use at your own risk!

Demo Builds are useful for showing demonstrations of our products. For example, we packaged a sample Velocity application with a minimal distribution of Tomcat 3.x and 4.x.

To get the actual source code, click here.

Note only recent builds can be downloaded from this page. If you are looking for an older release please see here.

Release Builds

Using a mirror

We recommend you use a mirror to download our release builds, but you must verify the integrity of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directories. The KEYS link next to the product links to the code signing keys used to sign the product. The PGP link downloads the OpenPGP compatible signature from our main site and the MD5 downloads the checksum also from the main site.

Not all our builds are available through mirrors yet.

You are currently using http://apache.mirror.mcgill.ca. If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (at the end of the mirrors list) that should be available.

Other mirrors:


Cactus KEYS

Commons Beanutils KEYS

Commons Betwixt KEYS

Commons CLI unsigned

Commons Codec KEYS

Commons Collections unsigned

Commons DbUtils KEYS

Commons Digester KEYS


Commons Discovery KEYS

Commons EL KEYS

Commons FileUpload KEYS

Commons HttpClient unsigned

Commons JXPath KEYS

Commons Lang KEYS

Commons Logging KEYS

Commons Latka KEYS

Commons Modeler KEYS

Commons Net KEYS

Commons Pool KEYS

Commons Primitives KEYS

Commons Validator KEYS


Apache James KEYS

Jetspeed KEYS


Log4j KEYS

Lucene KEYS

ORO unsigned

POI unsigned


Slide KEYS

Struts KEYS

Taglibs KEYS

Tomcat 3 KEYS

Tomcat 4.1.29 KEYS

Tomcat 5.0.16 KEYS

Tomcat Web Server Connectors KEYS

Turbine KEYS

Velocity KEYS

Velocity Tools KEYS

Milestone Builds

Nightly Builds
  • Latest development JARs for all products (monitored by Gump)
    Some browsers may not be able to download JARs as binary files. If you click on the link the browser does not offer to download it, you may need to try another browser.

Demo Builds

The Apache Archives

Older releases are retained by the Apache Software Foundation but are moved into a special archive area.

Other Jakarta Releases

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