eIDconfig-belgium Configuration toolkit for the Belgian eID middleware The eIDconfig-belgium application allows easy configuration of applications that can work with the Belgian eID card. eIDconfig-belgium Configuration toolkit for the Belgian eID middleware The eIDconfig-belgium application allows easy configuration of applications that can work with the Belgian eID card. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/eIDconfig-belgium/SLE_11/ SUSE:SLE-11 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 base. To be used for SLES 11 and SLED 11 packages This repository contains the status of GA. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/SUSE:/SLE-11/standard/ eIDconfig-belgium Configuration toolkit for the Belgian eID middleware eIDconfig-belgium aims at easing the configuration of both the Belgian eID middleware and applications that can use this middleware to interact with the Belgian eID card. eID-belgium Belgian eID middleware This PKCS11 library can be used for cryptographic operations with the Belgian electronic identity card. For example, you could use it to authenticate yourself (for example, on a Web site) or for signing electronic documents with a legally binding signature.