# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit autotools flag-o-matic xdg-utils FETCH_P="${PN}_"$(ver_rs 3 '-') MY_PV=$(ver_cut 1-3) DESCRIPTION="A free C++ Computer Algebra System library and its interfaces" HOMEPAGE="https://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/giac.html" SRC_URI="https://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/debian/dists/stable/main/source/${FETCH_P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~x86" LANGS="el en es pt" IUSE="ao doc +ecm examples gc +glpk gui test" for X in ${LANGS} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} l10n_${X}" done # nauty and cliquer are automagical dependencies RDEPEND="dev-libs/gmp:=[cxx(+)] sys-libs/readline:= gui? ( x11-libs/fltk[opengl] media-libs/libpng:= ) ao? ( media-libs/libao ) dev-libs/mpfr:= sci-libs/mpfi sci-libs/gsl:= sci-mathematics/pari:=[threads] dev-libs/ntl:= virtual/lapack virtual/blas net-misc/curl sci-mathematics/cliquer sci-mathematics/nauty ecm? ( sci-mathematics/gmp-ecm ) glpk? ( sci-mathematics/glpk ) gc? ( dev-libs/boehm-gc )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" BDEPEND="dev-tex/hevea virtual/pkgconfig app-alternatives/yacc" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.6.0-pari-2.11.patch" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-" ) REQUIRED_USE="test? ( gui )" # The mirror restriction is due to the French documentation for which # "Other kind of redistributions require the consent of the copyright # holder." RESTRICT="!test? ( test ) mirror" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}" src_prepare() { default eautoreconf } src_configure() { append-cxxflags -std=c++14 # bug 788283 if use gui; then append-cppflags -I$(fltk-config --includedir) append-lfs-flags # Get the big-L flags from fltk's LDFLAGS. append-ldflags $(fltk-config --ldflags | sed -e 's/\(-L\S*\)\s.*/\1/') fi # Using libsamplerate is currently broken # # The giac build system supports --docdir, but the path /usr/share/giac/doc # is hard-coded throughout the source code, so passing anything else to # ./configure --docdir just causes problems. Later, we'll put things right. # # micropython is for specific use in an upstream project, so is quickjs. # Note that disabling fltk is not a real option. It just skip autodetection # but doesn't disable compiling against fltk. png is needed as part of fltk # support. # # As of, --{en,dis}able-gui is no op. The only way to disable gui is # use the fltk enable flag. econf \ --enable-gmpxx \ --disable-samplerate \ --disable-micropy \ --disable-quickjs \ --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/giac/doc \ $(use_enable gui fltk) \ $(use_enable gui png) \ $(use_enable ao) \ $(use_enable ecm) \ $(use_enable glpk) \ $(use_enable gc) } src_install() { docompress -x "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"{aide_cas,doc,examples} emake install DESTDIR="${D}" # Move all of /usr/share/giac (which contains only documentation) to # its /usr/share/doc/${PF} counterpart. dodir /usr/share/doc mv "${ED}"/usr/share/giac "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" || die # and create a symlink from the original location to the new one dosym "./doc/${PF}" /usr/share/giac # This is duplicated in ${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples rm -r "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc/Exemples" || die # These aren't supposed to be installed at all. find "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" -type f -name 'Makefile*' -delete || die # The French docs are not freely licensed according to the README. rm -r "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc/fr" || die dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README TROUBLES if ! use gui; then rm -rf \ "${ED}"/usr/bin/x* \ "${ED}"/usr/share/application-registry \ "${ED}"/usr/share/applications \ "${ED}"/usr/share/icons \ || die "failed to clean up fltk files" fi if ! use doc; then rm -r "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc" || die "failed to remove doc directory" else for lang in ${LANGS}; do if use l10n_$lang; then dosym ../aide_cas "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc/${lang}/aide_cas" else rm -r "${ED}/usr/share/giac/doc/${lang}" \ || die "failed to remove ${lang} documentation" fi done fi if ! use examples; then rm -r "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples" \ || die "failed to remove examples" fi find "${ED}" -type f -name '*.la' -delete || die } pkg_postinst() { if use gui; then xdg_desktop_database_update xdg_icon_cache_update fi } pkg_postrm() { if use gui; then xdg_desktop_database_update xdg_icon_cache_update fi }