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If /etc/raidtab is not in sync with the real array configuration, then a --force will DESTROY ALL YOUR DATA. It's especially dangerous to use -f if the array is in degraded mode. PLEASE dont mention the --really-force flag in any email, documentation or HOWTO, just suggest the --force flag instead. Thus everybody will read this warning at least once :) It really sucks to LOSE DATA. If you are confident that everything will go ok then you can use the --really-force flag. Also, if you are unsure what this is all about, dont hesitate to ask questions on linux-raid@vger.rutgers.edu cannot determine md version: %s Couldn't open %s -- %s --all not possible for mkraid! raid0run--dangerous-no-resync not possible for raid0run! --upgrade not possible for raid0run! --really-force not possible for raid0run! --force not possible for raid0run! Unknown command %s %18s: %d major_versionutimemd_minorraid_disksnr_diskssizeminor_versionpatch_versionctimelevelstateactive_disksworking_disksfailed_disksspare_diskslayoutchunk_sizenumbermajorminorraid_diskleft-asymmetricright-asymmetricleft-symmetricright-symmetricraiddevraid-levelraid level %d not supported lineartranslucentnr-raid-diskspersistent-superblocknr-spare-disksnr-spare-disks must be zero for raid level %d parity-algorithmparity-algorithm undefined for raid level %d chunk-sizeinvalid chunk-size (%dkB) deviceout of memory a maximum of %d devices in a set is supported raid-diskraid-disk should be smaller than raid_disks "device" line expected spare-diskspare-disk not supported for raid level %d parity-diskparity_disk only supported for raid level 4 failed-diskfailed-disk should be smaller than raid_disks failed-disk not supported for raid level %d unrecognized option %s couldn't allocate configuration entry %s %s detected error on line %d: %sCannot handle %dk chunks. Defaulting to %dk chunk_size must be an integral number of k /dev/urandom%s: already running C0?%s: not running! %s: old kernel? %s: device already read-write! %s: not an MD device! C0?%s: old kernel! %s: already stopped C0?%s: can not hot-add disk: disk does not exist! disk busy! array not running! invalid argument. too small disk! kernel does not support hot-add! C0?%s: can not hot-remove disk: disk not in array! kernel does not support hot-remove! C0?D`x%s: can not set disk faulty: C0?TTTTTTTTTTTTT8TTTTT` cannot determine md version: %s /dev/md0/dev/md/0(%2ld%% done; ~%d:%02d left %d:%02d elapsed [%.1f KB/sec])C0?%s: file doesn't exist! changed preferred minor to %d (md%d) strange superblock, order of disks mixed up?... upgrading RAID disk %d: major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d => to major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d changed chunksize to %d weird superblock ... couldn't call stat() disk preferred minor %d (md%d) MD ID: %x Changing MD version from %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d. cannot downgrade array ... array needs no upgrade Conforms to MD version: %d.%d.%d preferred minor %d (md%d) gvalid_words: %d Raid set ID: %x Creation time: %sUpdate time: %s (clean)State: %d%s Raid level: %d Individual disk size: %uMB (%ukB) Total number of disks: %d Number of raid disks: %d Number of active disks: %d Number of working disks: %d Number of failed disks: %d Number of spare disks: %d Disk %d: major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d, faultyoperationalactivenot activesyncnot in syncstate: %d (%s, %s, %s) Parity algorithm: %d (%s) unknownChunk size: %dkB r/etc/mtab%s is mounted %s appears to be already part of a raid array -- use -f to force the destruction of the old superblock %s appears to contain an ext2 filesystem -- use -f to override cannot upgrade magic-less superblock on %s ... new superblock: could not write new superblock! sb->minor after write: %d upgrading superblock on %s ... old superblock: %s: not an MD device! handling MD device %s analyzing super-blockraid_disks + spare_disks != nr_disks disk %d: %s, %ukB, raid superblock at %dkB disk %d: %s, failed %s: device too small (%dkB) couldn't get device size for %s -- %s couldn't open device %s -- %s invalid chunk-size (%dkB) raid_disk conflict on %s and %s (%d) raid_disk for %s (%d) > nr_disks (%d) couldn't call stat() on device %s -- %s raid level %d can't have more than 1 failed disk /md/proc/mdstatinactive%s: active -- run raidstop option type not implemented in poptalias/etc/poptHOME%s/.popt_POPT_ALIASES--missing argumentnumber too large or too smallinvalid numeric valueerror in paramter quotingaliases nested too deeplyunknown errorunknown optionlxلٔ٬٠٬ٸTC0@C0=AC0@C0;0pzR|A <0(A8X|@( ssst( F  P kd  L   o dooN!D.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.sdata2.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.data.got2.dynamic.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.sdata.sbss.bss 44 DD !dd' /7o|Do d d@S  ]  g P P(m x x_dskk yll(((((DD0<DD  44 @@ bL@(@@